Monthly TT challenge: PS4/XB1/ PC: Mazda 787b @ Highlands

  • Thread starter mister dog
I had a bit of free time to give it a go.
Great little combo, the car is very rewarding to drive fast around Magione.
1:39.690 PC - T300RS/TH8A
Too bad I had to stop on the fourth lap after a little accident, the poor thing couldn't handle my horrible driving :D :

I will try to do the next combos, it's great fun. 👍
Damn bro...Go easy on the negative camber & toe out... :lol:
Online servers were all messed-up yesterday, so I gave this a try.

But between recording the video and taking some photos, stupid me forgot to take a screenshot of the time*. :ouch:

Anyway, a video is here, for anyone interested.

* 1:42:9xx, not to be considered, of course.
April update? These challenges deserve more players and love :D
Sorry for the delay guys, I'm always playing PCARS 2 at the moment so I didn't manage to research a new combo. I'm planning to wait until the new patch arrives on consoles in the next weeks so I could do one with one of the new cars you'll be getting. Like this I'll be pulling April and May together for that one if that's ok for everybody?

March stays open until then :).
I'm new to this TT challenge. Already enjoying and thus participating in other AC challenges but an extra one can be added to my calendar.

Just to be sure about this 787B/Highlands challenge. It is the regular Highlands track or the Long version?
I assume the regular but I just learned not to make assumptions too much ;)

787B @Highlands long I already set a time of 3:24:918 (about 4 seconds separated form the aliens)
I'm new to this TT challenge. Already enjoying and thus participating in other AC challenges but an extra one can be added to my calendar.

Just to be sure about this 787B/Highlands challenge. It is the regular Highlands track or the Long version?
I assume the regular but I just learned not to make assumptions too much ;)

787B @Highlands long I already set a time of 3:24:918 (about 4 seconds separated form the aliens)
Regular one :).
I adjusted the OP as I bet more people would be confused. Cheers!
2:07:648 - BrainsBush - PS4

View attachment 648331

New in this TT challenge. I just gave it a try with the brilliant new 787B @Highlands. I also added a YT vid of the hotlap. If you want this in another thread then I will post it in the appropriate topic. Greetz Brian

No thank you! If I like videos I even post them in the OP sometimes :).

I only tried it briefly yesterday checking out how the combo would work, how is it on the limit?
No thank you! If I like videos I even post them in the OP sometimes :).

I only tried it briefly yesterday checking out how the combo would work, how is it on the limit?

Great combo!! This is real fun and if you're going too fast in some corners you obviously hit the fence. No way to avoid it. I'm still learning the max apex speed vs fatal collision. I think the aliens will slice some seconds of rapidly so I haven't touched the limits yet? We'll see.

Edit: According to RSR high 2:04 and a two 2:05's . So my 2:07 is not bad at all. I deserved a cold Palmke
Just a tip: Obviously the turn before the long straight is important. You can gain a lot of time by getting that one right. It is a bit tricky though.

Likewise, the turn on top of the hill after the long straight is also really important to get right. I would suggest a late apex and trying to get on the gas as early as possible. If you are too early you will have to come off the gas because otherwise you will hit the fence. I shaved off a few seconds just by being a bit patient in that turn.

There are a couple of lefthanders later on that are also difficult to get just right. Fun and challenging track. Good combo, mister dog. :)
Just a tip: Obviously the turn before the long straight is important. You can gain a lot of time by getting that one right. It is a bit tricky though.

Likewise, the turn on top of the hill after the long straight is also really important to get right. I would suggest a late apex and trying to get on the gas as early as possible. If you are too early you will have to come off the gas because otherwise you will hit the fence. I shaved off a few seconds just by being a bit patient in that turn.

There are a couple of lefthanders later on that are also difficult to get just right. Fun and challenging track. Good combo, mister dog. :)
yep exit cornering with the max speed is very important also on this track. But as always too much speed will end in a close hug with the fences :crazy:
Damn this thing is planted. This was with factory settings, i.e. no TC or ABS (are those allowed?) and an H-shifter.


Free of choice. The only aid I use if available is ABS and sometimes low TC on e.g. specific GT3 cars.
But luckily the older classic racers and roadcars do not have that modern technology on board.

Tire wear and fuel consumption ON. I try to race as realistic as possible. If car in real life has manual H shifter I use it. Does it have paddle shifter then I use that one on the wheel. Only exception is a car with sequential shifter then I also use the H pattern...
The only aid I use if available is ABS and sometimes low TC on e.g. specific GT3 cars.
But luckily the older classic racers and roadcars do not have that modern technology on board.

Tire wear and fuel consumption ON. I try to race as realistic as possible. If car in real life has manual H shifter I use it. Does it have paddle shifter then I use that one on the wheel. Only exception is a car with sequential shifter then I also use the H pattern...
Exactly how I like to do it too. Factory on all cars, and mid to high ABS and TC on GT3 cars. Plus tyre wear, fuel consumption and damage.

I actually have 3 shifters: 2xTH8RS (H and seq) and 1 SHH-shifter (seq). I only have the TH8RS H connected at the moment though.
I like the TH8RS seq better than the SHH, so I think I'll sell or get rid of the SHH. (very ridiculously cheap, hint hint).
That SHH-Shifter is the 3d printed one? Is it sequential due to the plate you have on it? Could you turn it into a H-Pattern with a swapped plate? What is it that you don't like about it compared to the TH8RS? I'm sure it can't match the quality level of the Thrustmaster, but I expect that...I mean, it's price brand new would probably be higher if it were the same level of quality, no? I'm not insulting the device...I'm sure it's a fine product. Just curious why you don't like it as much.