Relaxed, General FH3 Chat

  • Thread starter RacerPaul
I still need to finish that achievement. Just need a little bit of time to set up the races and then run them.
All cars in the autoshow are currently 30% off. If you go to pause>progress>skill shop>skills>made to order, you can add another 5% off. So a 10,000,000 credit car would be only 6,500,000 credits. It's a good deal. It's only active for a week.
All cars in the autoshow are currently 30% off. If you go to pause>progress>skill shop>skills>made to order, you can add another 5% off. So a 10,000,000 credit car would be only 6,500,000 credits. It's a good deal. It's only active for a week.

I finally have every single car now thanks to this method. The last 2 for me were each $10m cars (Ferrari and an Alfa Romeo, forgot which ones).
Hey guys, so ive never been able to play FH3 until now and i wanna play an open world racing game, (didnt have Xbox or PC to run it until now)

But its been almost 2 years and im worried if i wont be able to get most of the cars i like, due to them being rare and stuff, and also not sure how active online is. So is it worth playing still or is it too late to get into and im better off waiting for FH4?
Hey guys, so ive never been able to play FH3 until now and i wanna play an open world racing game, (didnt have Xbox or PC to run it until now)

But its been almost 2 years and im worried if i wont be able to get most of the cars i like, due to them being rare and stuff, and also not sure how active online is. So is it worth playing still or is it too late to get into and im better off waiting for FH4?

Online is fairly active even now. Most of the rare Forzathon cars are up on the Auction House - but you are going to have to deal with insane mark up.

At this stage, it's better to wait for Horizon 4 tbh.
I think every Horizon game is unique and I've enjoyed them all. Even if you can't get every single car, I think it's worth getting FH3 (and FH2 for that matter). And those rare cars could still be easily won by doing the Forzathon events that come up every week.
The auction house is both a blessing and a frustrating experience. Blessing in that you can get good deals/steals. Frustrating in that people will bid with you over a car even though there are others that are the same price just next to it. :banghead:
The auction house is both a blessing and a frustrating experience. Blessing in that you can get good deals/steals. Frustrating in that people will bid with you over a car even though there are others that are the same price just next to it. :banghead:
That is the most bizarre behavior. Why start a bidding war when there are literally dozens of other cars that you can buy for the base price in the auction house? I always immediately abandon those auctions and bid on the next one that hasn't had a bid yet. If they want to pay more for a car, that's their problem.
It sucked for me since I've had to abandon quite a few cars as a result. The AMC Rebel took me probably 7-8 times before those idiots would leave me alone so I could get it. On another hand, there was a person who bid on every Toyota AE86 on the list. I simply bought the fully modded one for full (it was cheapish 30k) and left.
I like the Hot Wheels expansion alot, its very unique and no other game has this, so im going for FH3 after all. I will just try to hunt down as many of my favourite cars as i can, no rush i guess!

My Xbox one S should be coming in an hour or 2.

Thank you for the input everyone!
That is the most bizarre behavior. Why start a bidding war when there are literally dozens of other cars that you can buy for the base price in the auction house? I always immediately abandon those auctions and bid on the next one that hasn't had a bid yet. If they want to pay more for a car, that's their problem.

I think a lot of times it’s due to them seeing the car in one of the general search options instead of them specifically looking for that car. Or they just have a real hard time dealing with losing. Than there is the more sinister theory that it could be a secondary account trying to boost their winnings.

It’s always fun when a bidding war breaks out on a car you’re selling though. I remember once in FM4 I had a stock Impreza with a very simple scheme go for 6 million credits. :lol:
I know I complained about this before but I wonder about the stupidity of people who buy from the auction house. In order to avoid those nincompoops I purposely aim for stock cars with little to no mods on them. I even aim for the stock car next to a modified one that's listed for the same price hoping to draw attention away. But what happens? They start a bidding war with me over it. Dude, there's another one right there! Look!

I'll even go check out the listing and see that instead of going for others that have NO bids on them they went for mine. I mean, do they just assume that since a car has a bid on it that means it's better? Even funnier are the ones who buy out even though, again, there are other ones with no bids. The fact I can't get a Fiesta or Galant is ridiculous.

Rant over, they really do make me want to just smack them and ask: "What is wrong with you?!"
If anybody hasn't purchased Blizzard Mountain, it is finally on sale for 7.99 on the Xbox store. (Gold members)
1-2 days left.

That is the most bizarre behavior. Why start a bidding war when there are literally dozens of other cars that you can buy for the base price in the auction house? I always immediately abandon those auctions and bid on the next one that hasn't had a bid yet. If they want to pay more for a car, that's their problem.
I usually bid against those types a few times, to make them pay more, before I abandon the auction. :)
It works 90% of the time
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Even funnier are the ones who buy out even though, again, there are other ones with no bids.
When I need to get a rare car I'll Buy Out the first one I find in the Auction House.

I've got more CR than I'll ever spend (perks of being a popular Painter) so rather than waiting for an Auction to End I'll just splash the cash and get the car now. I'd rather get the car right away than have to dig for one with no bids.

I imagine other players with plenty of CR would do the same, treating the Auction House as a second Autoshow.
When I need to get a rare car I'll Buy Out the first one I find in the Auction House.

I've got more CR than I'll ever spend (perks of being a popular Painter) so rather than waiting for an Auction to End I'll just splash the cash and get the car now. I'd rather get the car right away than have to dig for one with no bids.

I imagine other players with plenty of CR would do the same, treating the Auction House as a second Autoshow.
I do that, too, but when I do, I make sure I'm buying out a car that doesn't already have a bid on it.
When I need to get a rare car I'll Buy Out the first one I find in the Auction House.
I imagine other players with plenty of CR would do the same, treating the Auction House as a second Autoshow.

I understand that but like Cowboy said, at least get one that no one else is going for. I'm poor so buying out isn't an option most of the time and sometimes there are plenty of cars available. The other reason which I'll put into spoilers:

Say I'm going for a Honda Civic and there are 10 to choose from. Six are modified with four stock ones like so

1. Mod
2. Mod
3. Mod
4. Stock
5. Stock
6. Mod
7. Stock
8. Mod
9. Stock
10. Mod

Like I said I'll choose a stock example hoping the modified cars will draw attention away from mine so we'll go with number 7. Here's where I don't get the auction house: All those other cars have no bids on them, yet someone will go straight for 7 and bid with me or buy it out. I'll usually go back and check, and sure enough, the other ones listed are still there. That's what I want to know. Why? Why go for mine when there are other examples right there that have no bids, are the same price, with even modified or stock ones to choose from? Try bidding on a car just for the experience and you'll probably get what I mean.
Hi guys, my Forza Horizon 3 isn't working for some reason and if anyone has an account with it pre-downloaded from the store that'd be great.
I obviously wouldn't hack it or tamper with settings or passwords because I ain't an idiot.

You're gonna have to take my word for it, i get that, but all i want is to play the game i enjoy so would really appreciate it if someone could help me out.

I understand that but like Cowboy said, at least get one that no one else is going for. I'm poor so buying out isn't an option most of the time and sometimes there are plenty of cars available. The other reason which I'll put into spoilers:

Say I'm going for a Honda Civic and there are 10 to choose from. Six are modified with four stock ones like so

1. Mod
2. Mod
3. Mod
4. Stock
5. Stock
6. Mod
7. Stock
8. Mod
9. Stock
10. Mod

Like I said I'll choose a stock example hoping the modified cars will draw attention away from mine so we'll go with number 7. Here's where I don't get the auction house: All those other cars have no bids on them, yet someone will go straight for 7 and bid with me or buy it out. I'll usually go back and check, and sure enough, the other ones listed are still there. That's what I want to know. Why? Why go for mine when there are other examples right there that have no bids, are the same price, with even modified or stock ones to choose from? Try bidding on a car just for the experience and you'll probably get what I mean.
Fair point. I guess for some players it's about not even scrolling down past the first page.

I don't buy cars from the Auction House often but I'll keep an eye on the bids before going straight to Buyout in the future :)
Day 23: I am still unable to obtain a Jalpa from the auction house. My hope is running thin and the endless battles with other bidders is taking it's toll. Shall I chance some coin on another or try the wheelspin? With my poor history with lady luck both will be a true struggle against my sanity. It would be best I rest for today for come tomorrow, I shall once again engage in battle, both in mind and soul.

Either that or I just give up, hang my head in shame, and buy from the dealership.
Hi, I'm new to Xbox and Forza Horizon. Is there a way besides Auction House to get cars that were a Forzathon prize, like for example the Porsche Cayenne?
Looks like Forzathon for Horizon 3 is still going to continue well after Horizon 4’s release. True Achievements is showing challenges set up for the next 84 days.
I'm working on the FH3 Forzathon right now, and as usual, the Ebisu Style achievement is kicking my ass. I've been at it all morning and only have 4 out of 10.