Have you got your PS2 yet?

  • Thread starter Jordan


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There's still a shortage of PS2's in my area.  I'm just glad mine is safe and snug next to my TV...  :D
I got mine on launch day, too.  Of course, I guess I should say I earned my PS2 on launch day...  I waited at my local Wal-Mart for more than 8 hours.  The people in the front of the line had been there for several days!

Still after all this, I only have 1 game - Star Wars: Starfighter.

What's in your collection?
I didnt have to wait at all. I reserved PS2 since April. So my sis just picked up the PS2 and I was all set.

For my collection of games. in order from earliest to latest.

1.Tekken Tag Tournament
4.Star Wars: Starfighter
5.Zone of the Enders
6.Onimusha Warlords

The next game Im getting is definately GT3. :)
You must be pretty good.  It took me about 3, then I got stuck on the last level.  :(
I cheat after I beat the game so the game wont get so boring. The minime code makes your fighter invincible to any damage.Also try BlueNSF for a special craft.
I cheat after I beat the game so the game wont get so boring.
Yeah, I do that too.

Thanks for those codes...I can't wait to see what the special craft is.  :conf:
I haven't got one yet. I am still waiting for them to knock the price down. I probably wont get one until next year now because my car insurance bill is crippling.
:shakehead:  Phil, that sucks!  Can you at least rent GT3 and a PS2 somewhere over there, so you don't have to miss out on the game?
I will have to try and do that or I can try and break into some rich kids house but I think I will try the first option :smile:
PLEASE do the first option, Phil!  I really enjoy chatting with you, and they probably won't give you net access in your cell...  :)
today I just got Twisted Metal Black. It's no GT3 but it has awesome graphics and destruction. The cars are loaded with ammo and missles. All the enviroments are almost pretty much destroyable. All I want now is GT3 and Dark Cloud.
My brothers love RPGs. I think they are ok, but walking around for hours in large worlds where you can get lost repeatedly, looking for items that will give you power that may not even be worth the effort has never been too fun for me.
Yeah, I know what you mean.  The only RPG I ever got into was Final Fantasy VII.  But, it was too long and I couldn't play it often enough to keep up with the story.  I might give FF X a shot on the PS2.
I forgot about MGS2 I want that too. Dark Cloud is not even confusing. It is a bit frustrating when you battle enemies at the start with a crappy dagger. But later on you get better swords and items.
Quote: from Mustang man on 9:12 pm on June 24, 2001[br]I have'nt bought any games for my Ps2 yet, i'm waiting for GT3.
Yeah, I know what you mean.  I'm glad I was finally able to get Starfighter, since I felt kind of funny owning a PS2 but not owning any games for it.  :)
I cashed in a few old systems like N64 and PSX for PS2 games. And I got some extra cash from my dad for other games and I also cashed in old games I didnt like anymore.
Yes, I've done that before, too.  It's a great way to pay for new games, as well as cleaning out your collection.
I need to clean out my collection, I've got about 50 games and only play maybe 6 or 7. I could get and easy $80 - $90 for my extras. That's another PS2 game for me. I think I'm gonna wait and get GT3 and Twisted Metal Black.
Quote: from Jordan on 11:37 pm on June 23, 2001[br]What about Metal Gear Solid 2?  ;)

Well! I love Metel Gear!! I can't wait until 2 comes out this fall? i believe.. anyway, that's another month getting bitched out by my wife!! ;) you would think after 12 years she'd get the hint!! lol
Havent got the Ps2 yet, but when I do, the first game will be GT3.   It will be the only game Ill probably get for a while.   Id like to own the Xbox so I can play Munches Odyssey.  Its the sequel to the Abes Odyssey adventures.  They are some great games.  