PURE | JGTS 3 - Series complete! Congrat's to Driver champion MSP_JTown and Team champions Xanavi Z!

  • Thread starter Wardez
I'll participate, but I won't set a time until shortly before the deadline (assuming it won't be necessary at the current status).
Can someone come q me now? Was going to earlier, but my G27 pedals crapped out and I had to take them apart and clean them.

Can someone come q me now? Was going to earlier, but my G27 pedals crapped out and I had to take them apart and clean them.

Spurgy is by himself in the room now. He said he was gonna practice for a bit and said I could go. He still needs to Q.
Hey Guys,

I've not looked at anything else in the thread yet as I'm still a little behind on videos, as you can imagine with GT6 to! But Nurburgring has now been uploaded and what a cracker it is as well :D! Not sure how I predict certain events are going to happen but I did again!! I have no idea what happens until it does so pretty spooky :P!!

Anyhow enjoy the video guys, and have a good race at Suzuka, can't wait to see it :)!

hi guys,
i can't do my qualif so can't you put me in the back of the grid plz ?
Do the same thing for hellboy because he works for christmas ;)
thank you, see u tonight

1'57.239 clean


1'57.949 clean

Edit: sorry for the delay Ben

1:57.433 clean


1:58.398 clean

I'll sit out, no use opening a new room because of me.
Looks like 15, Ill take spot 16!
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If there ends up being a random free spot, I'm around if it needs filling. I hate Suzuka though, hence no quali etc - 2 hours round that track is hell imo haha.
hmm, where's Tony?

Guess we've got a full 16, I'll do the hosting honors. the start point of the race will be at the starting line,not the finishing/timing line.
Room open:
In case Eddie hasn't seen it:

I could race Suzuka but dont want to get anyone's spot. So if you have a now show hit me up on PSN and i'll join.

nevermind he's in the room lol.
Went off three times in two laps. I wasn't even doing that last night when I was dead tired.

Guess I'll watch Tony come up through the field.
Same here, I probably know every single sand grain in Suzuka by name now...

I love the layout but I just can't seem to get a decent race there...

Worst of all I slid back on track when wanting to let drivers by...stupid slippery grass...

For the record, stopped at my lap 23
I haven't seen someone as good on their tires as Mirial since R1600Turbo. And he's faster than everyone not named Tony on the track to boot.
Nice race guys, too bad about the DCs, but we did what we can. That's a wrap!

Now join us for a little pick up racing celebration in GT6. I'll be posting the room number we're in soon.
Cheers for the organising of this season Wardez. It's been great. And thanks for some great races everyone, shame I had to end on a DC! But hope to see you all in GT 6 soon for some more awesome racing! Bring on JGTS 4!