Rennsport - New eSports Focused Sim

  • Thread starter Scaff


United Kingdom
We have a new potential player in the sim world, Rennsport.

Heading to closed beta this summer, with an open beta next year, it's claiming to be an eSports focused, mod supporting, highly detailed sim, that will be running UE5.

More vapourware or a real newcomer?

Skeptical. And the term real digital ownership? That sounds like an iRacing type platform but owning the content rather than licensing.

We'll see.

Sounds like NFT's to me. Unreal Engine 5 allows a game to be made fairly quickly and look the part, lets them get in the game quick.

Also talking up esports with nothing substantial behind them as of yet, I'm not buying it.

Edit: Trailer shows nothing. The car doesn't even move.

They talk about being built by racers and esport pro's are involved but no names are given up.

A beta in the summer this year for an ultra realistic racing sim, that is a very short time frame, even if it is the New Zealand summer, thats 8 months away...
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I caught this the other day and was vaguely tempted to post an article about it...

... but the fact there's no actual information and the website is EYE-SEARINGLY AWFUL on a 4K HDR screen when they pick Trump Tan as a background colour gave me significant pause.
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Another sim focusing on GT3?
Imposter GIF by Partiful
The job section strikes me as odd - these guys are ramping up to publish a public beta but the only jobs posted are for marketing?

Looks like they are based in Munich and super vague about who they are. There's no big expertise in making racing games in Germany as far as I'm aware, I wonder if this isn't some outsourced development done by an entirely external team and fronted by a Munich start up who plan to handle the e-sports aspect.
Seems like one of those "we're building a platform for other people to build on" things, which doesn't generally work that well if you don't have fundamentally good content yourself.

It looks like they're shooting straight for iRacing, which is probably a fair target what with how much everyone moans about it. But I think they'll find that producing a product that's at least as good, let alone better, is going to be hard. Far from impossible, but it's a big ask.
Looks promising. Lets hope they have the will, skilled devs, time and money to create a sim as close as possible to their "vision" :)
This is not copy pasta crappy weird pictures that have zero real value or have an actual use...
Neither were the $100,000 NFTs in "F1 Delta Time"... and they still became worthless when the game closed back in April.

NFTs come in all shapes and sizes, not just (receipts for) chimpanzee jpgs.
I don't care sry. This is about content not some "pictures". Humans are like Sheep the bigger the herd the dumber its gets :D
Humans are like Sheep the bigger the herd the dumber its gets :D

I don't care sry. This is about content not some "pictures".
Did... did you click on the link there? That's literally content from a racing game - the exact same thing you're talking about - which someone paid $101,336 to own.

The game closed in April. Their ownership of the item - and indeed everyone's ownership of every piece of content from F1 Delta Time - is now worthless.
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That a game/project dies can happen every day in any genre to any user that paid for it. Paying complete out of mind and free of common sense money of over 100k$ for an game related item is just... Idk i don't have any words for this... If it would be Star Citizen then you would have made sure to show your love for the project to support the development but theres no guarantee that it will be 100% finished one day and i'm well aware of that possible complete loss i would not even want to have some "gimmick" as reward for my payment neither do i buy it because theres some hype and potential stonks on that thing lulz...

As i understand it today from what is known there will be usable ingame items, user created content and a store where user can trade those. Nothing wrong about that and this is not new and decades older than this useless NFT nonsens! I do not like NFT, and would hate it to see that useless obsolet waste of ssd space and out of mind overpriced stuff in games! How big and loud do you want to have your business idea scream and shout SCAM ? YES, all in pls!

Sry for possibly occurring language/typos i have somewhat bit limited english skills as not beein a native speaker :D
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I am so looking forward to the NFT's so I can pay more for them than the actual real car but be the only person to have it! Checkmate!

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