Special Stage Route 11

  • Thread starter Panoz


Just a member
United States
Wise, VA

Credit to @Crashbroke23 for the video:

Another of the most requested tracks among the Gran Turismo fans. Although seen in the first GT6 trailer as a brief outline of the track, SSR11 have been only seen twice in the GT series. First in GT1 and last seen in GT3.

I personally like to see both layouts return for future GTs. The GT1 version with the brutal chicane and the GT3 version with the fast kink on the Christmas tree straight.
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There are a few tracks in GT that are such a terror at first and, after you get to know them, such lovely tracks to drive after a bit. For me, those are laguna seca, mount panorama and ssr11 gt1 version. Please, please bring it back to GT in it's first form, with that brilliant chicane :D
Im just curious how these "suggestions pages" will come out in reality (aka in GT7). is there any direct connection to PD or is it just for fun?

Another of the most requested tracks among the Gran Turismo fans. Although seen in the first GT6 trailer as a brief outline of the track, SSR11 have been only seen twice in the GT series. First in GT1 and last seen in GT3.

I personally like to see both layouts return for future GTs. The GT1 version with the brutal chicane and the GT3 version with the fast kink on the Christmas tree straight.

I would love to see Special Stage Route 11 on GT6. It was one of my favorite tracks for endurance racing on GT3, and I would love to see it remastered in HD!!
Im just curious how these "suggestions pages" will come out in reality (aka in GT7). is there any direct connection to PD or is it just for fun?

GTPlanet does not have any official connection to Sony, PD, or Kaz. That being said, when you have a franchise-dedicated forum that has been around for more than a decade, and has almost a quarter million members, it is clear that they are at least looking at what gets said here.
I loved this track for the Ferris wheel in the background. Would be very wonderful if it is also part of the backdrop in the GT6 version.
Simply cannot wait to race Group-C cars against Senna's JPS Lotus on this track!!!

It used to be like my relationship with Trial Mountain. Used to hate it till I started to get serious and the track shows its amazing capabilities and stunning driving secrets behind it to make you simply outrageously fast!

Trail Mountain is my 2nd faverouite fictional track. SSR11 being number 1!
I still play some Gran Turismo on an emulator or on my PS2 just so I can race the first version of this track. ^^ It's the only one from GT1 (aside from the original test course) that's not in GT6. ...I wonder why. O.o?

SSR11 feels more engaging than a lot of other city circuits. It has a wide variety of corners too (right angles, hairpins, high-speed sweepers, chicanes). The track feels not too wide and not too narrow.

While I'm not opposed to the GT3 version being added, I prefer the GT1 version. Nothing like the threat of a 200+km/h head-on collision to make you stick to the racing line in the underpass chicane. ^^ While the GT3 version also has a chicane at this location, it feels more like a narrow point on a straight than a corner.

Also, in the GT1 version, your approach to the following right-left chicane is much more unstable (and fun ^^) since you would have just come out of a full-throttle left-right S.

One thing I'm not sure about is if the physics engine changes will detract from the fun of SSR11. Since the physics engine has changed so much, comparing SSR11 to tracks on future Gran Turismos isn't completely fair.... maybe. O.o

One more thing, which kinda doesn't matter... I can't see how the roads of SSR11 would be efficient for regular city traffic. O.o?
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