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  • Thread starter Dudebusta
the world trade centre got smashed...most of the curry munchers are killing each other...move on. if you keep dwelling on the past youll never look to the future. ;)
how about we talk about me getting cought taking my parents car, 100 people havin a party at my house with illegal substances for underaged kids while my parenst were gone, and getting expelled from school.
the world trade centre?

i wouldnt doubt george bush setting it up. whenever amercias ****ed, a war starts and all of a sudden all this money comes back and the econemy is better. george bush is a total faggot and him and his old man need to die. ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER FOR PRESIDENT!
Originally posted by Dudebusta
the world trade centre?

i wouldnt doubt george bush setting it up. whenever amercias ****ed, a war starts and all of a sudden all this money comes back and the econemy is better. george bush is a total faggot and him and his old man need to die. ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER FOR PRESIDENT!
Where are you from?
Arnold was born in Austria so he is ineligible to become president because the prez must be born in the US.
[seconds PunkRock's motion]

He's becoming more obnoxious and belligerent by the post...I like GTP too much to have emotionally immature brats ruining it. :(
You can be born out of the country and be president. You need, however, to become a Naturalised U.S. citizen -- Arnold isn't -- for some 20 years. And you've got to be 35, anyway.
Sixty, at least. And Walker Texas Ranger is off the air. Except on the USA network, I think it's they only way they get ratings. You get / got Walker in Australia?
but you have to admit the whole incident stinks. the feds just happened to find a house and a car with plane manuals in whatever language they speak and this war on terrorsim came in just when the us econemy has hit the skids. now its starting to rise again because of the funds being pumped into war.

what right does george bush have to tell other countries what do to anyway. he is the president of the united states of america, not the king of the world. something bad will happen again if he doesnt shut up.
I really don't like the way the US is turning its back on its international obligations at the moment - the Anti-Ballistic treaty, the International Criminal Court, the Kyoto Treaty, the debt to the UN - I'm really concerned the US government is going off the rails at the moment.

One of the killers for me was Bush renouncing the Kyoto treaty - 'the US lifestyle is not negotiable' I think was the quote. Hellooo.... the US is 5% of the world population, and is responsible for 30% of the world's oil consumption...

Scary stuff....
the american government has been going off the rails since world war 2. they are slowly trying to take over the world. you may laugh and it may take 50 years or so but ill eat my shorts if it doesnt happen.

bush needs a kick in the nuts and should be told to sit down.