Now that both games have been out for a while, which do you prefer...GRID 2019 or GRID:Legends?

  • Thread starter isamu


I'm almost done playing GRID 2019 and have to say I'm pleasantly surprised by how much fun I'm having with it. Completed GRID Legends last year and enjoyed it as well. I think I like both of them equally. So what about you? Which game do you prefer? Which one has more replayability? Assuming there's no more GRID games after this, which game do you see yourself going back to a few years from now?
I would say Legends too, since it's much more fleshed out.

I can see myself periodically going baack to Legends to play through its story mode again and do random races here and there, but I'm not sure if I can say that for 2019 reboot. I was personally rather disappointed with it when it came out.
I can't speak on 2019 but did enjoy Legends although I am a little bit miffed my save became corrupt and I have to start over
Legends is better than 2019 in pretty much every single way…

…unless you want to race at Silverstone of course.
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I guess that the worst game in video game history for you was Need For Speed Porsche Unleashed? :D
I never played that game.;)

And to be fair I did complete all the series in 2019 and I somewhat played 2 or so hours of legends before I realize its just more of the same which its why I just lost all interest, so to stay on topic I pick 2019 since I played it more.
This is tough for me. I really like third person camera angle in 2019 and the audio is so much better in 3rd person as well. But I like the extra weather effects, graphics, replays, multi class and ease of handing of legends.
OK guys...I just went back to GRID Legends(PC version) again for the first time since May of last year's still just as fun as I remember it! :)

The thing that changed since my time with it last year, is I upgraded from a 1080p DLP front projector on a 110" screen, to a 77" LG C1 OLED TV. And let me tell you something....although the screen is smaller by over 30", the difference in picture quality is NIGHT AND DAY!!!!!. Man, going from 1080P to 4K and from DLP to OLED makes GRID Legends look INSANE at max settings! Holy smokes does it look gorgeous! Yes, even better than Gran Tursimo 7!

Anyway graphics aside, I decided to erase and reset my career from scratch. I've just gone through the entire story mode(+ all its DLC) and I'm now onto the career. The other thing I've done is change the steering rotation on my DD wheel from 540º to 270º and it makes a WORLD of difference. Lost of traction due to bad collisions(which happens way too often btw) are easier to recover from due to the shorter steering range. I also increased the FFb made some other tweaks to it.

These changes makes for a much more pleasant experience, to the point where I don't mind going through the whole career again, and in fact I'm having a hard time putting the game down lol.

So yeah, I wholeheartedly agree this is indeed the better game despite the amount of enjoyment I had with 2019.

On a side note, out of curiosity, which difficultly do you guys play on for GRID Legends? Can most of you complete most, if not all of the races on "Legend"? Or do you normally play on Expert/Normal/Easy? For me, the difficulty is so darn inconsistent. Some races I can complete on Legend while on others, I need to bump it down to Expert, because otherwise they outright troll you and give you ZERO chance to catch them!!! The lopsided difficulty balance is the one main gripe I have with Legends.
I prefer the fleshy one. But I'm probably playing on better equipment now than when I had the bare-bones 2019. A downloadable track pack with Silverstone and other missing iconic circuits from previous GRiDs might be nice but I'm not really missing them as much as I would miss the fun career mode and course creator from the 2022 version.

I usually play on Expert but had to bump it down to hard for some of the later career events and granny mode for the dorifto stages. Now that it's all over I'm tempted to return at some point and do at least some of the straight race series again on Legend.
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Legends is better than 2019 in pretty much every single way…

…unless you want to race at Silverstone of course.
That’s indeed the only thing in 2019 that someone could miss in Legends. But Legends makes up for it with more cars and tracks. Not to mention the live action video fragments in the storyline. No matter how cheesy it was at times, it really added an extra dimension to the storyline IMO.

Having that said, even though I have the DLC pass, i barely touched any of it. Kinda lost interest after a while, and way too busy atm playing SnowRunner which I neglected for almost 2 years.

But I have a feeling some day I will revisit Legends as well to complete it.
I think by far the biggest problem with GRID 2019 was a lack of content, so Legends is easily better because it’s actually a proper, full game. It has infinitely more options, longer single player mode, just bigger and more to do. GRID 2019 there probably wasn’t even enough in it to justify a full-priced game, even online was unbelievably limited. Legends is the game the first one should have been and pretty underrated I think. Games like this just don’t really seem very 2020s and I quite like it for that. There seems to be this feeling these days that unless you’re Turn 10 or Polyphony you don’t do a racing game unless it’s a super focused simulation and I like that Codemasters are still giving it a go because Forza and GT aren’t remotely all anyone wants.
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I tried the demo of Grid 2019 with my G29 on a PS4 Pro. It didn't feel very good to play with a wheel.

Grid Legends on the other hand feels really good with a wheel, the best that the series has ever been in that regard.

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