RIDE 5 to Launch August 24 for PC, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series

  • Thread starter Famine
We already know which tracks will be added:


December: Estoril
January: Vallelunga
February: Fuji Speedway

The free packs add bikes only (in fact they are "free bikes pack").
40 USD Season pass is expensive for me, maybe in the future in a 50% price discount
Stuff around controllers can always get updates down the line, shouldn't be an obstacle, the physics however is much harder to change as time goes on. So it's a good thing the physics are a ton better than previous installments. Was thinking for a second that Ride 2 was going to be the series peak (I kid)
Anybody know when the next patch is dropping? The game's issues are driving me nuts! I know Milestone doesn't check these forums or any other for that matter, but their support ticket system isn't the most helpful.
May I ask what's the issue? I'd like to get this game eventually but I haven't really been keeping up with its news at all, so it'd be great to know.
Personally I don't think there's all that much wrong with it. The AI can be a bit sketchy I guess but in terms of actual bugs?
Personally I don't think there's all that much wrong with it. The AI can be a bit sketchy I guess but in terms of actual bugs?
Try a handful of bikes with no working brake lights.
Weird physics behaviour like bikes automatically leaning less and straightening up as soon as you apply throttle around turns. Or, the brakes not locking up when they should, causing the bike to fall (but it doesn't).
Big grey mark running across the screen in replays. You can't get rid of the Bridgestone logo either.
Helmet cam neutered. The rider no longer tucks and the shake/wobble is gone.

Also, after leaving multiple negative feedbacks and no response on fixing issues, it seems they silence people by blocking them off from their FB page and ticket support system.
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To be honest, after experiencing stuff like Forza Motorsport and EA Sports WRC last year (which I still love but my God it has its issues), I think Ride 5 is perfectly fine. But we all have different opinions and what annoys one person won't matter to the guy next to them. I think if anything it's a bit of an underrated sleeper in the 'best racer of the year' discussion. Nothing's perfect.
Is this a new thing when setting up a time trial you can not pick a new bike without going back to your garage?
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To be honest, after experiencing stuff like Forza Motorsport and EA Sports WRC last year (which I still love but my God it has its issues), I think Ride 5 is perfectly fine. But we all have different opinions and what annoys one person won't matter to the guy next to them. I think if anything it's a bit of an underrated sleeper in the 'best racer of the year' discussion. Nothing's perfect.
Seems the biggest problem ride 5 has is ride 4!
At the risk of sounding like a broken record.... the biggest problem with Ride 5 (and 4 for that matter) is Milestone. Both games are quality titles that like others have their fair share of bugs or whatever. None of which to me make the games unplayable or enjoyable. What does kill both of them for me is the AI. Despite the career and whatever, the whole game is basically one big time trail as there is no "racing" the AI. Not going to repeat what has been said a zillion times over. And the other item being content (or lack their of) but that's really in relation to if you own both games. I think Ride 5 plays ever so slightly better, but overall Ride 4 is a better more complete game based on play ability and content. The small physics improvements of Ride 5 aren't really worth the bikes and tracks that were my favorites that were removed.

I do agree both are very underrated games. I bitch about them because I've played Milestone games for so long it's just frustrating to see the same issues game after game that aren't fixed. SBK 22 was another underrated game but given the lack of content and the blatant cash grab I can understand why people didn't pick it up

RIDE 5_20230902090214.jpg
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True but most aren’t as bad as Milestone’s. You take an old arcade racer like Sega Rally. the AI are just basically time markers. And honestly I’m fine with that because at least they weren’t cheap. But in Milestone’s games the AI are just dirty so there really isn’t any point in racing them cause you can’t as if you try to ride with them they just wipe you out. That’s annoying. It’s not even a matter of speed cause even at the hardest level I can beat the AI in terms of speed and lap times. But the problem is actually trying to get in a race with them. The AI in Project Cars isn’t the smartest, but at least you can generally race them.

The only time in Ride I generally race the AI was to grind through the career to level up quickly to get credits to buy the bikes /gear I want then I don’t race them again and just do time trails.

I don’t expect the AI to be smart but at the least they could make it somewhat player aware and fair. One can dream!!! Lol
Big patch released yesterday adding 'riding school', reworking the race creator a bit and some other changes. Quite a significant update. Not tried it yet.
Reading the release notes looks mostly like a lot of fluff. I don’t know that I have any interest in downloading anyone’s race creator but that’s just me lol. But two things did stand out.
  1. They finally changed one of my biggest gripes in the career mode..Single lap time trail. Always wondered why they didn’t let you run until you got the time or stopped. So nice to see it’s now unlimited laps. Don’t know if it’s enough to make me go back to career but at least they finally listened lol
  2. The riding school seems GT inspired and long over due. Also thought that was a better way of “training” newer players than all the other gimmick stuff they had. Hopefully it is just that sectional time attacks that lead to full lap time attack. Was glad when they removed slalom stuff from Ride 5 and hope they don’t add it back here. Hate the predefined bike thing though.
  3. Since they are adding modes would have been nice if they added the track day passing thing back but only if again it was 100% time based and didn’t stop when you hit a predefined number. Liked the old one where you challenged yourself to pass more riders
  4. Would have hoped they added an option to select multiple layers in the editor so you can change colors in bulk
I got to thinking about Ride 5 and the amount of track miles it has. Forza 7 and Pcars had similar amounts 👍. It’s a grand thing and enjoyed every mile. The crazy thing is that Forza 7 had a huge amount of vehicles as well which is understandable because tracks are a much bigger investment than vehicles. Ride 5 is an incredible game but I was surprised the bike count wasn’t like 400+. Not to mention the race bikes are basically upgraded street bikes. Just 🤔
  1. Strange that it being Next Gen only on PS5 that haptics that were great on Ride 4 are missing here.
Does anyone know if it's reintroduced yet? I'm itching to buy it but it'll feel unplayable after getting spoiled by Ride 4's haptics.
Does anyone know if it's reintroduced yet? I'm itching to buy it but it'll feel unplayable after getting spoiled by Ride 4's haptics.
Since I’m the one who mentioned it, guess I should respond! lol. They’ve since added it back/adjusted it but it’s not to the same level IMHO as in R4. I loved the feature in R4 thought it was a game changer, but having said that it wasn’t a deal breaker in R5. Initially adapted pretty quickly and when it was reintro’d/adjusted/fixed in R5 did’t take much to adjust again. It for sure isn’t something that would have kept me from getting R5 if someone had mentioned it before I purchased it.

The biggest thing they tried to focus on instead of haptics was the visual ques but that really only works when you’re about to tuck the front. Where as the haptics in R4 just provided more info through and through. So while to me R5’s haptics still aren’t quite the level of R4, combined with the visual feedback it’s pretty good. Again not something that would keep me away from giving R5 a go even though I too was a huge fan of how it was implemented in R4
Wow..only 7 pages since the game launched.

Yeah.. my interest is waning too.

How are you guys keeping things interesting for the sake of continuing to play Ride 5?

3 and 4 kept me a lot more busy, both were just incredible.
Well think the audience is small to begin with and given it’s pretty much the same as R4 there really isn’t too much too talk about. The fact Milestone really hasn’t done much support wise doesn’t help. Without an actively engaged community the convo dies pretty quickly.

As for the game itself for me the “task” aspect in racing games never appealed to me and generally only do them to get the bikes I want never complete any race career or whatever 100%. For me it’s about just putting in laps. Which in a good game I can enjoy for years. If find people with similar race preferences online is cool but that’s rare these days plus on the consoles I refuse to pay fees for online access just on principle

So I pretty much treat the Ride games like virtual track days between real track days
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The new generation isn’t into motorcycles and a lot of things….. I have been meaning to post about how empty the leaderboard is and it is. Ride 5 is a great racing game and racing fans in general are missing out on a fun way to race. I know a lot of Sim racers cry about the fact there isn’t a proper rig to immerse yourself into but using a controller with a good physics engine is still a blast. I don’t recommend people go out and buy a real bike because of all the hazards out on the roads just like racing a car on the roads will get you in trouble quickly. Just to end this rant is I hope the game is selling enough to keep the series afloat and more…
Funnily enough I've barely played RIDE 5 for months, but its still an automatic 'keep on my HDD' because the day I want to play it will come....it just hasn't yet. I like the game, there's not much wrong with it, I'm just never massively motivated to play it and I'm not totally sure why. It's not alone in that though, see also Forza Motorsport.
Ride 5 Special Edition is in the XBox Spring Sale at the moment so I bought it for £38. I'm still finishing off Ride 3 and have hardly touched Ride 4 :lol: so it might not get an airing for a while. Am I just missing 4 bikes (that I'm not bothered about)?
