Gran Turismo 7 vs. Gran Turismo Sport: Side-by-Side Screenshots

  • Thread starter Famine
It's not a fully next gen game anyway. It's meant to be playable on a decade old hardware. An overhead shot from a non open world game would literally look like a mid 2000's PC game because they're not meant to be seen that way.View attachment 1083550
There is a difference between someone hacking the game to get those views and the developer including them in their trailers though.
Best comparisons done by anyone on this site by a long shot.
@emula, why did this post upset you so much that you tagged a poop on it? :lol: I have to give credit where it's due, it's definitely the most accurate comparisons we've seen so far, everything down to the angles and composition, nothing else has really come close. It's ok for someone else to be able to do these besides you, no need to take offense to it.

But many here have said that the graphics are not affected by the Crossgen decision that much, only the physics and AI.

Obviously, there are limitations after all.

That's really disappointing.
It's not that the graphics aren't affected, but people were looking forward to the progression in that department that would have come with a full next gen game.
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@emula, why did this post upset you so much that you tagged a poop on it? :lol: I have to give credit where it's due, it's definitely the most accurate comparisons we've seen so far, everything down to the angles and composition, nothing else has really come close. It's ok for someone else to be able to do these besides you, no need to take offense to it.
Everyone knows that the only intent of that post was to attack me (as usual)
Everyone knows that the only intent of that post was to attack me (as usual)
:lol: Your ego is mighty big isn't it? Thanks for the laughs!

Just a heads up, you're not the only person to ever do comparisons on this site :).
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:lol: Your ego is mighty big isn't it? Thanks for the laughs!

Just a heads up, you're not the only person to ever do comparisons on this site :).


What a coincidence! It's my ego for sure, not you obsession against me... no no :lol:
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What a coincidence! It's my ego for sure, not you obsession against me... no no
Just another heads up, people are allowed to be better than you at things :). Try not to dive too deep into your own conspiracy theories. If it’s a personal attack I recommend you reporting it so @Famine can address it, because that’s actually against the AUP. I’ve done comparisons myself, so I must be attacking my self as well?:confused:
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Just another heads up, people are allowed to be better than you at things :). Try not to dive too deep into your own conspiracy theories. If it’s a personal attack I recommend you reporting it so @Famine can address it, because that’s actually against the AUP. I’ve done comparisons myself, so I must be attacking my self as well?:confused:
I hope there will be a lot of people making comparisons better than mine, so I can avoid a lot of work :)
I'm not too worried about scapes. It's cool for sure, and is already excellent in GTS. There is stuff in the gfx-engine when lapping that needs improving from GTS to GT7. I found shadows on cars to be quite poor in GTS, when driving on bright sunny days and watching replays. Lots of banding. Dull days, look more realistic due to this.

One issue with "next-gen", and what we see as little improvement is, that GTS looks amazing. The car models are awesome. After many patches, everything got smoother/refined. But Kaz shot himself in the foot. IMHO he over-designed cars, which were already nice as premium models in previous GT games. So, it meant he couldn't deliver his promises. This was all down to 4K marketing.

I'd like him to promise less, and deliver more for GT7. Many long term fans didn't buy recent iterations of GT. That should trouble him deeply. Breaking your word isn't cool. Being a developer has to be hard though, your audience value different things. I'd love Rally to feature as much in GT7 as it did in GT4. I guess under 3% of core fans care about Rally though lol.

Hopefully we'll all get information that we want to see, in the months leading to release. There will likely be more videos much closer to release too.

There is a difference between someone hacking the game to get those views and the developer including them in their trailers though.
Ehh. Not a big deal to me. Cherry picking a single shot is just not my cup of tea.
Being a fan of hillclimbing and trackdays I only use VR in timetrial ( ps4 pro) , and it's a game changer for me I'm hoping the vr on gt7 will be a couple of steps up from gt sport ..I'm not committing to it until its confirmed , if not I'll make the expensive more to pc ..
What's the point of comparing photomode between the two games? Neither represents how the game actually looks during races, and the shots taken in the photomode are always prettied up by higher resolutions and various effects

The original article is useless
Don't forget that GT7 is a game that is being held off by a 8 year old hardware.
You dont know that. Probably just GT Sport with a new GUI and some new feature and you think you have a new game. Game was probably going to be what it is on PS5 anyway. Now that its on PS4 too some are thinking its being held back. I don't think so. It was already developed when they announced it for PS4 so they just turned down the PS4 version so it would run on PS4. Good for me.
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What's the point of comparing photomode between the two games? Neither represents how the game actually looks during races, and the shots taken in the photomode are always prettied up by higher resolutions and various effects

The original article is useless
It's to compare the photos between two games. Seems pretty straightforward.

You dont know that. Probably just GT Sport with a new GUI and some new feature and you think you have a new game. Game was probably going to be what it is on PS5 anyway. Now that its on PS4 too some are thinking its being held back. I don't think so. It was already developed when they announced it for PS4 so they just turned down the PS4 version so it would run on PS4. Good for me.
Yes we do. There is no answer that wouldn't result in it being held back because of old hardware. This game likely wouldn't have been all it would have been on the PS5, because for one thing, PD always focus's on Visual Fidelity first and foremost, so they definitely would have been able to do more in that department. Really, everything would have benefitted more from it being on PS5 only. You don't just tone down, you build with the lowest console in mind and go up from there. If the lowest console can't run it, then it stifles the possibilities of the PS5 capabilities.
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What's the point of comparing photomode between the two games? Neither represents how the game actually looks during races, and the shots taken in the photomode are always prettied up by higher resolutions and various effects

The original article is useless
I mean, the photomode has become a pretty significant part of the gameplay of Gran Turismo. It wouldn't surprise me if half their development resources went into supporting the photomode. You can not like it, but the people who play the photomode part of the game definitely want to see what has been improved.
Just another heads up, people are allowed to be better than you at things :). Try not to dive too deep into your own conspiracy theories. If it’s a personal attack I recommend you reporting it so @Famine can address it, because that’s actually against the AUP. I’ve done comparisons myself, so I must be attacking my self as well?:confused:
It‘s super obvious why you made that post...

Oh and btw, can you tell me where the comparison shots from the article are so much better by a longshot then for example @emula s latest ones?
It‘s super obvious why you made that post...

Oh and btw, can you tell me where the comparison shots from the article are so much better by a longshot then for example @emula s latest ones?
No, get over it and move on with your life instead of whining. I’m not here to help you stroke someone else’s ego off.
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Very small differences, not willing to spent my hard earned money on PS5 for that , was expecting more.
How about the performance though? PS4 might not keep up with the next gen version in terms of performance.
Truly egocentric people are those who look down on the work of others (yes, it is a hardowork to do them in a coherent and attractive way).

Do not be discouraged @emula , he is blinded by his ego.
how is saying that the comparisons that @Famine did are great, looking down on others and when does ego come in to play saying that? That’s an outright stupid thing to try to link. I never even mentioned anything about anyone else’s being bad in the first place. The thought process that must go into some of these long grasps must be tiring.
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The menu graphics are great but its a racing game, they need to focus on what you see while you're racing
♪ I see trees of green, red Mazdas too... ♪

Trees. We see trees while we're racing.

On the ground, grass and foliage are the only things I can think of that need improvement; the cars are virtually flawless (at the right LoD), the roads are quite roady, humans are good enough, the trees and grass are the only things that really look out of place.

Looking up to the top half of the screen, GTS had many nice skyboxes, and many that looked 'dirty' (Bathurst noon), as well as a few with obvious seams (cloudy Sardegna). Now we're returning to dynamic skies, and more dynamic than on PS3, with cloud formation and stuff. I'm being serious, improvements to the sky will massively improve qualitative assessments of how the game looks, that and better global illumination (or at least better management of contrast in a dark car with a bright sun.)

The comparison I'm waiting to see is how the night sky looks, whether we'll get the amazing views of the Milky Way that GT6 had, usually only afforded by dark sky parks, or if they'll tone it down in the interest of having realistic light pollution (hope not, but anything would be better than GT Sport's few starless night skyboxes where the moon looks like a smudge.)
♪ I see trees of green, red Mazdas too... ♪

Trees. We see trees while we're racing.

On the ground, grass and foliage are the only things I can think of that need improvement; the cars are virtually flawless (at the right LoD), the roads are quite roady, humans are good enough, the trees and grass are the only things that really look out of place.

Looking up to the top half of the screen, GTS had many nice skyboxes, and many that looked 'dirty' (Bathurst noon), as well as a few with obvious seams (cloudy Sardegna). Now we're returning to dynamic skies, and more dynamic than on PS3, with cloud formation and stuff. I'm being serious, improvements to the sky will massively improve qualitative assessments of how the game looks, that and better global illumination (or at least better management of contrast in a dark car with a bright sun.)

The comparison I'm waiting to see is how the night sky looks, whether we'll get the amazing views of the Milky Way that GT6 had, usually only afforded by dark sky parks, or if they'll tone it down in the interest of having realistic light pollution (hope not, but anything would be better than GT Sport's few starless night skyboxes where the moon looks like a smudge.)

I dont know, to me the key is doing the fundamentals like trackside scenery right first. Focusing on the milky way instead is just peak PD though
I dont know, to me the key is doing the fundamentals like trackside scenery right first. Focusing on the milky way instead is just peak PD though
Indeed. They've been so hit and miss for some reason in the HD era. Some tracks have looked really nice trackside with lots of unique scenery and others look like they spent 5 minutes putting a few trees and rocks down and called it a day. Or in the case of Saint Croix, spent all their time modelling an absurd suspension bridge and seemingly didn't have time left for much else but trees and barriers.
Next gen differences are overated nowadays, the differences will never be like they used to be.
To render a game from last gen consoles that were checkboarded or basic 1080p to native 4k60 on next gen consoles is taking most of the next gen render budget alone.
I cant see a true next gen gt8 looking much different to what we will expect to see with gt7.
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I’ll reference tracks like Sardegna, Nurburgring, Dragons Trail, Lago, and similar tracks with mountain ranges. With the foggy conditions, it’ll be interesting to see fog lifting as the race progresses. Whether by time factor or just changing conditions. I guess seeing the ceiling change at DTS & DTG, will be interesting down the front straight. Heavy fog at Nurb in some sections and maybe wet at one half of the circuit, dry at another part. That’s if PD program those kind of conditions.
Those trees on the Nurb are gorgeous. Hopefully all trees look like that everywhere mid-to-close to tracks.

Not sure how they look when stationary though.