gt5 fastest cars

  • Thread starter GTRManJosh
This isn't getting anywhere.

Answer this question:

Do want a car that has A) A high top speed, or B) good track times?
Top speed?

Then go to the new car dealership, go to Dodge, and buy a Viper SRT10 ACR.
It has a much higher top speed then anything else you can buy for less than 5,000,000.
Like drag racing? The kind that doesn't officially exist on GT5? There's a subforum for that. These threads would be more welcome there.
Then use it and close the thread, as there isn't a point to it anymore.

There isn't a car <3,000,000 that is faster.
Get to 5 million. Buy a formula gran turismo. That's one fast car if the 20 million x1 is too long to save for. For pp limited online seasonal from 600 to 750 pp. The 2j is peerless but cost 12-14 million.
Having a fast car may not make you much faster if it is pp limited.
Any of the top drivers in gtp can beat me with car 50-100pp lower than the best car I can use. If you are as talented and devoted as them, winning seasonals with any untuned car below the pp limit is a cakewalk. Hope you and i will get there one day.
To see where you stand in driving skills in similar cars, try the seasonal time trials. There's probably 3 seconds between a great tune and stock. Outside that, it's all about skills.
I want a car that is top speed and can win against most of the cars in online races and that is around 3m

Aside the fact that I dont understand "a car that is top speed"

If you are talking about racing real people online, its not the car its the driver.

If you mean seasonal events, top speed is not what you are looking for. Its a good car with a good setup.

If you belive that money can buy you a car that others cant/havn't thought of, get in go online and beat them, you're not going to enjoy the learning curve ahead of you.
so i bought a Peugeot 908 HDI after deciding between that and other race cars does anyone know how I can get the hp over 900?

so i bought a Peugeot 908 HDI after deciding between that and other race cars does anyone know how I can get the hp over 900?

So, your caps lock and shift key do work? Please use them.

I also said to use existing threads where possible. You could also have searched for the info you need. There is a search link on the top right, and also one on the main page. Please use them instead of creating numerous pointless threads.

We do not like being ignored.
So, your caps lock and shift key do work? Please use them.

I also said to use existing threads where possible. You could also have searched for the info you need. There is a search link on the top right, and also one on the main page. Please use them instead of creating numerous pointless threads.

We do not like being ignored.

The mods here are good. Very good. :lol:
If you only have 600,000 then you shouldn't be focusing on super fast cars yet.
Finish A-Spec mode up to at least 80% done, finish B-Spec to 100% and you should have about 11,500,000. Then come back and you can have some real fun.
What would be 80% on A-spec