Look here before you ask! -- GT2 Frequently Asked Questions


?¿That's Odd?¿
Staff Emeritus
United States
Tx, Alamo City
If you have a question that might have been discussed already please look in here first:

How do I find the ____ (prize car)?
Please look at our prize car list first.

https://www.gtplanet.net/forum/showthread.php?t=16126]Is the ____ in the game? How much power does the ____ get? Racing mods? Dirt tires?
There are just over 590 of them, over 615 if you count every hidden car. This shows you every car in the game with all the info you’ll ever need to know about them.

Used cars, hard to find used cars, and the Eternal Search for that Subaru Impreza 22B?
You will find it eventually, just have a little patience...

What's the best car, and has anyone ever rated every car?
There is no best all-around car (that would sort of defeat the purpose of the game), but there are some very good ones that stand out. GTP members have rated a good deal of the GT2 cars in the above thread. It couldn't hurt to look around or use the search function, for specific threads about certain cars.

Favorite car(s) in the game?
There's a lot of opinions on the matter.

Fastest car in the game?
Test Course and Machine Test Monsters.

How do I go even faster with hybrids (not the Toyota Prius)?
It depends on how you set the car up, or cheat codes, or use hybrids (hacking the code to modify the cars).

What about the Escudo?
The most controversial car in the game. Also the all-round fastest.

The love-hate relationship with the Speed 12
Let it spin...er, fly! The second most controversial car in the game.

Where's the McLaren F1?
Verdict: Don't bother looking for it. It's like looking for treasure in Al Capone's vault.

Where is the Mercedes-Benz CLK-GTR? And what is the CLK Race Car (a.k.a. CLK DTM)?
Nobody really knows; it was visible (but not drivable) in the GT2 game teasers. The CLK Race Car is a hidden car, but you need a GameShark to hack it out.

Where's the BMW M-cars and the Z3? And why can't I change the rims?
BMW forgot them, we suppose.

What's the "Garage bug"?
If you have NTSC 1.0, you cannot perform more than 8 Max Speed/Machine Tests, or you may lose your entire garage!

Different versions of the game?
They vary a little bit from one another.

how do I set lap records?
Do it in Arcade Mode, then save it, and reload Simulation Mode to see it in a race.

Toughest championship/races?
1. The GT300 championship, if you play fair (using cars that are near to the cars you are racing).
2. Also, that sneaky Ford GT40 in the Historic Meeting at Rome (over the 295hp limit).
3. The occasional appearance of the Vector M12 LM Edition in the 30-lap Trial Mountain Enduro (far over the power limit).
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Hello, Gran Turismo 2 racers! I thought I'd make a few things clear about making this a pleasant and enjoyable forum. This post is not intended to replace any of the Acceptable Use Policy for using GTPlanet. If you have a question concerning the operation, moderation, and the administration of GTPlanet, please go to the Site Feedback forum.

1. Please don't start a new thread about a question that's been answered many times before. Obviously, some thread titles are not very specific about what is contained in them, but there are other questions that need not be asked over and over again. When in doubt, take some time to read though the post above, which has numerous threads concerning some of the most commonly asked questions about Gran Turismo 2. We do not want to be overloaded with threads about prize cars and finding used cars on certain days. We have to many threads on the fastest car, most horsepower, and the first car used in the game. Look around for a while if you are a new member, and we always recommend you use our fine search feature (always located at the top-right corner of every page on GTPlanet.net). New threads just like pre-existing threads may be closed by a moderator.

2. Do not dig up old threads for no reason! I wholeheartedly agree with adding to an existing question or thread, but bringing up an old thread which contributes nothing makes this forum worthless. Add something of value or correct any errors that other GTPlanet members have made, but please do not add garbage to this forum. It is about the game Gran Turismo 2, and anything related to GT2.

3. This forum is not about whether imports are better than domestics, or how fast a Viper can go on a real quarter-mile dragstrip. Go to the Automotive Forum for those types of discussions, where they are better appreciated. If you want to talk about motor sports, then go to the various racing forums. Be prepared to back up your statements with facts and sources, and of course, your personal real-life experiences if you've driven the car in question beforehand...

4. Off-topic discussion: If the discussion is lighthearted or irrelevant to any other forum, The Rumble Strip is probably what you are looking for, as long as you are not abusing other members. It does not matter whether you have 1 post or over 10000, nobody is any better than any other member regardless of what some may think. So take your fights outside, do not get into a flame war; use Private Messaging it if you wish to resolve a conflict. The best method if you see a nasty post is to report it or contact a moderator if you have any questions.

5. Races and challenges. There is another forum for spot races, challenges, and series.[/url] Understandably, there are a few posts here and there about spot races at the GT2 forum. Submit your time; the honor system works best. However, if you are challenged to provide proof of your time, then take a picture of the entire screen or send a DexDrive save of your replay as an attachment. It's better to participate even with a slow time to show you are a serious racer, because can be bad winners and/or good losers.

6. Have fun, don't make fun of. Ask decent questions, not unrealistic ones. And please do not be afraid to ask a question that has not been answered. Some very old threads may offer no insight to GT2, but read them first, and don't be ashamed to add new threads or correct any mistakes. Yet, don't go off the deep end because someone misspelled "Skyline".
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Yeah, my little series thing!

And Pupik, thanks fo rmentioning that, because you've given me a good idea. I can take suggestions of what people want to race with, and what tracks people like. That way, everyone gets whatever they want eventually. Thanky.
Just trying to prevent a total breakdown of this forum. I've noticed a few junk threads in the GT1 forum; I don't want to see that junk in our house!
Ive been playing GT1 for about 2 hours today. I'm still awaiting any challenge for my Camaro SS time at Laguna...

...but I miss the depth of GT2, I must admit. Fear not, I'll be back in the House of GT2 in a day or two. For me, GT1 is a curiosity, I revert to it when I feel like I'm out of ideas in GT2.
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A few weeks back, there was a "member" whom asked for some GT2 "files".


Go buy the game for $5-$15, it is money well spent.
I believe they were "roms"...You can give away all the DexDrive saves you want, apparently. If you don't have the game, the Dex saves are useless, anyhow.

MK's Files are also 100% legit, nothing illegal (no BIOS or ROMS)about them; they modify the game saves (not the actual game)...but I have never played around with them so I can't really comment.
Just a few to add to NocturnalPS list above...(hint, hint)

Favorite car(s) in the game?

What's the "Garage bug"? (Evil...but quite avoidable.)


Different versions of the game? (Yes, they vary slightly.)

What about the Escudo?

Fastest car in the game thread:

Setting lap records:

What's the fastest speed possible?

Anyone ever rated every car? (No, but here's some reviews...)

The love-hate relationship with the Speed 12:

Where's the McLaren F1? (Not in the game.)

Where's the Mercedes-Benz CLK-GTR? (Not in the game.)
What about the CLK Race Car (a.k.a. CLK DTM)?

Check here for more questions...do a search!
I wish I could make that so.

I don't have any say in the matter, and I don't like to be pushy...after all, I didn't prompt NocturnalPS about a post like this. It just sort of popped out of head when I saw things were getting to a near-boiling point in other areas of GTP.

So the best remedy is to:
A. Get positive responses, so it floats like Ivory soap...
B. Get a lock on it so it's suddenly interesting, but drops like a rock.

I'm hoping for Plan A.
PUPIK, I like your introduction, very well written and easily understood. I've been away for awhile ,just got back the other day. I was looking at the challenges and races and there doesn't seem to be munch there ,like nice simple little race for us gt 2 folks. If I understood the intro correctly, can we post these little challenges here? Not to complicated with teams and manufacterer points and mile long lists of rules. // My 1st question to the rest of you. What does the engine sound of the GT40 sound like to you all ? It just don't sem right to me but maybe, I was thinking it my be a glitch in my game .
I knew it, milefile's a door-to-door rubber nipple salesman!

I imagined the GT40 exhaust note to be a the sound of wind at night.


But there's a GT40 thread, and separate chalenge threads going around as we type. So let's just keep a bit of order around here, shall we?

And I'll promise never to say "rubber nipples" in the GT2 forum again.
Originally posted by eddy_2790
Can't remember what the GT40 sounds like.

Milefile - I can't stand poor quality avatars so I cleaned yours up a bit.

Poor quality? WTF! :lol:

Thanks tho. I used it. To be honest I don't even have avatars activated so I didn't realize it looked so sketchy. It looked better where I got it from.

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