July DLC Clues

  • Thread starter BoneSawTX


Tasteless! (Rather unlike the contents of the van) :lol:
In the Auto Union, I got to the end of the straight on the Nordschleife having made it all the way round on a clean lap and then didn't brake soon enough and crashed into a barrier. Gutting.
LOL. Did you know I first had that in mind as well when I saw that van? :lol:
Really? To the people liking this or think this is funny you should really be ashamed of yourselves. I came over here just to see about the new cars that came on F5 and I see this. As a parent to an 8 year old I find this really disturbing and disrespectful to all the parents out there that had a child kidnapped or killed because of this senseless behavior. So Toko that's what you had in mind when you first saw this? There's nothing "LOL" about that and that goes to everyone.
Really? To the people liking this or think this is funny you should really be ashamed of yourselves. I came over here just to see about the new cars that came on F5 and I see this. As a parent to an 8 year old I find this really disturbing and disrespectful to all the parents out there that had a child kidnapped or killed because of this senseless behavior. So Toko that's what you had in mind when you first saw this? There's nothing "LOL" about that and that goes to everyone.
Microsoft and T10 have all this covered, they see you with something offensive, they shut you down (Although it's like T10 are asking for it, what's the point of a slow van, like this no less, in a game like this. I'd preferred an Astro lol).

I mean why did Medal of Honor (2010) have to change the name of one of their multiplayer teams from the Taliban to Opfor?
Really? To the people liking this or think this is funny you should really be ashamed of yourselves. I came over here just to see about the new cars that came on F5 and I see this. As a parent to an 8 year old I find this really disturbing and disrespectful to all the parents out there that had a child kidnapped or killed because of this senseless behavior. So Toko that's what you had in mind when you first saw this? There's nothing "LOL" about that and that goes to everyone.
Dude, me and others were just having fun. Nothing serious... :rolleyes:
There's nothing "LOL" about that and that goes to everyone.

One of the first things any parent teaches their children is not to accept candy from strangers, at least where I'm from.

It's black humour in the same category as telling someone to wash their cat by putting it in the dishwasher. It would be a terrible thing, if we weren't assuming that the majority of people are NOT dumb enough to actually do it.

If you're offended by a picture of a van, you should probably stay off the internet. It gets a lot worse. I wouldn't show that picture specifically to the parents of a kidnapped child, but neither should we feel obliged to censor ourselves in public just in case somebody might get their feelings hurt. That way lies political correctness, and that's not much fun.

It was meant in humour, and should be taken as such.
Ok, this is my last post on the subject, I understand the humour and the anything goes thing on the internet, but to joke about kidnapped children or the intent to which a van with free candy on the side is obviously stating, is not funny imo, as a father and as an adult. You guys must be young or do not have kids yet, and when and if you do have kids maybe then you might understand where I'm coming from. There's been to many missing children in the US and around the world for this to be a humorous subject. Example, the sandy hook shootings of 20 innocent kids, how would you feel if someone painted on the side of the van something "humorous" about that. That's all I was saying fellas, it's all good.
Ok, this is my last post on the subject, I understand the humour and the anything goes thing on the internet, but to joke about kidnapped children or the intent to which a van with free candy on the side is obviously stating, is not funny imo, as a father and as an adult. You guys must be young or do not have kids yet, and when and if you do have kids maybe then you might understand where I'm coming from. There's been to many missing children in the US and around the world for this to be a humorous subject. Example, the sandy hook shootings of 20 innocent kids, how would you feel if someone painted on the side of the van something "humorous" about that. That's all I was saying fellas, it's all good.
*Sigh* First of all no one is making a joke about kidnapped kids or anything like that. The picture was solely meant to be humorous and you're taking it too seriously, misunderstanding what it was really about. Yes I said I had that in mind, but to joke around with. You really need to learn how to take some things for a joke.

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