Moglet's Gallery [7th August 2019 - Japan Trip Update]

  • Thread starter Moglet


United Kingdom
I thought I'd best start a proper gallery thread. I can't remember all of the old stuff that I'd uploaded previously but I'll try and get them back on here. First of all though, some new shots;

And now some older work;

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Why the hell haven't you had any replies?

Very nice photos 👍
Thanks for your feedback guys, Alex I don't know why I've had very little replies because it's all new work and I've had plenty of views...

Anyway here are the shots of my new car, some are snapshots and others are obviously more artistic;














Awesome shots, you make the little 500 look like a piece of art...Oh wait thats because it is! 👍 Keep it up.
Thanks for the feedback, I've acted upon it but I wasn't too sure which side to crop, but I think this one came out better than the other side;

That looks great Moglet, the lighting is good in there too surprisingly. Suppose its the windows letting in some light. Can't think of anything else to say but, awesome work! Keep it up!
I went out and did a photoshoot today with half of my friend's band! Since it was only 2 people it was difficult at times to get them to work together properly in shots, but I'm very pleased with this considering it was my first try at anything like this! I had no lighting or extra equipment, just my camera and the world around me.

Here are the best of the bunch;

Let me know what you think :)
I agree with F1GTR that the last two are definitely the pick of bunch. Great tones and sort of conveys that rocker image.
Thanks for your feedback guys, I was really worried that I may have overused that tone on my shots, but luckily the band had never seen it before. :lol:

Anyway here are a few I took while out and about with my dogs yesterday;

The shot below was an absolute pain to get since one of my dogs kept running into the water I was shooting! Plus the camera was resting on my camera bag for a fairly long exposure and it was a pain to get a shot that wasn't blurred;

Long exposure of the trees opposite my house in the windy weather we've had;

That water shot is awesome 👍! Might have been a pain but it was totally worth it.
Love that shot of the waterfall and the pics of your car, it looks so cool.

Thanks for the feedback, glad you liked those shots. :)

That water shot is awesome 👍! Might have been a pain but it was totally worth it.

Thanks Joey, looking back it was worth the effort but it did mean getting my lens slightly wet and also getting my camera bag soaked on one side. I did try resting the camera on 4 stones above the water but that failed miserably. :lol:
I love the third shot in the set Moglet. The bokeh in the first one is a bit jarring for me though. The fourth shot is very tait-esque!!
I like all the shots up there as a set but the first two are definitely my favorites. 👍

Thanks, Syntax!

I love the third shot in the set Moglet. The bokeh in the first one is a bit jarring for me though. The fourth shot is very tait-esque!!

The fourth shot was heavily inspired by tait, looking at his work again has made me want to get out there and take some shots. Thanks for your feedback 👍

Here's a quick one I just shot;

Colour balance and Curves adjustments.
The waterfall photo,the photo of the 500 in post 10 and the photo of the
water with the leafs in post 21 are my favorites.
Can I have that photo in post 10 for my desktop? :)
The waterfall photo,the photo of the 500 in post 10 and the photo of the
water with the leafs in post 21 are my favorites.
Can I have that photo in post 10 for my desktop? :)

Thanks, Serge. I'm glad you liked them. I can't remember if I ever sent you the 500 shot in desktop size though?

Some absolutely fantastic shots appearing, can't wait to see more 👍

Thanks, sorry it took me so long to update but here's another;

I decided to take my camera with me to walk my dogs today, since there was a mist all over the landscape. The downside was that it was 1° outside, which is cold for England! :lol: I still managed to get some shots I was happy with though;





Hope you like them, I hope to be visiting some National Trust locations soon for some really nice scenic work. I also have an interview with a photography studio on Tuesday to become a studio assistant for general portrait work. I really hope I get it so I can finally do something I enjoy!