GT2 NTSC-U with japanese OST

  • Thread starter Cryonics
United States
United States
If you are like me and feel the American GT2 soundtrack's licensed top week radio hits soundtrack was rather uninspired and mediocre, and simply wish they'd use the soundtrack actually made for the game that for some reason only japan got, here is a mod of GT2 that switches the soundtrack out for the original soundtrack. I posted this on /vr/ and was told to spread it around so I'm gonna see what the response is like here:
I made this by following this guy's tutorial which compiled a bunch of resources needed to do this, and also was accompanied by a tutorial guiding the process through. Although English clearly isn't his first language so understand that if you try to do this yourself with your own songs.
I made this work by cutting out the remaining part of a song if it was too long (which was the majority of songs) and adding a 3 second fade out, but we only lose a couple seconds on most so I don't think it's a big deal. The only two songs that were short enough to fit in the other song's timeframe were hot tin root (at 5:17) and never let me down (at 4:20). The songs I replaced them with were at lengths 5:35 and 4:30 respectively, so I decided to just let the rest end on silence since most tracks won't reach that long anyways, and if they do the 10 seconds or so without music isn't a big deal in my opinion (but if you're skilled at audacity and think you can make a more satisfying loop, please do so!)
If you wanna do this yourself the tutorial provided is mostly sufficient but he didn't include everything, so here's some things he didn't specify and also some general troubleshooting:
-Make sure you open up PSXLDR as admin, if not it'll tell you something's wrong with your comdlg32.ocx file (there's nothing wrong with the one provided)
-You might need WnASPI32.dll for PSmplay
-When analyzing the DOA file (which is just the bin for GT2) in PSmplay, only analyze the XA, uncheck the other options (the tutorial doesn't specify this for some reason and led to some frustration when PSXLDR kept telling me the file was overflowing)
-In PSXLDR, load up the PSM file first then the bin.
-Don't use awave as suggested in the tutorial, audacity is way easier to use I think this guy's just an oldhead lol
-If the .wav file you export isn't exactly the length of the file you're replacing, it's fine, just press "match the file" and it'll either leave silence if it's too short or cut a bit off at the end (if it's off it'll probably only be off by a hundreth of a second or so if you do it right so it won't make much of a difference). Just don't press the second option which shows up as a bunch of garbled text, that'll change the hardcoded time flags and it won't work when you apply the .xa file to the bin, it'll just keep playing the American soundtrack
-Skip step 10, the xa file saves automatically whenever you do something and if you save another one it'll just be a blank one.
-Since the xa file saves automatically, if you screw up make sure you create a new one and delete the one you were working on
That's about all I have, if you have any other questions or troubleshooting let me know!
Using that tutorial and your add-ons I was able to create.

Gran Turismo 2 (USA) (v1.2) (Combined) (GT2 Plus Complete) (JP Music)
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Using that tutorial and your add-ons I was able to create something I'd like to share.

Gran Turismo 2 (USA) (v1.2) (Combined) (GT2 Plus Complete) (JP Music)

Please do not distribute pirate copies of the game pre-patched with my work - I don't want any legal issues that might cause me to have to stop work on it.