No GT6 till 2015?

  • Thread starter monildan
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In all honesty video games(with a few exceptions) age like fine wine. The longer effort are put into it the more enjoyment to come from it.

I can agree with that. As long as effort doesn't become a chore.
The effort should be a pleasure and not even seen as an effort if you get my drift.

Not like that silly sod in my sig lol.
I can wait. Well only have to wait 4 years from now, and with DLC and tracks cropping up, it won't be half as bad as waiting for gt5 from gt4, anyway there will be a gt6 prologue.
I can wait. Well only have to wait 4 years from now, and with DLC and tracks cropping up, it won't be half as bad as waiting for gt5 from gt4, anyway there will be a gt6 prologue.
Nobody knows how long we have to wait until GT6.
Nobody knows how long we have to wait until GT6.

So long as they continue to support GT5 threw the development of GT6 what is the big deal? It will not be as bad as GT4-GT5 due to them having a game engine they are going to tweak. That is what took the longest was getting a game engine WRITTEN FROM SCRATCH.
In all honesty video games(with a few exceptions) age like fine wine. The longer effort are put into it the more enjoyment to come from it.

It needs to not feel like a grind though. Before Polyphony increased the experience gain, you were forced into repeating races over and over again in A-Spec.

misleading title

no sources, no images, no videos,

Terrible post

Didn't even bother to comprehend the thread title, topic, or read the thread.
So long as they continue to support GT5 threw the development of GT6 what is the big deal? It will not be as bad as GT4-GT5 due to them having a game engine they are going to tweak. That is what took the longest was getting a game engine WRITTEN FROM SCRATCH.
I never said there was a problem with how long it will take for them to release GT6 , but when people expect it in 4 years and IF it doesnt get released within 4 years then there will be a lot of disapointment. I dont care how long it takes myself just like I didnt care how long it took for GT5 to get released.
Yeah I would really hope Sony would jump ahead of Microsoft in release dates. Not sure they can or would or that they think the same way but they surely must realize that any and all success for the 360 was due to their year head start. I would further assume they realize that the signature titles need to be ready to go at the same time.GT being a big giant one.

according to this some expect some info on new consoles at this years E3 and that new xbox should be released in spring 2013 (xbox will be 8 years old next year)

they also expect that sony won't repeat the same mistake as they did with PS3 when they released it year later than xbox360 which resulted on lower revenues

i just hope they're right
One would think they'd do that this time, even me, but it's not going to happen.

\/\/\/ I agree with that.
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I heard something interesting on the radio today from a national tech junkie (Kim Komando) who was at CES. She said that for the first time, "all three gaming console companies will be announcing their next generation console at [this year's] E3."

Either she is FoS or this summer will ring in a level playing field for the next generation of consoles.

Yeah, I know what Kaz H said. RIGHT NOW they are focusing on the PSV not being an uber failure. We'll see what happens at E3. Why the frack don't they just tell the damned truth, "we are working on PlayStation 4, our developers are creating games for it as we speak, we are not announcing anything at this time.". Do they think they are going to surprise us or something??? The only way they could do that is to announce that the PS4 will be in stores the week following E3.

Could be because people will stop buying PS3s, even if the PS4 isn't due out until a couple years from the announcement. People will stop buying games, accessories, maybe even cancelling subscriptions to Playstation Plus. You never know... we'd all like Sony and PD to just BE UP FRONT with us, but there is obviously some tact in their secrecy.

Times are still pretty tough, the PS3 was developed to not only play games but also to stream online service, serve as a blu-ray player, and offer other forms of entertainment. I think with the PS2, it was unreasonable to think that people will fork out $50.00 every time a new game comes out and that's what the PS2 was really built around. PS3 benefits are much more versatile, but this could also tack on more complexities - a lot of which aren't apparent to consumers.

I would also think that DLC could stamp out the use of anymore Prologue games. My first post in this thread stated that they could release GT6 for PS3 in 2013 and then maybe a GT7 Prologue for PS4... but I think DLC in general is much more important than a half baked, glorified demo. As long as they support DLC for the full titles until the next full title, I'll probably never buy another Prologue game. In fact, I think it could be likely we'll GT5 Spec 3 or GT6 Spec 2 before we see another Prologue game.

I can almost guarantee you though, Sony will not release the PS4 without something from all of their exclusives, which was a major mistake they made with the PS3 and I'm most certainly pin-pointing PD. They could very well hold off GT6 and run just run the DLC game for GT5 until that time... which for me is great because GT5 will continue to give us our money's worth and GT6 will progress that much further into its develpoment.

We also should consider that anything PD says about Gran Turismo is never concrete, especially when it comes to releases. However, I do believe they've been working on it for the past year at least and that of course they'll need at least another year... that's all I can say that I'm pretty damn sure of.
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As mentioned earlier in this thread, my bet is between Spring and Chirstmas 2014, but I'd be ok if they postponed it for another year to be an initial release game for the PS4, so long as the game works. The glitches and bugs in this game have been numerous and well documented (and please don't get into the finished vs. unfinished debate because this thread isn't for that), but I still feel that I'm getting my monies worth, even after buying the CE and all the DLC I can get my hands on.

Nothing was announced about the PS4 this year, and I honestly wouldn't start getting excited about it until some details are released. I wouldn't even expect news about it next year, but maybe sometime in 2014. Regardless of when it comes out, I hope the new console is released with some form of GT game. If Sony can pull that off, then I'll definitely wait a week in line to purchase one of the first consoles. If not, no problem, because I can wait.
Ok, so if Sony decides not to announce or release PS4 at similar time as Microsoft announces or releases new Xbox, then they'll make the same mistake.

I personally think that decade is too long for releasing next generation console. The technology advances every minute. For me it would be logical if they release new consoles every 5 years.
Could be because people will stop buying PS3s, even if the PS4 isn't due out until a couple years from the announcement. People will stop buying games, accessories, maybe even cancelling subscriptions to Playstation Plus.
You mean like when people stopped buying the PS2 when the PS3 was announced right? Even though the PS2 was still selling strong in 2010.
Was the PS2 $250 USD when the PS3 released (or the year before) at its original price?
Game prices?
And you can't be so sure that there will be as much support for new games for the PS3 when the PS4 launches.

I think the PS4 will have to be affordable compared to the PS3. That'll most likely be true, but more likely than that, the PS3 won't be seeing a price drop in the next year.

Basically, there's too many factors to take into account.

Whiiiich is why this thread is madness.
Couldn't care less about GT6 right now. Still have things to do in GT5 and DLC and updates adds new life to it every now and then.
You mean like when people stopped buying the PS2 when the PS3 was announced right? Even though the PS2 was still selling strong in 2010.

I would like to point out that the PS2 sells for $100 or even less if you're buying used. There are a lot of selling points for it. It'll still play DVD (IDK if it'll play HD-DVD), CD's, and it also has a huge library of games a lot of which are gaming classics. PS3 doesn't have a fraction of good games that PS2 does and considering most of them aren't backwards compatible there is still good reason to drop a little money for a PS2. My PS3 is backward compaitable but not with 100% of all PS2 games (luckily it is with GT4!). I've even been thinking about buying a PS2 for some of those odd games like Star Wars Battlefront.
I predict that GT6 will probably come out late 2013 to late 2014 because they can work from GT5 and improve because its not like they need to make a new game engine for a new console which is why I think they took so long to make GT5. If PD improved engine sounds, add more a-spec events, fix some minor details like shadows and remove the idea of standard cars and put in like around 500-600 premium cars then I am willing to bet GT6 will sell 10 million or more and keep in mind that GT5 has 7.3 million sales so if they improve GT6 then a few more million people will be set to buy it. I didn't mean to get off topic.
As for a release date, I really don't have a clue.

The only thing I'm hoping for is that GT6 is a PS4 title and is released within the 1st year of the consoles life (would certainly help the new consoles launch).

Its just we all know GT5 was far from perfect, some of that was purely down to poor game design choices, which are slowly but surely being rectified in updates. Its just that some of the game seems to be too much for the PS3 (ram being the biggest offender)

So GT6 on PS4 please. No standard cars, better car sounds, no 2d trees or spectators, more dynamic weather system (includes variable temperature) which impacts the track. More realistic damage and a ton of AA. All of which should be possible on the PS4
Quit being so demanding. Give PD time to get it right. In the mean time, play GT5 and enjoy what we have. It may not be uber perfect, but it's still good.
I would like to point out that the PS2 sells for $100 or even less if you're buying used. There are a lot of selling points for it. It'll still play DVD (IDK if it'll play HD-DVD), CD's, and it also has a huge library of games a lot of which are gaming classics. PS3 doesn't have a fraction of good games that PS2 does and considering most of them aren't backwards compatible there is still good reason to drop a little money for a PS2. My PS3 is backward compaitable but not with 100% of all PS2 games (luckily it is with GT4!). I've even been thinking about buying a PS2 for some of those odd games like Star Wars Battlefront.
Honestly you didnt get my point did you? My point was that you said that when the PS4 is announced that people will stop buying the PS3 which is complete nonsense.

put in like around 500-600 premium cars
I cant see that happening. They take a lot of time to get the premium cars done. Before you say Turn 10 can do it dont forget that there is more twice the people who work on Forza than PD has working on Gran Turismo.

Quit being so demanding. Give PD time to get it right. In the mean time, play GT5 and enjoy what we have. It may not be uber perfect, but it's still good.
Its because people were demanding that we didnt get a fully finished game. People were demanding the release of GT5 and then when we got it it wasn't good enough because some people couldnt wait for a finished game.
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GT6 on PS4 in 2015, let's take advantage of Ps4 hardware you say. Now, take a look at Assetto Corsa on Pc next year.





Unedited screen shots. That looks like virtual reality. In a couple of years every major racing simulator will have the "Gran Turismo" look. Graphic rush is over folks. With the same details, game features will be more and more important and that's what PD should worry about, because graphic in future will no longer be a factor. So I'm not sure about delaying the next GT in 2014 or 2015 to "take advantage" of Ps4 hardware. With Poliphony eventually trying to beat what Assetto Corsa (and the new generation) will be in 2015, we risk to see them delaying GT6 for a long time. IMO they better have another go with PS3 improving GAME features before jumping on the new platform and deal with these fierce competitors. Because, when you ask people to buy new hardware, they'll start considering all the options available on the market. Assetto Corsa and pCars graphically are quite an option honestly.

Gran Turismo is still using the same formula that was thought up in 1992 (save for a couple of dropped and added features). But they know that even if they don't change a single thing, they'll still make money off the franchise. It needs to be a driving, racing, and modifying/tuning simulator. For now, it's still just a partial group of partially realistic cars that get progressively less realistic when you modify them.
GT6 Prologue in 2016, then GT6 Prologue Spec II in 2017 then GT6 full version by sometime in 2018..
GT6 on PS4 in 2015, let's take advantage of Ps4 hardware you say. Now, take a look at Assetto Corsa on Pc next year.


Unedited screen shots. That looks like virtual reality. In a couple of years every major racing simulator will have the "Gran Turismo" look. Graphic rush is over folks. With the same details, game features will be more and more important and that's what PD should worry about, because graphic in future will no longer be a factor. So I'm not sure about delaying the next GT in 2014 or 2015 to "take advantage" of Ps4 hardware. With Poliphony eventually trying to beat what Assetto Corsa (and the new generation) will be in 2015, we risk to see them delaying GT6 for a long time. IMO they better have another go with PS3 improving GAME features before jumping on the new platform and deal with these fierce competitors. Because, when you ask people to buy new hardware, they'll start considering all the options available on the market. Assetto Corsa and pCars graphically are quite an option honestly.
All of this will be moot when Euclideon finishes their point cloud tech, when that is out we will have grains of dirt (sure there would only be say 100 different models of them copy/pasted but they are too small to notice), imperfections in paint (modeleed with laser scanning), car damage on a near molecular level (Overstating it but I don't care :P).

I will be honest, I have a feeling that graphic innovations will slow down a LOT and move into a focus on the physics engine and new features.
GT6 on PS4 in 2015, let's take advantage of Ps4 hardware you say. Now, take a look at Assetto Corsa on Pc next year.

Unedited screen shots. That looks like virtual reality. In a couple of years every major racing simulator will have the "Gran Turismo" look. Graphic rush is over folks. With the same details, game features will be more and more important and that's what PD should worry about, because graphic in future will no longer be a factor. So I'm not sure about delaying the next GT in 2014 or 2015 to "take advantage" of Ps4 hardware. With Poliphony eventually trying to beat what Assetto Corsa (and the new generation) will be in 2015, we risk to see them delaying GT6 for a long time. IMO they better have another go with PS3 improving GAME features before jumping on the new platform and deal with these fierce competitors. Because, when you ask people to buy new hardware, they'll start considering all the options available on the market. Assetto Corsa and pCars graphically are quite an option honestly.
I wont get my hopes up for those types o graphics in GT6 simply so that I wont be setting myself up for disapointment. Nobody knows how powerful the PS4 will be yet. After all we were promised 1080 60FPS in every PS3 game and that promise was not kept. If we get GT5 graphics with 1080P 60FPS and proper AA in GT6 it will be good enough for me. Also you have to remember that it will take time for PD to get to grips of programming for the new hardware. They wont magically know how to get the best out of the PS4 the minute they get it in their hands.
2015 is way too soon IMHO.
Add about another 3/4 years onto that.
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