RedSuns Mafia: #GetSikky

  • Thread starter Eric1512

Stranger danger what's up?! How has things been you pervert.
Well I recently bought a wheel stand pro and I can recommend it! Very good and sturdy, my wheel shifter and pedals are hard mounted with screws and they stay put! Moreover, it's very clean because you don't have cables coming out of everywhere. Finally, it's foldable so you can move it and store it!
Well I recently bought a wheel stand pro and I can recommend it! Very good and sturdy, my wheel shifter and pedals are hard mounted with screws and they stay put! Moreover, it's very clean because you don't have cables coming out of everywhere. Finally, it's foldable so you can move it and store it!

Bruh there's no where to put a custom handbrake lol. Is there a solution for this?
Little ''Hello'' to all my RSM's boys just to say im still playing !! ehehe !!
I made some good Sections (CompSect) be free to download and try them if you like
always nice to hear some comments to improve to build some nice tracks & sections ^^
See you on yo-door ^^

Right, so my PS3 and G27 are now in the storage room in the backyard. I did get some runs down with the Chaser, couldn.t bother to do the updates. I'll definitely be up for whatever comes next but until then it was just taking up space for better use. It was fun while it lasted, see you all when GT7 drops down, we'll see who has the whitest beard and most grandchildren.