Mandatory location at livery competitions

  • Thread starter dizco
I want to discuss the choice of the mandatory location at the livery competitions. At the moment this is: S&Company East, Saitama, Japan (scape number 5). I´think, that the scape isn't ideal to give you a good overview of the submitted livery.

The location is not ideal for several reasons.
  • Frog perspective
  • Interior
  • artificial light

The frog perspective does not allow photographing the vehicle from slightly above. The artificial light does not make the colors look colorful, the contrast is too low. These details must then be corrected by means of aperture and exposure time. Yes, you got the chance to spoiler 2 of your additional pictures, but i would like to use this to get creative, not to show the basics of my livery.

I would recommend a place that is outdoors, with clear weather conditions. My choice would be Salar de Uyuni, Bolivia. Great colors and contrast, and a slightly better perspective.

Compare yourself:





I would like to express only constructive criticism at this point and am therefore curious about your points of view.
I see your concern, and it is very likely it’ll change. I chose to do a new scape to let more people who aren’t used to the comps (or maybe the game) join in. A quick and okay scape to jump in without having to do so many adjustments as we did back in Sport. For a new person this would be intimidating. Too much hassle to join.

And with so many rulebreakers still, this just tells me the majority of the new people still need time to make themselves at home, and be comfortable with how they enter.

It’s noted, I like other scapes more myself, I just wanted to start out with a scape with minimal effort for the new people. 👍🏼

And in the future; why not use the PM function before you make a whole thread about it? :)
We had a LEC discussion thread for GTS as well, I think it's good to have actually as some stuff might just get lost in the regulat LEC threads.
I'm fine with it, but I'm fine with any location, really. I guess the extra pics are there so that you can express something the mandatory ones couldn't emphasize, since they are... well regulatory and supposed to be the same thing for everyone.

What I find more important is that everybody follows the rules and set their pics exactly as they are supposed to. There are cases where people change exposure, color temperature, angles... and that's not right, imo.

EDIT: @syntex123 maybe three mandatory pics? The new one being one from above?
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*edit: The pics 3+4 in the bolivian desert are taken without any camera adjustments. You just have to push the button and get crisp, colorful and bright pictures.
I'm fine with it, but I'm fine with any location, really. I guess the extra pics are there so that you can express something the mandatory ones couldn't emphasize, since they are... well regulatory and supposed to be the same thing for everyone.

What I find more important is that everybody follows the rules and set their pics exactly as they are supposed to. There are cases where people change exposure, color temperature, angles... and that's not right, imo.

EDIT: @syntex123 maybe three mandatory pics? The new one being one from above?

Indeed. And I think above is only neccessary for liveries that have detailed roofs/bonnets, and if they feel like they need to show it, that’s partly where the bonus shots come in.
For some (me included) too picture heavy threads tend to load slow on my devices so the less pictures the better, imo. Subject to change, if more people want it, of course. I’m always docile.

*edit: The pics 3+4 in the bolivian desert are taken without any camera adjustments. You just have to push the button and get crisp, colorful and bright pictures.
Well then, make a video explaining how to set up the scene (a la the one I made) and we can transition into this one some time soon if enough people agree.

But first. Make a poll. Let’s see how many are fine the way things are now, see how many who wants it to go back to the Sport method(should probably add examples to the OP), and then this new one you’re proposing. We’ll adjust accordingly, when people learn how to enter correctly. Oh, make the poll viewable without voting, too.
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Indeed. And I think above is only neccessary for liveries that have detailed roofs/bonnets, and if they feel like they need to show it, that’s partly where the bonus shots come in.
For some (me included) too picture heavy threads tend to load slow on my devices so the less pictures the better, imo. Subject to change, if more people want it, of course. I’m always docile.
Oh, that's a good point. I have access to really good internet connection and even then it can be painfull to load a image heavy poll thread here.
Oh, that's a good point. I have access to really good internet connection and even then it can be painfull to load a image heavy poll thread here.
Exactly, I sometimes have to turn off wifi to load all pics in a heavy thread. :lol:

Actually i think, nobody else does have a problem with the mandatory location choice. However, this does not mean that the choice of J&Factory is a good one. I think the participants are mainly focused on the technical implementation of the designs, not on the best possible presentation of the results. I have photographed extensively for years and would argue that my experience in choosing a location benefits everyone involved.

I am happy to assist should the need arise. However, I don't think starting a poll is helpful, as participants are unlikely to want to undergo photography training and I don't want to impose.

I still maintain that for the competition you need a location without artificial light, preferably in sunny, clear conditions where the sun is not too low (shade). Then it is not necessary to reduce the focal length, because this will blur parts out of focus. Also the color temperature is different outdoors, there it is not necessary to change it to get a sharp and contrasty image. My tip is Bolivia, Scape #10, move the vehicle as close as possible to the camera, rotate into position and just shoot your image. No further adjustment of focal length, shutter speed or color temperature necessary.
Sunny clear conditions is exactly what you’d want to avoid irl, I’m not saying the current scape is better, but it serves its purpose so far.
Noone else seems to have issues with it yet. You had a chance to make a poll, but with no poll and this thread basically dead I think we’ll leave it as is for now. But your ideas are noted. :)

Oh and your scape choice tends to look a bit flat for some cars. I had a little experiment myself a few days ago.


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I agree with @dizco, I really miss some natural lighting in the current scapes location. It makes it very uniform so I really understand for choosing the location, but the lack of contrast is really a missed chance.

So I think a poll would be a great idea!
Am I the only person who likes the new location? 🤷‍♂

I prefer the camera depth in the scene we currently use and introducing any background colours tends to shift the appearance of the livery in some instances.

Not saying the current location is perfect but I don't think it's bad.
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Im not a fan of the current location, nor the Bolivia suggestion.

I am a fan of the freedom that simply screen capping the livery editor preview against either a white or black background affords.

I'm not going to chuck my dummy over it though.
Thanks to @MatskiMonk I found this thread and I have to admit I've never been a great fan of the new location, because of the light and the angle we take pictures from.

I do think too the roof of the cars should be more visible in the mandatory pics.

I understand all the old settings could be a problem for the new participants, but if you read correctly the instructions it's not that hard, and once you've taken one picture for a LEC, you can just open the old photo and change the car without having nothing else to do so...

If there were a poll I'd vote for a change, either for the old location, either for a new one, and people who know photography could try and find a few other ones and then we could make a poll to chose it.

There's a new spot in GT7 I often use, I don't remember exactly the settings I use but I think the colors are pretty good and the angle from above shows the whole car pretty well imo.

Depending on the livery it's better to be on the left side of the scape, it brings more light than the right side but I think anyone can find the good place.

Sorry for all these pics but it's made to see different types of liveries and give you an idea of how it's going.

I also like the pit lane in Le Mans for quite the same reasons.

If anyone else has a favorite spot it might be useful for everyone
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I agree. Especially matte liveries look awful in garage. One garage and one overhead could be an alternative. I have just the overheard for it too.

The question though is how easy is it to do the podium shots afterwards as I presume the driver for using the set background was having to isolate the cars afterwards.

Edit: If images aren’t used anymore then maybe that’s a non issue.
As @MatskiMonk suggested, this is probably the best place for this discussion...

You'll have to ask @Raphaele what he thinks about having multiple locations and how that would work for the presentation of the Hall of Fame - at the moment they're all the front three-quarter shot from the existing garage scene, so they present nicely. Maybe that shot could be kept and we add an elevated rear three-quarter shot, as you suggest? But then maybe that's not going to work for some designs??
I'll copy and past into here.
I agree. Especially matte liveries look awful in garage. One garage and one overhead could be an alternative. I have just the overheard for it too.

The question though is how easy is it to do the podium shots afterwards as I presume the driver for using the set background was having to isolate the cars afterwards.

Edit: If images aren’t used anymore then maybe that’s a non issue.
As @MatskiMonk suggested, this is probably the best place for this discussion...

You'll have to ask @Raphaele what he thinks about having multiple locations and how that would work for the presentation of the Hall of Fame - at the moment they're all the front three-quarter shot from the existing garage scene, so they present nicely. Maybe that shot could be kept and we add an elevated rear three-quarter shot, as you suggest? But then maybe that's not going to work for some designs??
If it works for @Raphaele then keeping the front 3/4 for one obviously makes more sense.
Then it depends on the elevated shot and whether we agree to use it for the second picture.

Obviously people have the freedom of bonus pics for anything outside of that.
I'm re-stating my preference for using the livery editor itself as the basis for the livery submissions.


Free camera angle, zoom, elevation and positioning. Whatever the focal point of the livery is, it can be made clear.

Freedom over the composition without making it a photo competition.

No editing possible. Uniformity amongst quality of presentation.

Neutral colour tone, no environmental colourisation or overt colour temperature issues.

No glare, no shadows, no reflections

Either white or black background, to better display either light or dark liveries.

Saves a little bit of hassle not having to go through scapes to get the pictures in the first place, and may save time trying to find a scape that's at a suitable angle to show off the 50 piece decal you just bust your ass making.

No visual contradictions, e.g. no Sambabuses in a pitlane, no GT500's in some small Cotswald village parked outside a cottage.


Might require the PS App for people not using a PC or laptop to get the photos on to GTP.

Might not be quite as aesthetically appealing, but then this is about liveries, and not photos.


It's how I do my livery thread now since I can't be bothered trawling through scapes to find the angles I want.

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I'm re-stating my preference for using the livery editor itself as the basis for the livery submissions.


Free camera angle, zoom, elevation and positioning. Whatever the focal point of the livery is, it can be made clear.

Freedom over the composition without making it a photo competition.

No editing possible. Uniformity amongst quality of presentation.

Neutral colour tone, no environmental colourisation or overt colour temperature issues.

No glare, no shadows, no reflections

Either white or black background, to better display either light or dark liveries.

Saves a little bit of hassle not having to go through scapes to get the pictures in the first place, and may save time trying to find a scape that's at a suitable angle to show off the 50 piece decal you just bust your ass making.

No visual contradictions, e.g. no Sambabuses in a pitlane, no GT500's in some small Cotswald village parked outside a cottage.


Might require the PS App for people not using a PC or laptop to get the photos on to GTP.

Might not be quite as aesthetically appealing, but then this is about liveries, and not photos.


It's how I do my livery thread now since I can't be bothered trawling through scapes to find the angles I want.

Is there a setting to up the quality of screenshots to share images here? I find if I take screenshots in the game they're always quite fuzzy by the time I post them here...

I like the idea of using the black or white backgrounds though, that's not a bad shout. If you can up the quality so it's as high res as the scapes images then I'd back this idea.
I'm re-stating my preference for using the livery editor itself as the basis for the livery submissions.


Free camera angle, zoom, elevation and positioning. Whatever the focal point of the livery is, it can be made clear.

Freedom over the composition without making it a photo competition.

No editing possible. Uniformity amongst quality of presentation.

Neutral colour tone, no environmental colourisation or overt colour temperature issues.

No glare, no shadows, no reflections

Either white or black background, to better display either light or dark liveries.

Saves a little bit of hassle not having to go through scapes to get the pictures in the first place, and may save time trying to find a scape that's at a suitable angle to show off the 50 piece decal you just bust your ass making.

No visual contradictions, e.g. no Sambabuses in a pitlane, no GT500's in some small Cotswald village parked outside a cottage.


Might require the PS App for people not using a PC or laptop to get the photos on to GTP.

Might not be quite as aesthetically appealing, but then this is about liveries, and not photos.


It's how I do my livery thread now since I can't be bothered trawling through scapes to find the angles I want.

Even with the ps app I cannot do this. My screen grabs have never shown up there.
Edit: this is only for ps5 according to the internet.
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Is there a setting to up the quality of screenshots to share images here? I find if I take screenshots in the game they're always quite fuzzy by the time I post them here...

I like the idea of using the black or white backgrounds though, that's not a bad shout. If you can up the quality so it's as high res as the scapes images then I'd back this idea.
No, as far as I know it's fixed. I don't think there's an issue with image sharpness particularly, but it doesn't seem to have the same depth of colour palette and therefore you get some dithering in the shading.

It's not ideal but given the compromises that are inherent in pretty much every scape location, I think it's the lesser of the evils. Ultimate photo clarity isn't as important here as it would be in a photo comp.

Just my two cents. I don't think moving to a different scape location particularly solves any of the problems with the current location.
I think doing a rear 3\4 elevated in place of rear at the current location is a good idea. I think getting a good elevation shot is critical to most liveries, the hood and roof of many designs are the best parts. This shot could be outdoors, possibly a good compromise.
I do like the idea of changing one the required photo locations, and agree that an elevated shot would be beneficial to showcasing the livery. The pit lane above is one of my preferred locations, as well as the parking garage in Miami (see below) which is completely neutral in color. I don't know the location that @Sian posted back in August, but it looks good as well. If I was to suggest another possible change it would be to an acceptable range for black levels posted. I know that these are only accessible from the filter area, but this is a crucial adjustment in terms of setting the contrast correctly (and you don't need to use a filter in order to adjust it). I find that just an adjustment of 1-3 clicks is average, so maybe a range of +/- 5.
