Heading Out - The Game of the 1970s Road Movie

  • Thread starter Famine


GTP Editor, GTPEDIA Author
United Kingdom
Rule 12

Serious Sim's logo is the Art of Noise's logo with the middle cut out.


Anyway, it looks like a black and white American road movie manga, and I'm pretty much up for that.
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The way the handling model looks and the seemingly unnecessary B&W aesthetic have me on the fence so far, but this is a prime example of the kind of fresh ideas that the driving/racing genre and especially the sim-driving genre deserve, after a decade of conspicuous stagnation in retail titles and popular sims. 👍

Bless indies for stepping up where bigger studios won't.
Black and white cartoon-like graphics? Looks interesting but probably not interesting enough for me though. It's the black and white that bothers me.
The aesthetic looks really off putting. The driving model looks pretty jank too.
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100 % Vanishing Point, white Challenger running from the cops, the radio, telephone, hiding, come on ☺️

but not sure if b/w will do it for me even if I like the cartoon style like a throwback to Auto Modellista

you can find the Vanishing Point trailer on youtube, no link for a bit too much naked skin in this forum.
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Not expecting it to rock the driving genre, but I'm super interested. It looks like it's cool as hell with some wicked style. Plus, truly original ideas isn't a common occurrence with racing games.
You had me at Creedence, REM and Audioslave. Also the fact that Cleavon Little's Super Soul is in this game too got me hyped. Vanishing Point is my favourite road movie ever.
Echo what everybody says, interesting concept but the B&W is a bit off putting. Maybe have it as an option?

Kinda similar to this game I discovered recently:
You had me at Creedence, REM and Audioslave. Also the fact that Cleavon Little's Super Soul is in this game too got me hyped. Vanishing Point is my favourite road movie ever.
It's worth noting the phrasing.

"Inspired by".
We're so starved of new ideas in games, particularly racing games, these days that I really want to go all in on this. But sadly it looks crap.
I would definitely say watch a playthrough of this game before buying it to make sure it's the kind of game you want to play. The Steam page makes it look like it's a racing/driving game where you make important choices at checkpoints, but in reality it's the opposite and is more of a visual novel with some rudimentary driving mini-sections at some points.

Not saying that's a bad game type at all, but I also can't say I'm terribly impressed by what seems to be deceptive advertising about the gameplay style. Also there's very noticeable political bias being shown in some places that really doesn't fit the theme of the game at all, which is an even stranger design decision.
Watched a little bit a couple days ago. Definitely not for me. I thought it would be more like Driver than OutRun.