GT7 to feature Isle of Man?

  • Thread starter adamp93
I'll believe the rumors when PD actually confirm the IoM TT track for GT7, though like what happened with Bathurst, I wouldn't be surprised if it came out with GT8.
Bathurst wasn't rumoured for gt inclusion until after the release of gt5. So the TT is not likely to be unavailable until gt8
I don't think GT7 is fit enough for even a late 2015 release. Don't get me wrong; if reports of the PS4 being much easier to program and develop for than the PS3 are anything to go by then it isn't too out of the question. The PS3 has been PD's kryptonite as well as Kaz himself. They can develop off of the GT6 engine and go from there.

As far as the track goes, 37 miles is way, WAY too big for anything other than time trials/attacks and cruising. I am not a fan of the Nordschliefe (spelling?), so I won't find any entertainment with this track either.

They'd have to divide the course into sectors for it to be of any value to the racing community (like how Forza 1 divided the Nurburgring into sections for racing). They'd also HAVE to include bikes.
I don't think GT7 is fit enough for even a late 2015 release. Don't get me wrong; if reports of the PS4 being much easier to program and develop for than the PS3 are anything to go by then it isn't too out of the question. The PS3 has been PD's kryptonite as well as Kaz himself. They can develop off of the GT6 engine and go from there.

As far as the track goes, 37 miles is way, WAY too big for anything other than time trials/attacks and cruising. I am not a fan of the Nordschliefe (spelling?), so I won't find any entertainment with this track either.

They'd have to divide the course into sectors for it to be of any value to the racing community (like how Forza 1 divided the Nurburgring into sections for racing). They'd also HAVE to include bikes.
The fact that it was originally suggested for 2014 release makes me quite positive for a 2015 one
Track width for one thing. It's basically two cars wide, not even as wide as the 'Ring, and with barriers on each side for good portions of the track. All one would have to do in a race is drive up the middle and you can't be passed. The length of the circuit is also not conducive to racing. It's equal to more than 12-15 laps of typical circuits.

It's a Time Trial/solo track for the most part. Nothing wrong with that, and that's certainly the direction the game is going anyway, at least with GT6 so far. It kind of fits right in to the GT way of doing things.

They could have tracks like this solely for time attacks? What say?
Indeed... I use the metric system but even like that... 250 kph feel like 100...

To have a real sense of speed you need either blur (which makes it too artificial IMO) or 3 screens to have the surroundings pass next to you in the speed you travel. I'd prefer 3 screens but very expensive to get 2 PS3s and 2 LCDs more.
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If they include motorcycles in GT we will need something like this! :sly:

download (12).jpg

My license in rl is only for cars, it would be good to have motorcycles in a GT title, at least I would have an idea of how it feels.
37.73 miles is longer than Imola, Mugello, Aragon, Hockenheim, Vallelunga, Estoril, Hungaroring, Okayama, Autopolis, Sugo, Zandvoort, Zolder, Knockhill and Oulton Park put together. Or longer than Road Atlanta, Watkins Glen, Road America, Lime Rock, Sonoma, Mosport, Mont-Tremblant, Circuit Gilles Villeneuve, Interlagos, Portrero de los Funes, Ordos, Algarve, Mores and Magny-Cours put together. I know it's not an apples to apples comparison in terms of cost, as on the Isle of Mann you only need one license and there's no need to transport all the equipment from place to place, but I think it gives a hint to the scale of the scanning and modeling work that needs to be done to include such a course.

I think this course would be a luxury that Gran Turismo isn't ready for yet, as the real world track selection remains patchy and limited. The rate that PD is adding real world tracks to their games has been slow in the past and a monumental project of this size isn't likely to improve that. I'd rather even just 4-5 usable permanent racing facilities to this behemoth.

If it is included, it would once again indicate that GT is more keen to sell out to marketing than it's rivals. Nobody else is wasting their time and resources modeling 37 mile tracks rather than focusing on usable tracks.

Your concerns are valid, but I think the reward far outweighs the risk of such a track.

PD gets bashed alot for not innovating anymore and recycling too many things. The perfect way to break out of that stereotype is to add this course and bikes.

Is it about marketing? It sure is, but its marketing GT needs to get people excited again about the series. The minute PD shows a bike racing a car at the track its going to be pandemonium.

As for useability of the course, Im sure it will be split into 3 or 4 sections. Im particularly eager to race the last mountainous bit. And thinking about the replayability this will add to the game just blows my mind. Im someone who didnt fully learn every turn in the Nurburgring until GT5. Im looking forward to the extensive challenge of learning this course.

As for adding a Watkins Glen or Hockenheim first, I think PD is making the right decision going with the Isle of Man before them. After this course all thats really left is Pikes Peak and GT will have all the classic cathedrals of speed in the world.It already has most 'tier 1' circuits like Spa, Monza, Indy, Silverstone, etc. It already has the grand daddy of them all in the Nurburgring. Now its time for the great grand daddy of them all.
Your concerns are valid, but I think the reward far outweighs the risk of such a track.

PD gets bashed alot for not innovating anymore and recycling too many things. The perfect way to break out of that stereotype is to add this course and bikes.

Is it about marketing? It sure is, but its marketing GT needs to get people excited again about the series. The minute PD shows a bike racing a car at the track its going to be pandemonium.

As for useability of the course, Im sure it will be split into 3 or 4 sections. Im particularly eager to race the last mountainous bit. And thinking about the replayability this will add to the game just blows my mind. Im someone who didnt fully learn every turn in the Nurburgring until GT5. Im looking forward to the extensive challenge of learning this course.

As for adding a Watkins Glen or Hockenheim first, I think PD is making the right decision going with the Isle of Man before them. After this course all thats really left is Pikes Peak and GT will have all the classic cathedrals of speed in the world.It already has most 'tier 1' circuits like Spa, Monza, Indy, Silverstone, etc. It already has the grand daddy of them all in the Nurburgring. Now its time for the great grand daddy of them all.

And it all comes crashing down and falls flat IF those bikes happen to sound like remote-controlled choppers. However, bikes sounded very good in Tourist Trophy.

To have a real sense of speed you need either blur (which makes it too artificial IMO) or 3 screens to have the surroundings pass next to you in the speed you have. I'd prefer 3 screens but very expensive to get 2 PS3s and 2 LCDs more.

Forza relays very good speed without motion blur.

GT can do the same. Clever camera movement, depth of field and animation trickery can all accomplish that.
Your concerns are valid, but I think the reward far outweighs the risk of such a track.

PD gets bashed alot for not innovating anymore and recycling too many things. The perfect way to break out of that stereotype is to add this course and bikes.

PD already add new tracks and vehicles with every game. They get criticised primarily because of the gameplay and recycling assets. Which neither the inclusion of bikes nor Snaefell Mountain Circuit will address.

The fact that it was originally suggested for 2014 release makes me quite positive for a 2015 one

Just remember GT5 was scheduled for a 2007 release.
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PD already add new tracks and vehicles with every game. They get criticised primarily because of the gameplay and recycling assets. Which neither the inclusion of bikes nor Snaefell Mountain Circuit will address.

Ive already accepted some time ago that PD will not fix all the issues with GT in GT7. Theres a 100 gameplay issues and we'd be fortunate if 10 are fully corrected at launch in the next installment. Snaefell and bikes are a move in the right direction, and I wouldnt lump them in there like they're an expected, pedestrian update to the track and vehicle roster.

What good is it if PD builds a pretty good game again and theres no buzz surrounding it? It would be like the Final Fantasy 13 sequels that sold worse then the first game even though they fixed alot of the original's gameplay issues.
Your concerns are valid, but I think the reward far outweighs the risk of such a track.
The risk is for the fans of the series, that PD will spend a huge amount of resources modeling a gigantic track for a car game at the exclusion of other tracks, much more suited to circuit racing. The reward is potentially more sales for GT which of course means nothing to the fans complaining of poor gameplay for 2 iterations of the game.

PD gets bashed alot for not innovating anymore and recycling too many things. The perfect way to break out of that stereotype is to add this course and bikes.
The perfect way to break out of that stereotype is to stop recycling too many things, not do a bait and switch with new content and hope no one sees the 10 year old cars and tracks. Ultimately though I don't think PD cares one whit about the bashing. All they care about are sales and rightfully so, their first priority is survival and for the first time I think they may have some doubts about that, or at least some doubts about the gravy train continuing.

Is it about marketing? It sure is, but its marketing GT needs to get people excited again about the series. The minute PD shows a bike racing a car at the track its going to be pandemonium.
Big assumption, personally I don't think you'll see a bike and car on the same track, I don't think you'll even see them in the same game. This is the company that doesn't show rollovers online nor any significant car damage, I highly doubt they'll show collisions between cars and bikes either.

As for useability of the course, Im sure it will be split into 3 or 4 sections.
Again a huge assumption. They did this for a special event for the Nurb but didn't think enough of it to include it, copy and paste style even, for GT6. I see no reason why this would be any different.

As for adding a Watkins Glen or Hockenheim first, I think PD is making the right decision going with the Isle of Man before them. After this course all thats really left is Pikes Peak and GT will have all the classic cathedrals of speed in the world.It already has most 'tier 1' circuits like Spa, Monza, Indy, Silverstone, etc. It already has the grand daddy of them all in the Nurburgring. Now its time for the great grand daddy of them all.
Debatable of course and depends a lot on whether they are able to model a few other circuits on top of Isle of Man for GT7. If they can squeeze in 3 or 4 real world tracks on top of IOM for launch at GT7, if that's their target date, I think fans will find that acceptable. Only 1 or 2 + IOM, I think a lot of fans will be disappointed, especially given the huge roster of real world tracks a much smaller game like Project Cars will bring to the table.
Debatable of course and depends a lot on whether they are able to model a few other circuits on top of Isle of Man for GT7. If they can squeeze in 3 or 4 real world tracks on top of IOM for launch at GT7, if that's their target date, I think fans will find that acceptable. Only 1 or 2 + IOM, I think a lot of fans will be disappointed, especially given the huge roster of real world tracks a much smaller game like Project Cars will bring to the table.

Am I the only one here who remembers the comment about the next GT having "enough tracks to make your hat fall off" and believes that PD/Kaz are holding on to a stable of tracks that just haven't been released yet? One of which was the Red Bull Ring that they likely released on a whim to stimulate the GT fanbase? I think a ton of tracks are still yet to come, and just waiting for their big reveal. A few likely on GT6, most of them presumably in GT7.
Big assumption, personally I don't think you'll see a bike and car on the same track, I don't think you'll even see them in the same game. This is the company that doesn't show rollovers online nor any significant car damage, I highly doubt they'll show collisions between cars and bikes either.

IF they were to include bikes into the game, how about a separate area or branch of career mode (A-Spec/B-Spec for cars and “M-Spec” for Motorcycles)? Cars and bikes won’t be on the track together, but it’s like two games in one (which would probably be their gimmick or selling point). It’s not completely out of the realm since an early version of Gran Turismo HD from E3 (E3 Tech Demo?) had cars and bikes to choose from.

Just to be clear, I admit not knowing much about this location/track. If the decision is made not to include bikes, or was never the intent in the first place, what else can be done here aside from single car events? One long time trial, time trials in sections/sectors and advanced license tests? It seems a bit tight for a door to door battle. Sounds to close to the Lunar Rover Missions we have in GT6, three challenges and done. So much time invested for three small events. I hope that’s not the case here. This seems like quite the challenge for team PD to go through all that work, and end up with a minor roll in the next game, like the Lunar Rover missions. Should be quite interesting going forward as information comes out little by little.

Also, and I have to say this, I always get a :D on my face when Jordan “likes” a post where there is speculation. The fact it’s a rare thing speaks volumes to me. The man is such a tease!!:lol:
I'd just like to point out that IOM is #4 on the requested tracks list. The community wants this track. Yet we're still getting complaints about IOM possibly taking time away from modelling other tracks.

Thanks GTP.
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I don't know about anyone else but if we don't get bikes with this (which, who knows, we may well do), then I'll be quite disappointed.

Gotta agree with this. Only because PD put out a great bike game in Tourist Trophy and I've been DYING for a sequel which I know will never happen. I'll take the IoM track no matter what but I'd def hope there would be bikes in GT7. Not only would it be a glorious return of the awesomeness that was TT but it would be a very nice leg up on the competition who (as far as I know) don't have bikes in their game. I get the whole argument of bikes vs cars but PD has already done bikes, I was a HUGE fan and I'd love to see bikes return in a PD game.

(And PD if you have time please bring back El Capitan.. El Capitan + motorcycle was the best thing ever.. just had to throw that out there :D )
IF they were to include bikes into the game, how about a separate area or branch of career mode (A-Spec/B-Spec for cars and “M-Spec” for Motorcycles)? Cars and bikes won’t be on the track together, but it’s like two games in one (which would probably be their gimmick or selling point). It’s not completely out of the realm since an early version of Gran Turismo HD from E3 (E3 Tech Demo?) had cars and bikes to choose from.

Just to be clear, I admit not knowing much about this location/track. If the decision is made not to include bikes, or was never the intent in the first place, what else can be done here aside from single car events? One long time trial, time trials in sections/sectors and advanced license tests? It seems a bit tight for a door to door battle. Sounds to close to the Lunar Rover Missions we have in GT6, three challenges and done. So much time invested for three small events. I hope that’s not the case here. This seems like quite the challenge for team PD to go through all that work, and end up with a minor roll in the next game, like the Lunar Rover missions. Should be quite interesting going forward as information comes out little by little.

Also, and I have to say this, I always get a :D on my face when Jordan “likes” a post where there is speculation. The fact it’s a rare thing speaks volumes to me. The man is such a tease!!:lol: the trademark office to get first dibs on it:lol: If they were to do it I think that's how it will be done. A completely seperate mode with bikes and no mixing with the cars. As to what they do with it if it makes it into the GT series who knows. Probably like you suggested, a TT, maybe a sectional run, license test would all be worthwhile.

I'd just like to point out that IOM is #4 on the requested tracks list. The community wants this track. Yet we're still getting complaints about IOM possibly taking time away from modelling other tracks.

Thanks GTP.
So if a track is highly requested we aren't allowed to point out that modeling a track 10x longer than a regular circuit will take time away from modeling other circuits and that might not be a tradeoff that some of us would want? You realize those two things aren't mutually exclusive right? A track can be highly sought after and at the same time impractical.
So if a track is highly requested we aren't allowed to point out that modeling a track 10x longer than a regular circuit will take time away from modeling other circuits and that might not be a tradeoff that some of us would want? You realize those two things aren't mutually exclusive right? A track can be highly sought after and at the same time impractical.

Any time anyone does anything it means that there is something else they're not doing. That's the way it works. The issue I take is that complaining about PD making a highly requested track because they could be making tracks that less people want is ridiculous. By that logic they should just skip Pikes Peak as well because it's long and you can't use it for circuit racing.

Oh, and I'd like to reiterate again. Do not expect bikes. IOM is known for them yes, but many of the tracks we have are known for F1 cars...
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Any time anyone does anything it means that there is something else they're not doing. That's the way it works. The issue I take is that complaining about PD making a highly requested track because they could be making tracks that less people want is ridiculous. By that logic they should just skip Pikes Peak as well because it's long and you can't use it for circuit racing.
Yes there's always a tradeoff when something is done. However, the tradeoff isn't usually 10:1 which you conveniently forgot to acknowledge. I don't think it's the one track vs. the other track that most people would take issue with, it's one track vs. ten tracks. What's ridiculous is not acknowledging that it could be a legitimate concern for some people and complaining about it when someone points it out. the trademark office to get first dibs on it:lol: If they were to do it I think that's how it will be done. A completely seperate mode with bikes and no mixing with the cars. As to what they do with it if it makes it into the GT series who knows. Probably like you suggested, a TT, maybe a sectional run, license test would all be worthwhile.

:eek: Whoooooaaaaa... leverage:sly:. You're a bad, bad influence.:lol: (Kidding of course). But seriously, nah I'm not like that. I'm sure you meant it in a joking manner, but some people would do just that for the reason above. I couldn't think of anything else, so why just change a letter and call it a day. If M-Spec does indeed happen... I'll need to get myself a crystal ball.

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