GT3 Steering Wheel

  • Thread starter brainitch
Hey guy's...this is my first post haven't played much yet but am having trouble with the controls; ie. the steering and accel.

Is there a steering wheel out there that is better than the rest?  If so which one is it (name make and model #)and who carries it?

Or should I just get used to the analog stick?

It seems that accelerator control is much more critical and the button isn't cutting it. thought a pedal might do better.
Welcome to GTPlanet, brainitch!

I don't believe you'll have too hard of a time deciding which steering wheel to buy.  Logitech makes the only one compatable with the game (there might be another, I'm not sure).
You're welcome!  You've got me on the other two questions, though.  I hope somebody else can help out.  :nervous:
I found the steering wheel.  It's so new it hasn't been listed in the new products section at logitech website yet.  Although it is in old press releases.

It is force-feedback (the only one for a console, another ps2 1st)  It was specially designed for GT3

It is the Logitech GT Force
Logitech model #963243-0403

All the places I've seen on the web are listing it between $102 and $85 USD

As far as availability goes, every website I've been to has availability / quantity  listed as call for availability So, good luck trying to get one.

All functions are analog ie; brakes steering crontrol accel., yadda, yadda, yadda.

It will work with probably 7-8 driving titles released this summer.   Don't know which ones though.

If anyone knows where I can purchase one, post it. Thanks...

Peace, out.

(Edited by brainitch at 11:08 pm on July 13, 2001)
You can buy it your local pawn shop for a very reasonable $250.  I waited all night in line outside the local EZPawn to get my hands on one.  Finally, at 7:00am, I got one and rushed home to use it.  To my horror, it started vibrating on me.  Well, I figured the thing was possessed with demons so I drilled a 2 inch hole straight through the steering wheel.  It worked!  It stopped vibrating.  Only, now it doesn't work at all.
Hi all,

I'm new to the forum, but I have some info about the Logitech GT Force Wheel. I ordered one from (bundled with GT3 and the strategy guide) for $149.99US and they haven't said anything about it not being available (yet). I'm pretty sure you can buy the wheel alone for $99.

From what I've read about it, the GT Force wheel seems to be pretty cool; GT3 was designed with the wheel in mind, and it's supposed to make for a fairly realistic racing experience. It comes in two pieces: wheel and pedal base (gas and brake only, I think the shifter is on the wheel), and the wheel can be used in your lap or clipped to a table edge. Apparently, the wheel has 'intelligent' motors in it to fight your turning around turns, which sounds pretty cool to me. Oh yeah, has good rush shipping rates too (in case you're impatient like me). If you're interested, I can post some more info once I receive it (hopefully) this week.
i need some info on this wheel, does it work with ridge racer 5, crazy taxi, and any other racing games? what about the vibration? when is the release on the wheel?and, how much does it cost?
Hi guys, I 've got the Logitech wheel for gt3, it is perfect, the force feedback and the rumble is so realistic!

You have to get your hands on it, the driving experience gets really boost.

And no, the steeringwheel in at the moment only for gt3, in the near future there will be more driving games availeble for the logitech wheel, Yumma!
Kenny, surprize, you dont know it all! GT Force also works with Tokoyo Extreme Racer Zero. Hint for people asking questions... look how many posts the guy who has the answers has. Chances are if its (1) they might not know what they are talking aboot. heh

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