GT7 Driver Caught cheating

United States
United States
Last night I got a call from one of our members of the team and was told by HR agents that another team member was accusing our team of cheating. Our team went to investigate this matter and discovered the team is blatantly violating the Section 7 Tournament rules of Gran Turismo 7.

Here is the link to the video

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Simple lock the psn main account to one account on psn for GT7. If we want a legit racing competition then we need to be sure all accounts are locked and accounted for.
Is there a shorter video? 😄
We can work on making a smaller video tomorrow but yet your right some clips too long and it was made spur of the moment once everyone was out together as I was in a hurry to get it done and then practice race with the team for race week end.
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Yeah, I don't think anyone here can do~

Instead of saying it cant be done how about calling sony support main phone number and let psn management know about the issue. Something can be done about it. I know everyone here believes its a problem how about suggestion on what to do. Its a gross major violation of tournament rules

Then talk to PD and/or Sony. This is an unaffiliated fan forum.
We already did. Were just hoping the forum will share this and get this out and let folks know about this problem regarding competition.
Lol, I assume the OP just wanted to make the community aware this stuff is going on... I haven't seen it mentioned before.

I doubt he's looking to mobilize the forum into starting some kind of legal proceedings against the people involved...
Lol, I assume the OP just wanted to make the community aware this stuff is going on... I haven't seen it mentioned before.

I doubt he's looking to mobilize the forum into starting some kind of legal proceedings against the people involved...
I'm sure there are hundreds of people doing this though, not not just this guy. It's not really the kind of "cheating" that people need to be made aware of, I'm pretty sure everyone already knows you can use multiple PSN accounts in the game.

Seems more like it's just another rival team issue than anything and he wants to put the other team down.
I'm sure there are hundreds of people doing this though, not not just this guy. It's not really the kind of "cheating" that people need to be made aware of, I'm pretty sure everyone already knows you can use multiple PSN accounts in the game.

Seems more like it's just another rival team issue than anything and he wants to put the other team down.
This has nothing to do with a rival team member. We're acting because one of our member was accused of cheating in game using a game exploit regarding the contrversial wall ride glitch in GT7 on highspeed ring. The team member pointed out how a lot of drivers will be using this method to get in 1st place. But ours was called out by this individual.

Our team mate was also reported as well by said individual mentioned in the video. If you see in the video, not only does it mention conflict between two drivers, but it also covers the act of section 7 violation clip by clip frame by frame.

You cannot use a 2nd account to take part in the GTWS Manufacture or Nation's that is the rule. And he was just one of the lucky guys we went to look into regarding our team's issue after the investigation. He got caught plain and simple only reason. Now we are working to get him disqualified.
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I genuinely didn't know there were teams or tournament rules in GT7!

I'll hold fire on the whether to get worked up by the cheating until there's a shorter video clip.
I genuinely didn't know there were teams or tournament rules in GT7!

I'll hold fire on the whether to get worked up by the cheating until there's a shorter video clip.
Every tournament has rules, and close to every game has some kind of teams ;)

The cheating in this case seems to be revolving around not adhering to the tournament rules, and abusing a weakness in the penalty system on High Speed Ring. That is as much as I could learn from clicking each minute in the video.
This has nothing to do with a rival team member. We're acting because one of our member was accused of cheating in game using a game exploit regarding the contrversial wall ride glitch in GT7 on highspeed ring. The team member pointed out how a lot of drivers will be using this method to get in 1st place. But ours was called out by this individual.

Our team mate was also reported as well by said individual mentioned in the video. If you see in the video, not only does it mention conflict between two drivers, but it also covers the act of section 7 violation clip by clip frame by frame.
So yes, team rivals stuff like I said.
You cannot use a 2nd account to take part in the GTWS Manufacture or Nation's that is the rule.
I know it's against the rules, I'm saying most people are well aware it's physically possible to do it. It's not some big PSA that people can and are doing this.
And he was just one of the lucky guys we went to look into regarding our team's issue after the investigation. He got caught plain and simple only reason. Now we are working to get him disqualified.
Which again, isn't going to happen by posting about it here. If PD/Sony are even the least bit smart they should have automated tools to pick up multiple accounts with the same IP and automatically make them ineligible for the tournament.
I'll hold fire on the whether to get worked up by the cheating until there's a shorter video clip.
The video is rather pointless with him going all CSI on it, it could have been explained in 30 seconds. Some dude used multiple accounts, rules says you can't. That's it.

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If PD/Sony are even the least bit smart they should have automated tools to pick up multiple accounts with the same IP and automatically make them ineligible for the tournament.
Multiple person playing from the same IP?
But still, there are smart tools to detect likely multiple accounts vs legitimate persons.
Multiple person playing from the same IP?
But still, there are smart tools to detect likely multiple accounts vs legitimate persons.
Well yeah, I just meant the same IP for two players should throw up an instant flag that they would then look into in a bit more detail manually.

But to be honest unless the same person is troubling the top 32 with two accounts I doubt they'll be that bothered, despite the rules.
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So is wall riding/bumping considered unsportsmanlike conduct? If the justification for wall riding/bumping is that the person in question will only do it if other people are, then can that justification also be used for double accounting?
No watch the full video. Anyone can do the wall riding your missing the point. The team member is technically not violating any rules described in the GTWS Sports section that you sign at every tournament you sign up for. The racer PDX Jimbo Racer however, is violating the acrual rules. There is no rules to wall riding.
Some dude used multiple accounts, rules says you can't. That's it.
Why on Earth there's a 24-minute video for this - and that's only PART ONE - I don't know.

Or a call-out thread for it on GTPlanet when neither of the people in the video had any noticeable activity before today on GTPlanet (and one still doesn't).

What are we supposed to do about a mid-grade driver (seriously, I'm A-rank [although at the moment I'm B-rank because I tanked it ahead of GT7] and I suck) using two accounts to race in almost entirely meaningless-to-the-competition Manufacturers Cup lobbies?
No watch the full video.
I'm not proud of myself but I actually did watch all 24 minutes and 32 seconds of your video.
Anyone can do the wall riding
Anyone can double account so not sure why that's relevant.
The team member is technically not violating any rules described in the GTWS Sports section
Do you not consider wall riding to be unsportsmanlike conduct? (My original question that you've not answered).
I would consider the wall riding an exploit or loophole. Nothing expressly forbids it and if the game allows it then its fine. It doesn't mean it's ok but it is technically not against the rules. There really should be better penalties baked in to the game to disallow it.

I wouldn't do it but I won't fault those that do. I heard they reset the leaderboards also but since I haven't even tested the track yet, I do not know if they have installed penalties for it.

As for multiple accounts...while that is against the rules, I am sure many people do it. I wouldn't worry about it unless I was good enough that it affected my standings to make it to a final.
You can not longer wall ride in the High Speed Ring time trail, penalty will add up.

As for people on multiple accounts, who would only matter if a finalist or potential finalist were doing it.

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