Push notifications

  • Thread starter BobK


United States
Massachusetts, USA
Why does GTP keep asking me if I want push notifications, on roughly monthly intervals, even though I always answer "no and don't ask again"?
Because you are clearing your browser cookies.
I don't believe I've ever cleared any gtplanet cookies. Since it seems I can no longer examine individual cookies on firefox I can't see if an expiration date is set on any cookies. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't believe firefox purges any cookies automatically by default. I know there are a few options for retention/expungement of cookies, but I haven't enabled any of them.
By default, no, Firefox should not be purging cookies until they expire or the user deletes them, but other software or plugins could be interfering with cookies in unexpected ways.

GTPlanet's "don't ask me again" cookie is set to expire ten years after you select the option. You can view it and all other cookies in Firefox by selecting "Tools" -> "Browser Tools" -> "Web Developer Tools". Click the "Storage" tab, then select https://www.gtplanet.net under the "Cookies" menu. If you have selected "don't ask me again", you should see a cookie named xf_push_notice_dismiss with a value of 1 and an expiration date roughly ten years from now.
Yep, the cookie's there, with an expiry of 08 Nov 2032. I'll try to monitor it periodically to see if, when, and hopefully why it disappears. Thanks for the help.
Apparently somewhere along the line Firefox removed the ability to see individual cookies (again). All I can see is that there are 7 cookies from gtplanet.net.

It gets quite annoying to answer "never again" only to be asked again two weeks later.
You can still view individual cookies in Firefox's Web Developer Tools. I just did another test in Firefox and the relevant cookie is being set with a 10-year expiration date as expected.

Screenshot 2023-09-17 at 10.50.24 PM.png

It's working in all the other browsers I use the site with, so I would again suggest that some type of security software or plugin that you are using is automatically deleting the cookie.

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