Team Toyota

yes quati, how are you, i aint heard from u in ages, hope to see u back racing soon, im ready to jump in again lol, its time we get toyota up there tbh, take care man
I got my videogame back and now I got a new computer!!!!!

But since i've got 100% GT4 i'm playing TT [33% already]!!!!

We could make some TEAM for TT too?!?!

Team Toyota Tourist Trophy?? [naa, too much T's and no Toyota bike!!!!!]
Hey guys...
When i take my vacation from work, i start driving again! ^^
More 2 or 3 months i think! [o=
appie we will soon but i wanna speak to bram first, see wat he wants to do again, wait till we hear from him and well take it form there, hes prolly busy at school at the mo like before so wait a little, well definalty get something underway soon :)
Wow! Al of you guys are back, niiiice 👍

For myself I haven't had the chance for internet in the past three weeks, first the skitrip, vacation followed by a trip to Germany.

Let's get on to the forums shall we? 👍
lol good one quati, yer damn right were all on call, ive seen forums bram and i really like design and new look BUT (always a but) the text is a little to light, maybe if u change it from grey to black or any other bold colour otherwise its a little hard to read on a bright screen, nice one never the less, some races up soon ill be running wrs again but not as full on sinse there isnt as much members participating and well talk about more ideas when more ppl hook up the forums, see ya
its almost beginning, i can't wait to start the battle against the Toyota Squadron:)

You mean Skylnie Squedron right?

Hey Abdeslam, I got a 1.31.5 in wram-up at gaining 1st position, I's 7th in qualify with 1.31.2
yep ive seen it and im in there bram 👍 its a great forum and we shud definatly be getting some more members from it
right bram if youre ready i am to start wrs series again but this time i want to get a list of members that can enter and take part properly, it will be held every week as before and same rules apply i will post them up again, i want to try an get at least 4-5 members if poss but i know we can get appie, u (bram), alex, quati and possibly SpeedZoner-T and just keep asking anyone else to join up and have a go. I think it will liven the forums up as well so i think we should get this underway and then who knows we can start other compititions, what does everyone think?, thanks

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