The Easiest Ways to Make Money in Gran Turismo 7

  • Thread starter Famine
Well. Back in previous GTs earning money was much easier compared to the amount of grind in current games.

Gran Turismo 4
The fastest way to get money was by doing the Deutsche Touring Car Meisterschaft. According to this, it takes 50 minutes to win the championship. You can also use the B-Spec mode and win the championship at 2x Speed (It should take 25+ minutes aproximately)

15,000 Cr per race
75,000 Cr championship prize
793,000 Cr Mercedes Benz CLK-LM used price

15,000 Cr x 5 + 75,000 Cr + 793,000 Cr = 883,000 Cr. or 2,119,200 Cr/Hour

It takes 2 hours to get the most expensive cars which cost 4,500,000 Cr

Gran Turismo 5

The fastest way to get money was by doing the Expert Level Ferrari Formula Challenge - Nurburgring 24H. According to this, it takes 13 minutes 35 seconds to win the race.

452,700 Cr + 200% Bonus = 905,400 Cr. per race
905,173.5 Cr + 200% Bonus = 1,810,347 Cr. Performance Difference Adjustment

905,400 Cr. + 1,810,347 Cr. = 2,715,747 Cr or 12,069,987 Cr/Hour

It takes 1.66 hours to get the most expensive cars which cost 20,000,000 Cr

Gran Turismo 6

The fastest way to get money was by doing the Red Bull X2014 Standard Championship. According to this, it takes 27 minutes to win the championship.

130,000 Cr. + 200% Bonus = 260.000 Cr per race
500,000 Cr. + 200% Bonus = 1,000,000 Cr championship prize

260,000 Cr x 5 + 1,000,000 Cr = 2,300,000 Cr or 5,111,111 Cr/Hour

It takes 4 hours to get the most expensive cars which cost 20,000,000 Cr

Gran Turismo Sport

The fastest way to get money was by doing the Group 1 Cup - Monza. According to this, it takes 9 minutes to win the race

330,000 Cr per race or 2,200,000 Cr/Hour

It takes 9 hours to get the most expensive cars which cost 20,000,000 Cr
Ok... Now do the same floor GT7 to complete your comparison for an apples to apples discussion.

The most expensive car I can currently find, is 4.6M. That's less than 3 hours in GT7.

Using the highest price car is a terrible method for this, as a game like 7, which might have 10 expensive cars, versus GTSport that basically had a 20m car in every single dealership.

The funniest part is that the complaints about the game are the actual solution to the game.

You can't even find a 20m car in the game to buy yet. They're limited and time gated, they built in a system that almost tells you to NOT grind money. They're only ever going to let you buy these crazy expensive legendary cars once every so often.
The claim that this is a push for micro transactions seems completely contradictory. You literally can't buy every car even if you wanted to, so why would you ever need to buy credits? They're giving you time to save long before the expensive car ever comes around. And only 5-10 of them are expected to be in the game at that 18m+ price target based on current projections.

Not to mention, a 3 minute sprint race is significantly more accessible for 99% of players than sitting to do a 30minute or 2 hour endurance race that might require pauses and leaving your PS on, and makes it impossible to leave without losing your progress. Meanwhile I can freely jump into anything I want, head right back to Fisherman's ranch and make a quick buck. Finish a race, turn my PS off, or go race online, go buy a car, paint it, tune it... Not being stuck in an event is a massive quality of life improvement. That has to count for something as well.
The claim that this is a push for micro transactions seems completely contradictory. You literally can't buy every car even if you wanted to, so why would you ever need to buy credits? They're giving you time to save long before the expensive car ever comes around.
I see it as the opposite. Some people may have the invitation to purchase sprung on them at the wrong time and think "Oh crap I can't afford that / I don't have time right now to grind funds / I don't know when I'll get this invitation again" so they just pay the MC to get the credits to buy the car. Its a well known psychological affect used by retailers.
I've done the Fisherman's ranch probably 50 times or so by now.
Food for thought, you can load and reload the event until you get a specific AI to race against. They each seem to have their own driving characteristics, maybe based on the car they're driving.
O.Piirainen drives the 205, and regularly seems to wreck over the bumps in sector 1, which can make the race significantly easier for people struggling. It also seems to be the slowest off the line which helps you get ahead early.

L.Rolland drives the Genesis and seems more consistent, but is one of the slower AIs as well.

For your car, I only tested the 4 gift card we get playing through the game, but the Ford Focus is what I would recommend, because it handles bumps the best, which is the hardest part of this race.

You can run 3:15s, the AI tends to run right around 3:23s. Good luck.

Another method that is incredibly easy, braindead, fail safe, and can be done in controller, likely with a rubber band? Is the first race if American Can-Am. Maxed out Camaro or your choice, 5 laps at Blue moon, takes 4 minutes, and pays 52,500, for 787k an hour.
Great advice with the Ford Focus. I struggled to keep the clean race bonus with the Toyota 86 (or was it BR-Z?) Gr.B and the Audi S1 prize cars, but the Focus is solid overall and doesn't bounce straight into every wall after a big jump. Even so I still braked and/or lifted for all the 4-5 major jumps cause it's just not worth testing your luck.

Have to say, I quite like the dirt physics in this game but the jump/air/land physics are a complete disaster and make no sense whatsoever. It's as if the cars don't have suspensions and just bounce super harshly upon every landing and thus can fly in any direction they choose.

Would be nice to get some clarification on what constitutes a "clean race" as well. In one attempt I bumped the competitor many times pretty hard, crashed into the wall several times and even flipped my car and reset. Still got a clean race bonus. Then in another race the AI wiped out early on so I never hit it once and I believe I didn't touch a single wall. No clean race bonus. I couldn't believe it.

But anyway, the last one did seem to be an outlier. Mostly I find there is some "tolerance" in play where you can bump the AI a few times and still keep the CRB, but do it too much and it's gone. I wonder though, does hitting the wall play into this too? One would think, but again this system is so unclear that I have no idea. Would be ideal to have a HUD icon indicating you still have the CRB so you can get a better sense of how it works.
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I find the game much too skimpy on the credits and I don't think it's an unreasonable suggestion that MTs was a deciding factor when PDi designed the payouts. I also dislike the gambling elements (the roulette and prize cards) and how they try to induce FOMO in players with e.g. the "invitations." All of this has certainly lowered my opinion of PDi and Sony considerably.
It is, in the same way being stabbed in the arm is better than being stabbed in the heart.

Why not neither? Why do people just accept this is how it is and not kick up a fuss at PD?
I have a feeling this won't be a popular opinion but I think the way Forza Horizon payouts work is quite good, you get a flat rate for the length of a race. It doesn't actually tell you that anywhere but no matter what you do you get paid the same, but of course the hardcore grinders still seek out the longest, fastest races to do the highest possible number of laps on to maximise the credits per minute they're getting.

Frankly if the game would pay me the same for doing time trials at Tsukuba as whatever else I'd be all set, but no, I'm forced to do other things to make money...
So contrary to what the article says, you can't actually use the Mach Forty for SSRX as it's not a road car :dunce:
So contrary to what the article says, you can't actually use the Mach Forty for SSRX as it's not a road car :dunce:
Oh bollocks, I autopiloted that - we do hilarious "dirty" SSRX races in the Mach Forty in GTS. I meant the GT40 (well, GT"40") from the Menu Books. DOH.
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Count me as also disappointed in the amount of grinding required for this game. I think pinching pennies and carefully choosing the cars you buy to get best bang for buck is a key part of what makes GT compelling. But once you progress most of the way through the game they should give youmore fun + profitable options. Short races on fun tracks that you can do with a wide range of cars while making bank (like Capri Rally and Quick Match!)

How many times will I have to buy the same cars in my life!? New GT releases are basically a garage/bank account reset.
Gran Turismo 4
The fastest way to get money was by doing the Deutsche Touring Car Meisterschaft.
I was coming here to reminisce about what I thought was the fastest way to earn credits ever - Capri Rally in GT4. Ha, seems it was not the fastest, but it had to be the most fun.

Best of all was that the event was easily winnable with anything remotely fun or sporty, and you could enter basically anything - LMP cars, whatever. So you could actually spend your time grinding AND driving some of your many stupid cars! It was a nice track to boot. It really was the dream as far as grinding goes. I would love to see that kind of thing in GT7.. meanwhile I can't even get money for selling a car that I bought, let alone a prize car!

Other notable grinding methods that had good payout AND were actually fun and let you use a wide range of vehicles were:

  • Drift mode, particularly on Tahiti Maze in GT PSP. That was an unexpected one but pretty fun.
  • Quick Match races in GT6! I remember thinking 200,000cr payout for a middling result in a short 5 minute race was disappointing. But in time, spending away the credits so they wouldn't go to waste when you hit the cap actually became a problem. I remember buying multiple super expensive cars as a sort of inefficient piggy bank because it was a lot easier than going around and buying all the random cars I didn't have yet but really didn't care about.

I figured they would continue huge online racing payout as a way to draw more people to it in GTS, but alas, it wasn't to be.
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Oh bollocks, I autopiloted that - we do hilarious "dirty" SSRX races in the Mach Forty in GTS. I meant the GT40 (well, GT"40") from the Menu Books. DOH.
S'all good, I just need to grind even more to pay off the modifications on the Mach Forty now 🤣
Would be nice to get some clarification on what constitutes a "clean race" as well. In one attempt I bumped the competitor many times pretty hard, crashed into the wall several times and even flipped my car and reset. Still got a clean race bonus. Then in another race the AI wiped out early on so I never hit it once and I believe I didn't touch a single wall. No clean race bonus. I couldn't believe it.
Clean race is based in hitting the other car.
You can smack as many walls as you want without effect, just don't wreck the AI and you'll get clean race.

I see it as the opposite. Some people may have the invitation to purchase sprung on them at the wrong time and think "Oh crap I can't afford that / I don't have time right now to grind funds / I don't know when I'll get this invitation again" so they just pay the MC to get the credits to buy the car. Its a well known psychological affect used by retailers.
If the invitations didn't last nearly 3 weeks... I might believe this claim. But they do, so I don't see any grounds for that mindset.

The only time purchasing credits would be even a viable idea (still dumb) is if you blow your wad in something, and then the Legend cars rotate to something you want. BUT... They're going to continuously rotate so it's not even a big deal if you miss it. And none of them will change the game for you or give you any advantage anywhere in the game online or off.

If you are a person who "has to have it right now" even though it provides nothing other than collecting progress because you refuse to wait... then I'm sorry, that's not a game flaw, that's a personality trait.

Because of the information we currently have available, including foresight of legendary cars and their prices... You can already prepare a 'baseline' budget of credits to not go under to ensure yourself a safety net for whatever pops up. Obviously the 18-20M cars will lose a problem for everyone, (especially with the stupid cap they force) but blowing 20m on a single car should always be viewed as an 'end game' goal in this scenario, so it's far too early to try and build an entire case against the economy based on your bank account on day 4, relative to the end game content you want to achieve down the road.

It's not perfect, but people are blowing this way out of proportion.
I'm very excited that Fisherman's Ranch is currently the richest event, I love the track, but I have no idea why the payouts are so inconsistent! The spicy Mini race at Goodwood being an early outlier is one thing, but this is one I'll never understand:

Brands Hatch GP x5 laps Gr.4 = 65,000
Daytona Road x10 laps Gr.3 = 75,000

What?! That tiny pay increase for an event over twice as long, in faster, more expensive cars?

Hopefully patches bring ways to make similar money (or more) on as many other tracks as possible.
We need another exploit like in GTSport where you rubber band your controller and leave the race on for a few hours.
No, we need balanced ways to earn credits so we are not tempted to run our consoles for hours with a rubber banded controller just to get mileage, credits or absurd levels of XP like we did in GTS.

For the moment, I am happy with the amount of credit I receive, even at low level. Tuning could be less expensive (and I should spend less there but I enjoy it).
Part of the fun in Gt games is "beating" the game at it's own game of making you struggle and grind to get credits.

Here is an idea that I am trying to develop into something worthwhile and is a little bit of fun too.

At Daytona oval I can beat a full field of AI GR1 cars in a stock Fiat 500 (see pic). I would have thought the payouts would be higher but I am still experimenting with the concept. BTW there is little difference in payout between a field of 2 or 20. Except with 20 you do see some great AI smashes ;-)

My set up for this race was, event to 10 min, Fuel and Tyre wear to max (50x) and the fiat 500 fuel burn set to leanest. Oh and I jammed a folded bit of paper into the accelerator trigger ;-)

All the AI pit once only and then run out of fuel and so coast at 80kph, the Fiat has to pit once and so catches them at 160kph+ and wins :-)

I had to make sure I stayed low on the track so a fast AI wouldn't smash into me, when they were actually at full speed
So if anyone else is interested in this post here what you have found.

BTW the Fiat against a GR1 AI for 24hr race the payout is only 222k for a win and 144k for 2nd so not worth the wear and tear on all the gear >:-( So no rubber banding here.

So the hunt is on to try and find a track/time/lap combination that gives a reasonable payout for the smallest effort ;-)

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Gran Turismo™ 7_20220308232524.jpg
This is the #1 reason that this could be the first GT game that I do not purchase.

It would be different if they even made some kind of attempt to offset the high price of some cars.
Like on holiday weekend have 25% off. Maybe one day every two months offer like 50 perecent off. 1 in 100 chance of winning 5 million and above car on spinning wheel. Heck even ability to rent the cars, even if means tunning, livery editor and add on parts is locked out.
Clean race is based in hitting the other car.
You can smack as many walls as you want without effect, just don't wreck the AI and you'll get clean race.

If the invitations didn't last nearly 3 weeks... I might believe this claim. But they do, so I don't see any grounds for that mindset.

The only time purchasing credits would be even a viable idea (still dumb) is if you blow your wad in something, and then the Legend cars rotate to something you want. BUT... They're going to continuously rotate so it's not even a big deal if you miss it. And none of them will change the game for you or give you any advantage anywhere in the game online or off.

If you are a person who "has to have it right now" even though it provides nothing other than collecting progress because you refuse to wait... then I'm sorry, that's not a game flaw, that's a personality trait.

Because of the information we currently have available, including foresight of legendary cars and their prices... You can already prepare a 'baseline' budget of credits to not go under to ensure yourself a safety net for whatever pops up. Obviously the 18-20M cars will lose a problem for everyone, (especially with the stupid cap they force) but blowing 20m on a single car should always be viewed as an 'end game' goal in this scenario, so it's far too early to try and build an entire case against the economy based on your bank account on day 4, relative to the end game content you want to achieve down the road.

It's not perfect, but people are blowing this way out of proportion.
You nailed it, they have predatory practices for people with personality disorder
You nailed it, they have predatory practices for people with personality disorder
Nope. Predatory implies they are specifically targeting you, or exploiting you.

The ATM at the casino is not predatory.
The Coffee shop down the street isn't predatory.
Amazon having a website, isn't predatory.
The Credit store in GT7 isn't predatory.

There is no benefit to buying things in this game. There are zero ads trying to lure you into buying things in this game.
There is zero content that is locked or hidden behind pay walls.

There is literally nothing predatory about a store designed for convenience. Not unless they start altering the gameplay to directly incentivize having X or Y. Most games try to be predatory by having "pay to go further or play more" scenarios. GT7 is the exact opposite "this won't unlock for another 7 days, no money will alter that.". Other games are predatory with "1 time" purchases that never come back, GT7 literally everything is on a non stop rotation. Other games allow you to buy "uniqueness" such as skins, etc, GT7 will give the exact same car whenever it comes back around no different than the random who paid to have it 2 weeks ago. Other games have rewards, access, or benefits to finishing them, GT7 gives you absolutely nothing for owning all the cars.

Seriously, there isn't a single predatory tactic being used by PD as of today, and I'd argue they've done the exact opposite of what's been claimed. They've provided every reason to NOT buy credits, which is dumb on their part, but I suspect they'll charge us for DLCs down the road, we'll see.

Long story short, there's absolutely nothing predatory about opening a Bar in a town that may have alcoholics living in it. It's just a business.

Now, if you start implementing sketchy tactics, advertisements, pay to win schemes, pay walls, etc, then I'll completely change my mind. But as of right now, there's not a single thing in GT7 that has even made me consider purchasing credits, and as stated previously, the way the system is setup it honestly denotes spending, because they give us so much time to obtain funds.

If the invitations were 1-3 days only, different story. If you could buy access to the tracks, diff story. If you could buy faster cars, diff story. The only thing that flirts with this line, is the rare car dealerships, but I genuinely believe that's the game design. Collecting ultra rare things is SUPPOSE to be hard to find, rare, unicorn cars, that are limited. That's what collecting is about. Is that a predatory practice? Or is that real world emulation of chasing rare cars that the game was designed to recreate?

Edit to add: RNG, gambling, loot boxes, those are predatory, things where if you buy these 3 cars no one wants, you'll unlock a 4th car we know is desireable. Those types of things are predatory. Micro transactions just existing, isn't inherently predatory in any way.
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As annoying as the jumps are in GT7 dirt racing, the quickness of that event is impossible to pass up. That's gonna be my go to.

@Benny44 "We have to remember it's only been out a few days. GT6 was a massive grind to earn credits until some seasonal events were added, and GT5 wasn't a lot different if memory serves. The whining about this is a bit misguided this early on."

Same with GT Sport. The GT mode added a few races that made earning credits significantly easier. I believe you can earn 330k and 6.4k XP in 9 minutes with the red bull race at le mans, and the same with the Gr.1 race at Monza (which I prefer since there's at least 20 different Le Man's cars you can choose to use for it. Making it less of a grind to do repeatedly)
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Nope. Predatory implies they are specifically targeting you, or exploiting you.
Nope. Predatory implies that what they're doing is unethical. That's going to vary from person to person, but an economy designed to push microtransactions in a full priced game is certainly something that some would consider unethical.
Micro transactions just existing, isn't inherently predatory in any way.
Right. You'd have to design your game in order to push players towards buying microtransactions in order for it to be predatory.
It's 3 weeks because not everyone can play every day, and it's likely as the "new game" shine wears off that you simply won't want to play every day. 3 weeks is really not that long when you have a life.
This. The people saying it's fine are the ones playing multiple hours every day. The people feeling trapped are the ones who just want to jump on and have fun a few times a week. There's a big difference whether a three week ticket spans 60 hours of play or 10 hours.
This is cool to see all the different was to get payouts. I’m just rotating all the Gr.4 races in between my Custom Races. Nearly a week and it feels like I haven’t touched a fraction of the races, let alone entering human races. PD can easily cram in more events. The variable time & weather, plus car types, make endless scenarios.
The 550pp clubman cup at high speed ring can earn you 50k every ~4m20s, making it ~700k an hour for 3 laps of HSR with any tuned semi-shed. Simple track so fairly easy to consistently get clean race bonuses.
Concerning Fishermans Ranch rally race,

If you are good enough, with a stock GrB, you will be between 3:10 and 3:20, enough to win. With Turbo stage 3, between 3:00 and 3:10.

I have 5 GrB (all reward cars), Focus, Lancer Evo, GT86, 205T16 and S1 Quattro.
Focus and Lancer are great, experience with IA shows WRX, GT-R and Genesis are good too.
S1 Quattro and GT86 don't like jumps, but still ok. And finally, evitate the 205T16, crazy jumps and low power at low rpm.

If you want to be sure to win, enter and leave the race, until you race against the 205T16 or the GT86. The IA in these cars will miss almost all jumps.
It (the grind) might seem insurmountable at the moment, but im guessing its perfectly attenuated to the average play time of a GT user based on GTS player data. Ive noticed that there always has been enough £$CR to do purchases & upgrades within the cafe menu system. The trick to the game (as its always been) is to buy second hand initially, spend the surplus upgrading and it keeps you ahead of the curve both in races and the in game economy. Getting the cars slowly is important so that we actually use them other wise they stack up like undriven trophies.
I don't like MT's partially because its cynical capitalism, but mainly because it robs you of the GT journey its about savouring rather than hoarding. Worst thing I've done is complete a full wants list, back when I was a rampant vinyl collector, it's truly hollow when there's no hunt. Im guessing it will have a 3/4 year game cycle so stop to sniff the roses (burning rubber) along the way, we will all have a full garage by the end its inevitable. Better to play for enjoyment in a free exploratory way, than doing grim repetition it will sour the game for you.
The people feeling trapped are the ones who just want to jump on and have fun a few times a week. There's a big difference whether a three week ticket spans 60 hours of play or 10 hours.
The people who just want to jump in and have fun a few times a week, are not the people who expect platinum and cry when they can't have it in week 1.

These arguments continue to fail.
I wanna point out that there are a 3 Laps of Daytona Road and 5 Laps of Laguna Seca with American cars that both get you 30,000cr base (45,000 on clean laps) and take roughly the same time to complete.