GTPlanet's GT6 Community Club Group

  • Thread starter Famine
There are organized races every Monday and Thursday:

I just created two separate threads for each race event on Mondays and Thursdays. This was to further the organizational process for these races to help myself and everyone else find information regarding these two events...and to not highjack this thread any more :lol:.

  • For information pertaining to THE MONDAY SESSIONS, please go here.
  • For information relating to THE THURSDAY SESSIONS, please go here. This one even has a Poll.
I hope this will help increase participation and bring more GTPlanet members to organized racing.

As this week's Thursday session doesn't take place, you will have to wait until next week, or start a race room for yourself.
If you do so, please post here up front, and with enough time to the planned race to gather some fellow racers.

Ooops, tree'd...
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Hey, @Famine. How about setting the Club Events to expire after two weeks instead of just one. That might be more efficient if they are not updated each week. If that happens, maybe making more than just 3 might be ideal. It allows 10, so adding 5 each time would likely be the best way to do it.

...more photos for events would look nice too. :D
Just to let you all know, I've established a room where we do random things or nothing in particular. It is powered by our imagination and it is called "Whatever GTP Wants".

Edit: The room is now closed.
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Quick question fellas, Is it only famine (the club owner) who can set up weekly events ? Or can us members do it aswell ?
@Famine/club owner does the events, club members can open rooms for the events (settings locked) or create rooms with own settings in the club lobby. They can be set to club only or for everyone, like in open lobby.
Yep. I'm going to try to sync up Community Club events with WRS - I missed last week's due to work and it wasn't really suitable for an Event anyway given the restrictions on Lobby restrictions and I wanted to set up a weird race we did at the LAN but I couldn't set the power, weight or PP low enough :lol:
I couldn't set the power, weight or PP low enough :lol:
Noticed that too, you can't restrict the karts by weight, doesn't get low enough. :dunce:

Mmhh, weird race... 💡
Junior Kart vs. Chapparal VGT at GTarena, Karts at Chammonix... :D

Even weirder :bowdown:
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Noticed that too, you can't restrict the karts by weight, doesn't get low enough. :dunce:
This was even odder - and a race @VEXD made us do at the last LAN.

Premium FIAT 500F '68, strip all the weight off it, add 100% Nitrous and nothing else. Then do a five lap race of Matterhorn Rotenboden. To finish first, first you must finish...

Unfortunately you can't restrict it to 16hp, or to the ludicrous weight - you could disable tuning, but that disables weight stripping AND the nitrous. So back to the drawing board.
Just noticed the new club events, anyone up for a time travel, quick match style?

  • DeLorean at Big Willow
  • 3 laps, as many races as you like, race will auto-start after 2min.
  • No tuning except flux capacitor
  • Time progression: Back to the Future
  • Damage: This is heavy. Must be a problem with the Earth's gravitational pull.
Just don't go over 88mph with this thing, else you're gonna see some serious 🤬!

Room closed, must have time traveled to 1855 i guess...

Maybe i will run this event again over the week, like the post for showing interest!

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Regarding the event in the post above, and with @OpticZero threatened by monkeys again, i would suggest to run this on

Thursday, 22. Jan, at 20:00 GMT, the time slot of the Thursday Sessions.

Like this post or the one above if you have interest, or suggest another time.

If you can't wait, do as i did and copy the settings from the club Time Trial, and create a room in the club lobby from that settings. If you put your mind to it, you can accomplish anything. ;)

I will open a room half an hour before for practice. Be there!

A Delorean race at Big Willow today using the Club Event settings that are already setup?

(I've been busy lately and it will be that way for a while. My game-time is hit or miss for the near future.)
A Delorean race at Big Willow today using the Club Event settings that are already setup?

(I've been busy lately and it will be that way for a while. My game-time is hit or miss for the near future.)

All settings are taken from your Session settings unless stated in my original post above. :)

Time Travel room is closed!

Oh wait, something must have happened while in the room, only raced 1h... strange Edit Time. :odd:

This is Heavy!
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