Trans tasman super sprint series

  • Thread starter nochance09
a few of you would like to do the full grand valley rather then the short course so I propose we do 2 17lap races on the full track which is the same distance. are we all happy with that

I'm happy with Grand Valley East, one of my Fav tracks
I prefer east as well but it doesn't have as many over taking opportunities as the full course.

With strong slip stream the front straight will work well for our purposes. I foresee many a car going for a play in the sand at the end of the straight :D
With strong slip stream the front straight will work well for our purposes. I foresee many a car going for a play in the sand at the end of the straight :D

Maybe we should have a bonus point for best sandcastle ya think auts?
Maybe we should have a bonus point for best sandcastle ya think auts?

Mine will have a moat and a pink sheep pen.

Tim's will be in bogan theme, with burnout pad, rusted out Holdens on the lawn and Metallica blaring from it speakers
Mine will have a moat and a pink sheep pen.

Tim's will be in bogan theme, with burnout pad, rusted out Holdens on the lawn and Metallica blaring from it speakers

Life saving qld have kindly moved nippers carnival too the Beach at turn 1 Grand Valley. This has allowed rx to compete in both nippers and our race. Might get tricky with older age brackets may still be running when our race starts. Might need to look out for some of lukes boards stuck in sand aswell. Im thinking im going to do a sand sculpture, mermiad with big boobies. Fruttis sandcastle will be easy to spot as the kitchens only half done.
and any good bogan knows is acdc not metallica. for your complete lack of knowledge you are banned from the burnout pad and bbq area lol
and any good bogan knows is acdc not metallica. for your complete lack of knowledge you are banned from the burnout pad and bbq area lol

That's ok the doorman wouldn't let me through as my Mullet isn't long enough
Mr auts, I feel it is my duty to remind you all of an incident so you all can learn. long long ago, in my Mind far far away, lived the realm of lord bogan and the boganites. every morning at 8 lord bogan would challenge drivers from miles around but no-one could compete with a supercharged ls6 engine. one day 2 boganites decided to challenge lord bogan authority. red devil emu and green with envy fewzo poolled there resources in went in search of an xr6 turbo. a quick search on gumtree and they found one in the next village. after been given the car for nothing they putted away, and didn't even notice the man who had given them the car dancing for joy and singing how happy he was to have gotten
rid of the hunk of junk. the next day they challenged the lord. he looked at his opposition and feel to ground laughing. when he got back to his feet he looked at there car and feel laughing again. soon the race was to begin. they introduced lord bogan. some say he is hung like a horse, others say he was banned from f1 for being to fast, all we know he is called lord bogan. the crowed cheered and the race began. lap 1 was sought of close but lap 2 the inevitable happen. the xr6 went into limp mode and stopped. when lord bogan finished the race he went over to the two men found them in a cloud of hissing water and steam. he then said nah nah nah and called them losers and danced around them with 1 finger in the air. the humble lord bogan then proclaimed that the ford shall be put on a stage at the village square, and every morning at the citizens of lord bogan realm will throw off veggies at the car and drivers from there widows while doing burnouts around them in the ls3 monsters. so every morning red devil emu stands with a can a killrust while green with envy fewzo holds a can of bog and the throwing starts. I tolerate them in my village as every town has to have a couple of village idiots. as you have forgotten this tale Mr auts I have order the guards to capture 10 of your prized ladies and these will be eaten by a'll at the weekend bbq, and may this memory remind yout always never to mention the blue oval again. also and citizen of lord bogan realm who utters the f bomb will have there flanno and Winnie reds confiscated. regards lord bogan
Mr auts, I feel it is my duty to remind you all of an incident so you all can learn. long long ago, in my Mind far far away, lived the realm of lord bogan and the boganites. every morning at 8 lord bogan would challenge drivers from miles around but no-one could compete with a supercharged ls6 engine. one day 2 boganites decided to challenge lord bogan authority. red devil emu and green with envy fewzo poolled there resources in went in search of an xr6 turbo. a quick search on gumtree and they found one in the next village. after been given the car for nothing they putted away, and didn't even notice the man who had given them the car dancing for joy and singing how happy he was to have gotten
rid of the hunk of junk. the next day they challenged the lord. he looked at his opposition and feel to ground laughing. when he got back to his feet he looked at there car and feel laughing again. soon the race was to begin. they introduced lord bogan. some say he is hung like a horse, others say he was banned from f1 for being to fast, all we know he is called lord bogan. the crowed cheered and the race began. lap 1 was sought of close but lap 2 the inevitable happen. the xr6 went into limp mode and stopped. when lord bogan finished the race he went over to the two men found them in a cloud of hissing water and steam. he then said nah nah nah and called them losers and danced around them with 1 finger in the air. the humble lord bogan then proclaimed that the ford shall be put on a stage at the village square, and every morning at the citizens of lord bogan realm will throw off veggies at the car and drivers from there widows while doing burnouts around them in the ls3 monsters. so every morning red devil emu stands with a can a killrust while green with envy fewzo holds a can of bog and the throwing starts. I tolerate them in my village as every town has to have a couple of village idiots. as you have forgotten this tale Mr auts I have order the guards to capture 10 of your prized ladies and these will be eaten by a'll at the weekend bbq, and may this memory remind yout always never to mention the blue oval again. also and citizen of lord bogan realm who utters the f bomb will have there flanno and Winnie reds confiscated. regards lord bogan

It was a cold day in Boganville when Lord Bogan lost his power. Underlings Emu, Fewzo, Autech followed their leader with the sharpest of wit, Frutti. The rule of the LS6 was about to be challenged by progress... As they all piled in to Autech's daily hack, the humble Ford Mondeo to the Archaeological dig of a Roman city. It was here that they discovered the first LS6 engine ever made. Upon closer inspection it was identical to the one used today, using a stone age valve train known as "Pushrod". With elation at finding such a discovery they climbed back in to the Maroon Mondeo and headed to the Lord Bogan's palace (trailer) to challenge him. Lord Bogan at first scoffed at their challenge, how could such a small displacement challenge him, but he accepted expecting to win.
There were forces at work that day, some called it witchcraft, some called it white man magic, others know it simply as Turbo. The Lord Bogan did not count on his challengers allying themselves with such Witchcraft. There was one more card to play, the challengers called on their greatest driver to pilot the Mondeo. Some say he can't overtake Autech at Madrid, others say he's too damn fast, all we know is that he is called the Clint.

The race was short and sharp, the Lord Bogans head exploded when the Mondeo blitzed him off the line, he couldn't understand how 6 litres of displacement could be beaten by 2. And so ended the Lord Bogans reign of tyranny...
It was a cold day in Boganville when Lord Bogan lost his power. Underlings Emu, Fewzo, Autech followed their leader with the sharpest of wit, Frutti. The rule of the LS6 was about to be challenged by progress... As they all piled in to Autech's daily hack, the humble Ford Mondeo to the Archaeological dig of a Roman city. It was here that they discovered the first LS6 engine ever made. Upon closer inspection it was identical to the one used today, using a stone age valve train known as "Pushrod". With elation at finding such a discovery they climbed back in to the Maroon Mondeo and headed to the Lord Bogan's palace (trailer) to challenge him. Lord Bogan at first scoffed at their challenge, how could such a small displacement challenge him, but he accepted expecting to win.
There were forces at work that day, some called it witchcraft, some called it white man magic, others know it simply as Turbo. The Lord Bogan did not count on his challengers allying themselves with such Witchcraft. There was one more card to play, the challengers called on their greatest driver to pilot the Mondeo. Some say he can't overtake Autech at Madrid, others say he's too damn fast, all we know is that he is called the Clint.

The race was short and sharp, the Lord Bogans head exploded when the Mondeo blitzed him off the line, he couldn't understand how 6 litres of displacement could be beaten by 2. And so ended the Lord Bogans reign of tyranny...

Until that fateful day when the former Lord Bogan's work in the shadows paid off.

After being displaced, he was furious as how complacent he had become. He enlisted the services of the village Hat maker who lived in a field.
Why would he choose such an ally? The answer a simple one. The Hat maker owned the bright orange Monaro which was foretold in the prophecy.

The prophecy says 'on the day of Lord Bogan's ascension back to the throne, the Monaro with the colour of the sinking sun will push thy Kubelwagen across the line'

And so it was...and Lord Bogan was reappointed to the throne, with the Hat maker at his right hand to hold the toilet paper.
Please write this down on paper, this could turn into a religion in the next few thousand years.

thankyou master hat. for your loyalty i have ordered your dwelling move to spot number 2 next to the toilet and shower block. also i have appointed you master at arms, thus giving you a gold stiched flanno shirt and 2 cartons of winnies reds a week. also no mr auts, if your driving was as good as your comebacks you would be on fire lol. i have also ordered mr hat to make his way to your village post haste and push a rod where the sun dont shine lol.
thankyou master hat. for your loyalty i have ordered your dwelling move to spot number 2 next to the toilet and shower block. also i have appointed you master at arms, thus giving you a gold stiched flanno shirt and 2 cartons of winnies reds a week. also no mr auts, if your driving was as good as your comebacks you would be on fire lol. i have also ordered mr hat to make his way to your village post haste and push a rod where the sun dont shine lol.

Hatfield, he with the brownest of noses among the boganites will pay for his crimes, just as soon as I get my brain in Bogan land again.

And yes Tim, if only my driving were as sharp as my wit lol
after some further testing last night, this week will be 2 17 lap races at the full grand valley track. we found it produces better racing and gives you a bigger advantage with your soft. thanks Tim
Amazing race. I think the hp penalty might need to be 20 hp though. It's a pretty big difference but in the slip stream on race 2 I kept up and my tyres were great
race results and lap times grand valley

race 1
emu drop out

race 2
sham drop out

lap times
race 1
clint 147.208
rx 147.332
rage 148.535
chance 148.612
fewzo 149.078
sham 150.099
luke 150.285
emu 150.807

race 2
chance 147.052
luke 147.633
emu 147.659
rx 147.971
clint 148.539
fewzo 149.571
rage 150.218
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what a shocking race for me. took myself out in race 1 and it turns out i also took emu out in race 2 so with the relegation to rear of field ruined my loker. maybe better luck next week
what a shocking race for me. took myself out in race 1 and it turns out i also took emu out in race 2 so with the relegation to rear of field ruined my loker. maybe better luck next week

Unlucky mate. It was definitely the closest racing we've ever had.
Unfortunately Boganites, I was unable to make today's race. 30 minutes before race start I was amping up with a pre-race Red Bull, when my cell phone rang. Let me tell you guys a full use company phone is good, but also means you are always contactable. One of our biggest call centres server was down, so I had to go fix it. 4 hours later it was fixed. Gutted I missed the racing, was looking forward to it all week! Lets hope next weekend is call out free...
what a shocking race for me. took myself out in race 1 and it turns out i also took emu out in race 2 so with the relegation to rear of field ruined my loker. maybe better luck next week

Hi guys, don't where to start. Might get in trouble for bagging out the network, but i had troubles all day. When my mic stopped working before first race i should have jumped out its normally a sign of things to come. As it was i was right, disconnected race one. Race 2 wasn't much better, into 2nd hairpin got a big hit,after watching replay have worked out between my view and lukes view that it was an issue from my end. My view had me and tim in the sand then magically tim was on the track with out even being in the sand. from lukes view tim was nowhere near me and did a clean pass. have raced door handle to door handle with tim probably more than anyone else and new it would have been something like that. So as far as I'm concerned it was a spike from my side not tims. luke and myself would like to over rule you tim and points stand. (that felt good to over rule the boss might try that at work tomorrow lol). Only reason i race in this championship is because i know everyone is fair. With the close racing we are trying to achieve there is always going to be some touches but trust they are never intensional. Top job to all and loved watching rager and fewzos battle race 1 nice work guys. Big thanks to tim for doing all the hard work on race day.
Great race this weekend guys, bad luck Emu, I know how you feel about the net, I think i was lucky getting the disconnections over with in qualifying. Race one was a great race, the last lap battle with Rage was intense. Rage was a bit faster, but I decided to not make it to easy for him and held my lines, he did a great job but couldn't quite get there in the end, .003 sec's diff in the end. Great stuff Mate! Rage again amazed me in race 2, with his ability to enter the pitts backwards at 200kmh, outstanding!! Race ya later!
Great race this weekend guys, bad luck Emu, I know how you feel about the net, I think i was lucky getting the disconnections over with in qualifying. Race one was a great race, the last lap battle with Rage was intense. Rage was a bit faster, but I decided to not make it to easy for him and held my lines, he did a great job but couldn't quite get there in the end, .003 sec's diff in the end. Great stuff Mate! Rage again amazed me in race 2, with his ability to enter the pitts backwards at 200kmh, outstanding!! Race ya later!

Haha, not surprised Rage had trouble getting around you, you're a hard man to overtake!

How did he enter the pits backwards?
Haha, not surprised Rage had trouble getting around you, you're a hard man to overtake!

How did he enter the pits backwards?

Rager watched old replay from laguna tried to out do the pink cars manoeuvre into the pits. :) hows our table for the wedding going auts lol.