TT WRS Suggestions Box.

  • Thread starter Super T
Kent, UK.
Someone mentioned we should have a suggestions box thread so here it is. 👍

Just somewhere to post up requests for tracks,bikes etc. I'm sure Ben a is few weeks ahead with any ideas for combos but if you have a specific one you'd like to see then let us know, if enough people like the idea then it may be considered.

Get your thinking caps on boys 'n' girls?
Thanks for making this SuperT, I'd forgotten about it. I've got the track setup for next week but nothing solid on the bike. Any suggestions on a bike would be appreciated 👍
Thanks for making this SuperT, I'd forgotten about it. I've got the track setup for next week but nothing solid on the bike. Any suggestions on a bike would be appreciated 👍

No problem Ben. I remember reading about someone suggesting we put one up a few days ago and thought I'd check up on it and was quite surprised to see there wasn't one here yet.

As for the bike, how about the RG 500? (I've got a 400 Walter Wolf one and would like to give it a go as I've not got the cajone's to put my real one on the track, it's too rare :nervous: :) ).

Maybe one of the scooters, that should make things interesting as they don't have gears so judging corner speeds is a bit trickier?
Hmm, I'm not framiliar with that bike. Can you tell me where to win it?

Edit: Found it as the Suzuki RG500 Gamma '85, is that right?
Yep, that's the one. 👍 Sorry if I was a bit vague, it's getting late here. :)

There's a road and a race version, not sure where you win them though, I think you can just do the manufacturers challenge's for each one.
Tested it a bit and it seems like a nice ride 👍 Although it does seem to have an exhaust problem based on the amount of smoke it produces... :lol:
Yeah mine's a bit like that :lol:, although my one's only on two cylinders at the moment :grumpy:.

The brakes are rubbish too :nervous:. But then it is a twenty year old bike and I've got used to more recent technology, takes a little while to adjust sometimes :dopey:.
The only bike request i have, is do NOT use the Aprilia 1000 Road Going Version for week 3, i'll be on holiday and i LOVE that bike! hehehe :)
the only problem using the old 400cc and 500cc 2-strokes is that they arent in the ntsc-jp, only pal and ntsc-na version iirc.
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the only problem using the old 400cc and 500cc 2-strokes is that they arent in the ntsc-jp, only pal and ntsc-na version iirc.

That's seems a bit wierd as the bike I'm referring to (RG 400 Gamma Walter Wolf, not actually in the game as far as I know but the RG 500 Gamma is,) was only sold in Japan, in real life.

Are you sure? I don't want to start any arguments, it just seems a bit odd?
I know the series is brand new but I'd like to have races using TT mode as opposed to arcade mode. Although arcade mode levels the playing field (to a certain extent), I think using TT mode is better with it's bike setups especially when using RM's.
TBH though I don't mind what we use, I'm happy to be part of the series. 👍
I wil definitely be using a race bike next week and I want it to be a lightweight, good handling bike for the track I have planned. I will test the Kawasakis to see if anything fits the bill.
i have a suggestion :D V-Max RM @Grand Valley Speedway


surprisingly nimble, and sounds great :cool:

race or free run would be ok, but a tt mode race would be my preferred option :D
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You can all be certain we'll be seeing the Ducati in the near future, I think it's a great bike as well. 👍
Would like to see a typical shootout of say the 600's, R6 against the Gixxer, Honda and ZX-636 ... Would be cool to see if there's any difference in the game engine between the bikes ... Zx-636 should be a bit faster than the normal 600's according to the real world ...
Would like to see a typical shootout of say the 600's, R6 against the Gixxer, Honda and ZX-636 ... Would be cool to see if there's any difference in the game engine between the bikes ... Zx-636 should be a bit faster than the normal 600's according to the real world ...

yeah, multi bike events would be :cool: :D
I wasn't around when it was run but the GT4 WRS had a week when they used the Elise and Silvia on Autmn ring, one lap forward and one reverse. You could choose which car you used in each direction and just totalled up the two lap times.

Maybe something we could do with the 600's?
A Tuesday deadline coincides with the deadline of the WRS and makes it less confusing for people who submit times for both series.
Would like to see some arcade races (easier without the tuning) also using the bikes @ stock hp/weight, events like this week would have felt so much better if the bike had been stock.

But i love whats happening in thr TT WRS!

MY choice, 2 stroke none RM 250cc @ midfield :D love it!