How to get the mugen s2000.

  • Thread starter Ju5tin3886
I wondering if anyone could tell me how to get the mugen s2000. I entered the type R meeting and won it a couple of times and got the s2000 and spoon s2000. Could some one please help me with this?
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Just keep trying.

There is no definitive way to win any particular prize car; it's all luck after you've won the series.
Pray very hard to the God or Goddess of your choice while pressing this exact series of buttons:

triangle, triangle, square, circle, [], x, x, select, []

Repeat 3 times in rapid succession. During the last rotation, howl at the top of your lungs.

Just kidding. :dunce: As Pupik says above, it's all random.
I read on this web site that you can pick which car you want.

go to the part where it says Gran turismo 3 easy money cheat 1 and read that. i'm not sure if this is right or not.

First, that site needs to learn what a "cheat" is.

Second, there aren't any cheats for any GT game ever.

Third, the prize car carousel has been shown beyond any reasonable doubt to be completely random. You cannot pick which car you want.
First, that site needs to learn what a "cheat" is.
True, but some of them are downright hilarious...


Over 6 Years Of Playing All Racing Games There All The Same In A Certain Way. On The First Gt It Was Easy To Handle All Cars Except Mr Drive Cars. Same On Gt2. On Gt3 Though, I've Found That The Best Handleing Cars Are Ff Drive And Just A Few 4wd Cars. I Dont Know Why This Is So But I Know Of A Mr Drive Car With Perfect Handling. I'ts Called The F090/s. After You Change This Cars Oil It Only Has 711 Hp's But It Has Perfect And Untouchable Handling. Of The 30 Some Cars I Own It Has The Best Handling By Far. I Have A Set Of Medium-soft Race Wheels On It. It May Be A Little Hard For An Unexperienced Driver To Handle But Ive Won 17 Championships With It. To Get This Car The Way I Did You Have To Race Superspeedway Endurance 150miles A Few Times. I Raced It With An 1884 Hp Suzuki Escudo About 4 Times At 43 Minutes Per Time And Finally Got It. Once U Get The Car Ur Gonna Be A Winner I Garantue It.

What? I need to get me some of those Mister Drive cars.
I hope your poking fun and you actually know he put Mr instead of typing mid-engine rear wheel drive.I can't tell you how many races i did over and over trying to win that stupid Toyota Chaser only to be very sad by the way the thing handled sideways, sketchy heavy feeling thing it is.