GT Car Viewer: A tool to view Gran Turismo cars...

  • Thread starter Leo2236
Hi to all.

I've develop a tool that able to view GT 3D models of cars, the tool already can view all the cars but only that are stored inside CARCADE.DAT for the moment also theres some bugs with polygons in a few cars that need to be fixed. The tool can export any car(main body only) to *.OBJ so it could be then imported in some 3D modeler also the textures could be exported as a single image in *.BMP format. So if anybody is interesting here it's.

GT Car Viewer v0.1b:

Note: Do not use downloader it's problematic I've heard, so before downloading uncheck the related checkbox.

GT Car Viewer v0.1b.EXE (623.09 KB)
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I suppose I could even though I don't know much about GT2 cars format plus right now my main interest is to create a track viewer for the GT, so maybe in the future who knows!?
The tool itself doesn't support other 3D format beside OBJ but you could use MilkShape 3D(for instance) to easily convert OBJ to 3DS, don't know about VEH and A3D though.

BTW HERE is the page for the tool, any future updates will be uploaded there at first.
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You welcome, unfortunately the tool doesn't allow importing custom textures for the cars nor the custom cars geometry well at least not yet. I know how to decompress cars and the texture but I don't know how to compress them back, so right now the tool allows only export cars and the textures to some common formats like OBJ and BMP respectively. I just hope that the future versions of this tool will allow to do what you're asking.
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What tools for exporting tracks will there be? There was Texture and Model exporting for the cars so how much extra work would it take for a track?
Ah Photon Rez from NFS4 I miss NFS4.
One of the reason I personally like NFS4[PSX] more that any other race game is because of the soundtracks that it have.

What tools for exporting tracks will there be? There was Texture and Model exporting for the cars so how much extra work would it take for a track?
Most likely the first release will not have any export option/s but only will provide with the ability to view GT tracks and this is my first goal, of course later on I'll try to add some export options for models/textures. Making GTTV it's much more complex than it was with GTCV one of the reason is faces in CAR theres only two types of faces triangles and quads but in PS(track) theres 8(that I know so far) different types of faces plus theres some other stuff that need to be documented which will take some time. Anyway at this point the tool can only successfully view one track and now I'm trying to make it work with other track as well, theres 63 tracks in COURSE.DAT so theres a way to go.

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Most likely the first release will not have any export option/s but only will provide with the ability to view GT tracks and this is my first goal, of course later on I'll try to add some export options for models/textures. Making GTTV it's much more complex than it was with GTCV one of the reason is faces in CAR theres only two types of faces triangles and quads but in PS(track) theres 8(that I know so far) different types of faces plus theres some other stuff that need to be documented which will take some time. Anyway at this point the tool can only successfully view one track and now I'm trying to make it work with other track as well, theres 63 tracks in COURSE.DAT so theres a way to go.

Would it be safe to say that a major portion of the 63 Tracks in Course.DAT are tracks used exclusively for License Tests? On a rough count, I'm up to about 30 tracks used in Arcade Mode, Races in Simulation Mode and the Hi-Fi tracks; which leaves a rather noticeable hole for the rest. Can't wait for the first release.
Awesome tools! I'll be sure to try these out.

Curious question, do you have any plans on supporting the demo versions? I would imagine the format would hardly be changed in them like in the GT2 demos.

Would it be safe to say that a major portion of the 63 Tracks in Course.DAT are tracks used exclusively for License Tests? On a rough count, I'm up to about 30 tracks used in Arcade Mode, Races in Simulation Mode and the Hi-Fi tracks; which leaves a rather noticeable hole for the rest. Can't wait for the first release.

If I remember correctly there isn't much license test tracks in GT1. Some of them use the main tracks, usually in the IA tests.

2E - B-1/B-2
30 - B-3/B-4/B-5
33 - B-6/B-7
35 - A-1
36 - A-2
37 - A-3
38 - A-4
39 - A-5
3A - A-6
3B - A-7
3C - A-8

Though there's a chance the other tracks in the DAT file may be those tracks in the IA license tests.
I wonder if your car viewer will work on GT2.
This Toyota 2000GT "GT" was only in the used car lot for the first 9 days on the NTSC v1.0 version.

The only way to get it is blast through the following license tests B-A-IC and IB with in 7days
Then you had to get a good powered car the MA70 is the best bet, If you managed to gold all of B in one go.
You will get the spoon S2000, add a racing muffler and an ECU with the 10K cr you have.
Then enter the 30lap trial mountain enduro(save before hand)

The NTSC v1.0 was known for its bugs.
Main one here is the Vector M12 LM being in the trial mountain eundro race which has a max HP of 295hp and the vector has 600hp+
Would it be safe to say that a major portion of the 63 Tracks in Course.DAT are tracks used exclusively for License Tests?
Maybe I'm not sure, I haven't open all the tracks but just a few of them, I think Xenn is right there shouldn't be a lot of License tracks.

By the way take a look at this pic, those are all 63 tracks images from COURSE.DAT(every second TIM in every track texture archive is tracks images), as you can see many tracks are same but not all same in size(bytes) they probably same track but with different lighting!?. Also take a look at track 5 that Xenn have mention in past, probably not finished track!?


Awesome tools! I'll be sure to try these out.

Curious question, do you have any plans on supporting the demo versions? I would imagine the format would hardly be changed in them like in the GT2 demos.
If the format of demo is the same then why not, it wouldn't require a lot of changes in source.

I wonder if your car viewer will work on GT2.
I'm afraid it won't work with GT2, a while ago I took a look at GT2 car model and I couldn't see any similarly with GT models but then maybe I miss something. Once I'll done with GT tools I could start thinking about GT2 tools.

This Toyota 2000GT "GT" was only in the used car lot for the first 9 days on the NTSC v1.0 version.

The only way to get it is blast through the following license tests B-A-IC and IB with in 7days
Then you had to get a good powered car the MA70 is the best bet, If you managed to gold all of B in one go.
You will get the spoon S2000, add a racing muffler and an ECU with the 10K cr you have.
Then enter the 30lap trial mountain enduro(save before hand)

The NTSC v1.0 was known for its bugs.
Main one here is the Vector M12 LM being in the trial mountain eundro race which has a max HP of 295hp and the vector has 600hp+
View attachment 227454
I don't even remember the last time I've played GT2 prabably more than a decade ago and I definitely didn't knew that, thanks for sharing.
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I don't even remember the last time I've played GT2 prabably more than a decade ago and I definitely didn't knew that, thanks for sharing.

I know this because I imported GT2 into australia from the US when it came out.

I wasnt gonna wait for fun.
This is a really cool tool. Just seeing those pixellated models brings a rush of nostalgia. Thanks Leo2236 👍

I wonder why it only shows 39 cars though? I'm guessing it's only from the Arcade car list? If so, is there any chance for you to make it be able to view all the cars in Simulation mode as well?

Can't wait for the track viewer too :D And tools for GT2 maybe? Ok, I'm asking too much :lol:
This is a really cool tool. Just seeing those pixellated models brings a rush of nostalgia. Thanks Leo2236 👍
You welcome, glad to know that it was useful to someone.

I wonder why it only shows 39 cars though? I'm guessing it's only from the Arcade car list? If so, is there any chance for you to make it be able to view all the cars in Simulation mode as well?
It show 39(actually there's 40 cars cause the tool counting them from zero) cars because the tool at the moment support only CARCADE.DAT which contains car from Arcade Mode but the majority of cars are inside CAR.DAT which the tool doesn't support at the moment but I'm planning to add support for it in the near feature.

Can't wait for the track viewer too :D And tools for GT2 maybe? Ok, I'm asking too much :lol:
I cant think about GT2 tools right now because there's still too many things that need to be done with GT tools, so again maybe in future.

By the way I've some progress with GTTV, the tool now support another track plus I've add some options and the tool start taking a shape that I wanna to, so most likely there's gonna be a release soon, we'll see.

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Beside a circle track I saw some tracks that looks exactly like a usual track but with much less details as they were designed to allow GT to run them at 60 FPS, I remember I saw once a night track that ran at 60 FPS and those tracks probably something similar!? I haven't open all tracks but only 1/4 of all them so far so maybe theres more interesting stuff in COURSE.DAT. By the way the first release of GTTV is ready I'll will create a thread for it right away, it'll not support all tracks but only ~1/4 of them.

There is a special Hi-Res mode when you beat Arcade Mode that allows you to drive at CSR5, SSR5 and SSR11 at 60fps. Interesting that there were other tracks planned, but ultimately not included in the game.