Tour of Europe 2018!Open 

  • Thread starter hlar
GT6 Tour of Europe Poster (2).png

Hello, and welcome to the 'Tour of Europe: 2018', the newest car race in the GT6 Online-Racing community!

Race across the landscape of Europe, in famous and challenging tracks with a mix of classic racing, TTs, endurance's and even rallies! The 'Tour of Europe' is the true all-round petrolhead competition!

I mainly got inspiration from the infamous 'Tour de France' cycling event, where cyclists take part in a grueling event around France, battling different weather and environments, from the flat plains of the north to the mountainous Alps. I thought to myself, how could I implement this in GT6? And so I've formed the 'GT6 Tour of Europe'. I've already created a draft thread and, to my surprise, has got a decent amount of people interested in doing the event. Below will be some details on the race to familiarize yourself with the format and regulations. Thank you for your interest and see you on the track!

Calendar is below. If a majority of people cannot attend some dates, I can reschedual them if needed. Please message me if you are undable to attend a certain stage. No specific reason needed.

- Cars will be limmited to a 475PP rating to maximise the fairness of racing.
- NO concept cars will be permitted; Instant kick from the race if caught using one
- Car modifications are allowed
- Any car manufacturer is allowed if met within the PP limit after modification
- Car numbers will be handed out before the Tour starts. You must have your car number on your car at all times
- Comment or message your PSN, preferred name and car to join
- Tyre compounds are limited to RS
-Races will have fast fuel decrease
- Mechanical damage is on normal
- Tyre ware is on
- Driving line will be accepted
- Traction control will be accepted
- Time penalties can occur for bad driving, not following rules, cheating etc.
- Cutting corner penalties etc. is on
- Races will be at 6pm UTC
- Lobby's will be set up by me
- Lobby's will vary in server category depending on race type i.e. if it is a time trial, it will be in the TT lobby category
- Respect one another
- Fair racing; No purpose crashing or ghosting to avoid crashes etc.
- No cheating
- Standings will be reguarly updated after each race on an Excel spreadsheet
- Be sure to send me in your times after each race so I can compile the standings
- There'll be both a drivers championship, team championship (if more than 1 person join a team etc.) and a manufacturer's championship
- 1st = 4 points
- 2nd = 3 points
- 3rd = 2 points
- 4th - 7th = 1 point
- >7th = 0 points
- Points can be deducted due to bad conduct
- Teams are allowed, but be sure to tell me your team name!
- You can represent a nation if you like

The GT6 servers close on the 28th of March, so come and join us for, most likely, the last GT6 racing series!
GT6 Tour of Europe Calendar.png
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Great this is on a Wednesday when I'm off work. One more question do you have a roundabout time on Wednesday when the event will take place?
Unfortunately, the first stage of the Tour of Europe will have to be postponed, as the first event was meant to be today (07/02/18) until further notice due to a lack of applications despite interest in the draft thread. I will try my best to keep this event a thing because I know you guys, including me, are interested in competing in one last GT6 event. Once again, I am sorry about this. If you can, spread the news of the event to other people and I am thinking of opening a Reddit thread too about the Tour of Europe to get more competitors.

Unfortunately, the first stage of the Tour of Europe will have to be postponed, as the first event was meant to be today (07/02/18) until further notice due to a lack of applications despite interest in the draft thread. I will try my best to keep this event a thing because I know you guys, including me, are interested in competing in one last GT6 event. Once again, I am sorry about this. If you can, spread the news of the event to other people and I am thinking of opening a Reddit thread too about the Tour of Europe to get more competitors.


I was looking for it but couldn't find the room. Now I know why. I'll do my best to find people. I did get one to join us infineon
I'd like to join in. I'm a concerned about race time though since I live in the GMT +9 time zone.
I can't seem to find info about the used tire compound as well. Does it mean that it is unrestricted? therefore RS tires at 475PP... that seems a bit of an overkill.
As @gkgamer pointed out, there doesn't seem to be any information about the time of day. If you're not sure yet, how about telling us what time zone you're in, @hlar so we can try to guess for now?
I'd like to join in. I'm a concerned about race time though since I live in the GMT +9 time zone.
I can't seem to find info about the used tire compound as well. Does it mean that it is unrestricted? therefore RS tires at 475PP... that seems a bit of an overkill.
As @gkgamer pointed out, there doesn't seem to be any information about the time of day. If you're not sure yet, how about telling us what time zone you're in, @hlar so we can try to guess for now?
Sorry. For some reason, I completley forgot. I've updated the regulations in 'Car regulations' and 'Races'. To save you from having to find it, races will happen at 6PM UTC and the maximum tyre compound is RS
I gotta go with Ben on that one. I don't think I will enjoy RS tires on prod cars at 475PP. Too bad because everything else was perfect, I wish fun and close racing to all participants though.
It was looking so good until you set RS tyres.
I gotta go with Ben on that one. I don't think I will enjoy RS tires on prod cars at 475PP. Too bad because everything else was perfect, I wish fun and close racing to all participants though.

Sorry for the lack of response from me, but here I am.

What tyre compounds would you guys be willing to use?

Anyway, the events will have to be rescheduled due to the lack of participants for the first race. If there is a lack of time for the races before the servers close, I might have to drop some of the races on the calender. Or we could make this into just a chill out, clean racing event? Up to you guys. I want everyone to enjoy the last few moments of the online community on this fantastic game!

Making them TTs might work. If several people are there, it becomes an informal race.

Comfort Soft keep a road car feel while having enough traction at 475pp. Very forgiving tyres. Sports Medium is the most grip I would pit on a road car below 600pp.
Making them TTs might work. If several people are there, it becomes an informal race.

Comfort Soft keep a road car feel while having enough traction at 475pp. Very forgiving tyres. Sports Medium is the most grip I would pit on a road car below 600pp.
I like your idea about turning this to a TT only race if it continues to only have 7 people participating. It would also allow people to possibly race at their suited time in the week, for example @gkgamer who seems to be in Japan and it could get more interest due to that
Is Tour of Europe still open? I'm interested.
Unfourtunatley, I'd have to say no, for the full calender that is. I could still host some TTs or fun little races in the final days of GT6, but it'd be very hard to fit all of those races in the time until GT6 servers close :(

Oh and btw @Harsk100, is your DiRT Rally league still on?

Unfourtunatley, I'd have to say no, for the full calender that is. I could still host some TTs or fun little races in the final days of GT6, but it'd be very hard to fit all of those races in the time until GT6 servers close :(

Oh and btw @Harsk100, is your DiRT Rally league still on?

Sadly not Hlar, The Rally League has moved to GTSPORT.