TOCA Series Season 2 - End Of Season Discussion

  • Thread starter Furinkazen
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I attempt overtakes based on a guess of what might happen. If I'm too far back, I will back off. If I'm within 15m, I'll go for it. I can not predict what will happen, and I can not back out at the last second if someone moves over to block me.
Yeah, don't overtake when you're behind them. Wait till you're alongside. Outbraking when 15 metres behind doesn't end well.
Oh, then I need to change my signature :lol:

I know you're joking but to clear up what I meant, I have nothing against people admiring Senna. But using him and stuff that he said as an excuse for accidents is just plain annoying, you have not done that.
I race to win. I don't race to BE PUSHED OFF THE ROAD. I don't race to PUSH OTHERS OFF THE ROAD. And yet, you have this image of me as someone who would INTENTIONALLY take others out. I DO NOT DO THAT.

You need to think about why we think that. It is obviously for a reason and you need to think about why that is and become more aware of your surroundings. I'm not saying stop racing but if there is a gap, make sure that your car can fit in it.
Sorry about double post. It is difficult edit on my ipod.
In case you brake too late for a corner or partially lose control of your car, but can prevent an accident by steering into the dirt, grass or a wall, you are expected to do so.

The ahead driver IS entitled to be slower or use longer and earlier braking zones than others. They are also entitled to turn in earlier or later and/or apex earlier or later.
They weren't cutting across DK, they were defending, and that's why you should NOT attempt a move from behind.💡

If there’s contact between drivers that results in the guilty driver making up places on the innocent driver, the guilty driver should immediately allow the innocent driver to pass freely to re-establish their position. This rule should be observed, even if it means the guilty driver has to allow drivers not involved in the incident to pass while waiting for the driver they contacted.
The amount of people who don't do this is digraceful.👎

You must establish substantial overlap with the car ahead before they reach the corner’s turn-in point to have the right to drive up their inside, or to expect them to leave inside room for you. At least the front of your car should be up to the driver’s position in the ahead car. The ahead driver has the right to be fully committed to the racing line of their choice without any interference if there was no substantial overlap before he turned in.
Exactly what I was saying to you DK

You can always protest after the race if you think you’ve been wronged by notifying the Race Steward via Private Message ONLY. Do not flood the forum with he said, she said business.
Early in the series, I let people back through if I though I'd been a bit heavy in passing them

I soon found though that the courtesy wasn't being returned, so I stopped doing it

Sad, but true
Akmuq, I don't mean to offend here, but you weren't watching the races. RP screwed me out of a potential win today.

I am going to say this one last time: I DO NOT INTEND TO RAM OTHERS WHEN I ATTEMPT TO OVERTAKE. 🤬 happens from time to time. What do you expect me to do, timidly give up every time I approach another driver?

You've hit most of us this season to be honest. You're a good racer but next season you need to learn when to go for a gap or not. You can't just say if there is a gap I go for as this is bound to end in incidents and as the overtaker it is your responsibility to avoid accidents.

I wish Senna didn't say that overtake quote as you get a lot of people taking it too literally and using it as an excuse for crashes.

Wasn't actually saying it to you DK but whatever.:rolleyes:

Don't give up on an overtake unless you're behind them. No point trying to outbrake them when you're not even side by side as you could wait like 20 more seconds to get alongside on a different straight. I'm pretty aggressive alright but I don't cause accidents because I've never tried outbraking when I'm not alongside someone.

But some people(shall be nameless, not you DK) do hit people without caring at all. I was on the exit of the Corkscrew at Laguna after just making an overtake on the way in to it, but he wasn't having that and hit me on the most unstable part of the track.👎👎👎 Of course I spun off and by the time I recovered I was last. So I made a couple of positions back and finished 10th.

You should have stayed in the bloody pit last night and spared the rest of us your usual antics

You'd won the series with your dubious driving, why subject the rest of us to that little bit more pain

You've set the standard for dodgy driving in Season 2. I really hope Furi gets hard like he says in Season 3

Thanks :)👍

Well said RP!

Oh, then I need to change my signature :lol:

I race to win. I don't race to BE PUSHED OFF THE ROAD. I don't race to PUSH OTHERS OFF THE ROAD. And yet, you have this image of me as someone who would INTENTIONALLY take others out. I DO NOT DO THAT.

If its not intentional, then you need to improve your awareness of where others are on the track matey :lol:

Guys, take it to PM's or something.....

I attempt overtakes based on a guess of what might happen. If I'm too far back, I will back off. If I'm within 15m, I'll go for it. I can not predict what will happen, and I can not back out at the last second if someone moves over to block me.

Yeah, don't overtake when you're behind them. Wait till you're alongside. Outbraking when 15 metres behind doesn't end well.

I know you're joking but to clear up what I meant, I have nothing against people admiring Senna. But using him and stuff that he said as an excuse for accidents is just plain annoying, you have not done that.

You need to think about why we think that. It is obviously for a reason and you need to think about why that is and become more aware of your surroundings. I'm not saying stop racing but if there is a gap, make sure that your car can fit in it.
Sorry about double post. It is difficult edit on my ipod.

They weren't cutting across DK, they were defending, and that's why you should NOT attempt a move from behind.💡

The amount of people who don't do this is digraceful.👎

Exactly what I was saying to you DK

Early in the series, I let people back through if I though I'd been a bit heavy in passing them

I soon found though that the courtesy wasn't being returned, so I stopped doing it

Sad, but true

People are more aggrieved due to dk's rear-ending tactic, which I remember him apologising for and I have to say I haven't seen quite as much in the final two meeting.

Also nature of yesterdays races was the track... I could go half a lap side by side with someone due to the amount of racing lines and grip. Due to the fact that the track is so wide, people take chances - crashes happen. There's always going to be a bit of "Well you tapped me so I'm going to give you a nudge back" - I did that a few times this season.

Just some people are more aggressive than others. I know how many PM's of complaint I have got this season - and TWO drivers take up about 40% of that, complaints from different drivers, but I have received less complaints as the series has gone on. Two other drivers attracted a few PM's of issues as well, but they have not had any complaints either since Monaco.

Overall I noticed a lot less whinging, whining and complaining after Madrid - people became used to how each other races. Now at a final race of a season people become more aggressive with nothing too lose - I was within clutching distance of third, so I was becoming more aggressive. There was always going to be fireworks.

Now overall we had a good season, lets not forget that. 🤬 happens, and you can't do anything to repair that. This is supposed to be a competitive series, yes of course, but also fun. If the fun factor disappears then something is going wrong.
Furi, I think you've just won the award for the most quotes in one reply :lol:
Also may I add Boyce, you certainly have selective mirrors... the amount of time this season, and indeed today I have been shuffled off the racing line on the grass by you is quite big. Not complaining, but a good scrap in Race 3 though. Shame R4 start botch-up meant I couldn't push you harder though.

I drive using the front nose camera view which means i only have a centre rear view mirror. If i see someone wanting to overtake i always use the 1 time block move only. Sometimes if a car is either side of me overtaking and its busy on the track or i simply dont know which side a car has gone i will sometimes hit a car. To be honest compared to most drivers i think i'm quite soft.
I drive using the front nose camera view which means i only have a centre rear view mirror. If i see someone wanting to overtake i always use the 1 time block move only. Sometimes if a car is either side of me overtaking and its busy on the track or i simply dont know which side a car has gone i will sometimes hit a car. To be honest compared to most drivers i think i'm quite soft.

I use chase cam, and have L2 and R2 equipped to glance left and right.I highly recommend that set up as you can always see around you.
lets not forget that. 🤬 happens, and you can't do anything to repair that.

If penalty is on WEAK, any legal rubbing/bumps are played & all major incidents like Monacos traffic jam/major rear ends & inside line dives, even that guy that went backwards; would have NEVER happened...... There would never be a victim.

Was a good season, had fun. Some good racing.
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I use chase cam, and have L2 and R2 equipped to glance left and right.I highly recommend that set up as you can always see around you.

Didn't know you could do that "duh". Well should have less contact next season.
Its quite simple dk, if you see brake lights ahead of you, you brake too and aim away from peoples rear ends.

Have you actually read some of my comments, or have you just pressed
for the sole purpose of more muck-slinging that only the Daily Mail would be proud of? I do not aim for rear bumpers, I aim for gaps, and because the human race is yet to evolve to the point where we can see into the future, I can not predict whether that gap may be filled by another car at the last second. I make mistakes, but no-one is a perfect driver.
Have you actually read some of my comments, or have you just pressed
for the sole purpose of more muck-slinging that only the Daily Mail would be proud of? I do not aim for rear bumpers, I aim for gaps, and because the human race is yet to evolve to the point where we can see into the future, I can not predict whether that gap may be filled by another car at the last second. I make mistakes, but no-one is a perfect driver.

:lol: Quite true dk, quite true indeed...
It will look like a gap if you keep going with comments like that.
If anyone fancies trades, I have the following TOCA cars to shift:

Red Integra
Blue Integra
Two Mazda Atenza's
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