Tyre choice for drifting

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I use racing TIRES for any car over 400 HP, N3 in the front and N1 in the back for anything under 400. :sly:

But I love race drifting, so I'm weird. Most people stick to the N1-3 for show drifts, and they are probably the best to learn with.

Same here, Racing T2 II for high hp , N1 - N3 lower power cars.
Uh, as a real drifter, I can tell you that my friends and I definitely don't do it for cost efficiency. Unless you're a rich bastard and have a 240 with an SR or RB in it, you need less traction in the rear. Drifting at any speed over, say, 50 miles per hour is scary as ****, and those are the only speeds when you really need decent traction in the rear.

I drift with radials in the front and slicks in the rear, practically no tread. Once the front tires are worn down enough, I switch those to the rear and buy two new radials for the front.

Maybe it's different for drifters in different areas of the world, but that's how we roll :sly:

I do the same thing. Tires cost mucho! For GT i tend to stay with N2's all around. for 200-350ish. then roads for 350-500 and sports for anything above. I rarly use slicks
Well i seem to drift best with N2's but i have recently started experimenting with N3's. They are closer to what the sports tyres feel like so they are a little more grippy than the N2's. N2's seem to drift all by them self, but i find it hard to get grip down to the tarmac when i wan't to build up speed.

For those that didn't know:
N1 - slippery
N2 - a little less slippery
N3 - most grippy of the 3, but still slippery and are a fairly close comparison to sports tyres.
Why is it unbalanced?

Because there is too much weight and grip on the front of the car.....if u try and counter-steer out with a gripper front end to the back end then ull find that the car will slingshot you out of a drift and into the dirt....

Other times you mite enter a drift and coz theres no grip at the back you'll 180 off the track
Oh and as for tyres i use this rule...
N1 = 350hp or less
N2 = 351 - 450
N3 = 451 - 550
and so on so forth......if u have a lot of HP then use failry grippy tyres but no higher than medium sports. Personally i dont do up a drift car higher than 500 hp. and my fav pick is N2 when appropriate.
It's because the rear of the car is spinning faster than the front, hence unbalancing the car.
If you can stop the snap-back from happening, it can help your drifting to have a little bit grippier front tires than rear. I've found this to be the case with my racing style, so I adopted it. Probably 90% of you would disagree with me about this, but I find I have too much understeer with equal tires all around. Having rear tires with less grip gives me the ability to use braking drifts and accel-off drifts very easily, the hard part is lining the car up right for the exit and controlling it all the way through. Man, I really REALLY wish I could get some sort of video of my drifting up for you guys to see, I feel like not many people drift like me, which could be very good or VEEEEERY BAD. :crazy:
It's totally your choice. There's nothing wrong by using grippier tires in the front than in the rear. Some amateurs in real life apply that too, I doubt they wanna scrap brand new tires to drift as a hobby. You can modify whatever you want to drift, from tires selection, settings, driving assists, etc.

As long as you're having fun with what you're doing, no one has the right to bash on the method you use. Your method will only allow you to play in a different level than others.

And as for me, I use N1 economy tires. I prefer to drift in GT4 with gripless tires, it makes it harder, that's all. There's no involvement about speed, only control.

Good luck.
... I prefer to drift in GT4 with gripless tires, it makes it harder...

Sure? Drifting itself it's hard, no matter the grip available on tyres. As long as power and setting matches with tyre grip.
i tune all my cars to about 500 hp and use n3 in the front and n2 in the back, and ill being posting my first vid if i can find a host, and if my fiend remembers his usb thumb drive
N1's-N3's are more realistic.

not really cause when you check the specs of a D1 car or anyone who realy drifts they dont use tires that you would get when you buy you new car(civic,mustangs.....you know thos okay tires for stock cars)...they use some of the top of the line street tires..
like Falken Azenis RT-615....OR Yokohama AVS sports.....good grippy tires so they can control thier cars and not just slide easily
Good tires with lots of grip become not so grippy when you add near 500HP to the mix. The N series tires do a pretty good job of simulating flex and progression of traction loss. My S2000 I can still race with and I downgraded it all the way to N1's and it has nearly 300HP, doesn't peel out like crazy unless you want it to.
i use S3's all around and sometimes R1's on al my cars (even underpowered ones). i have a vid but need a capture card. :grumpy: also i drift in formula d in an S14 in real life because i Qualified for an Event!!!! i have pics and you can see me on drifting411.com
have pics and you can see me on drifting411.com

I'm sorry, but if you can't even spell the website name right, I doubt you're on it... :rolleyes:

How did you qualify? If you'd care to elaborate...
:grumpy: If you really want to know my name is Kouichiro Hamada and you can see that i qualified here-http://www.d1gp.com/index.asp?PageAction=Custom&ID=3

I qualified by getting through a driver search and then a qualifing round, i am now eligible for the points series even though i do not have a sponser . here is a better explanation:

First, a driver must meet requirements for the vehicle and qualification rounds. Then they must register to compete in the D1 Grand Prix USA Drivers Search Point Series. Drivers who successfully place in the top ten of the driver search events will be eligible to compete in D1 Grand Prix USA Drivers Search Point Series Championship Round. Drivers who have placed in the top 10 at previous events will be allowed to qualify for the championship round. Depending on qualification and driver turn out to championship round the best 30-32 drivers who qualify will be invited to compete. The D1 Grand Prix USA Drivers Search Point Series Championship Round is a standard tournament round beginning with a solo run for each driver to demonstrate skills. From that pool ? will be cut and 16 will continue on to the next phases of the tournament. The rest of the tournament will be standard D1 Tsuiso?Estyle (Twin Drift.) The Tsuiso style randomly pits one driver against another in a 2-stage run. In each stage the drivers will switch off for the lead position while the other follows. The drivers will be awarded up to 100 points by each judge after each stage. The driver who has the highest number of points after the two stages will advance to the next round. This continues on until the champion has been crowned. The Best 16 Drivers from the D1 Grand Prix USA Drivers Search Point Series Championship Round will be issued D1 licenses and invited to compete in the D1 Grand Prix USA Points Series. These drivers have made it to the Major League?E they are invited to the Professional drift league. 👍

i also have drift videos from the events of me so i will post them up soon.

Oh, and i accidently put drifting411.com. :grumpy: it is drift411.com
if u want realistic feel while drifting go buy ne car with a decent amount of hp say 150 to 230 hp and slap some n1's on there and go slide . u can drift ne stock car and or ne drivetrain with no modification go check out breakerohio's new video peel off all the cars he uses in there are in there stock trim with n2 or n1 tires
for under 160hp cars i use either n1/n1 or n1/n2
cars under 240hp i use n2/n2
over 300 n3/n3 ( but i dont have any cars with that much hp because im a cheap drifter:) )

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