Unable to buy GOTY Edition of Forza 5

  • Thread starter TBanff
I was thinking of waiting until after July 22nd to get Forza since the new edition includes a little more content with the car pack. However, Amazon, Best Buy, Walmart, all the usual suspects do not have this edition in stock. In fact I can't find a single US based online retailer that actually carries this version.

I've checked all my local stores that carry video game and again there is nothing to be found. Very strange, I think. So, just wondering if anyone knows where I can actually purchase this version of the game? Thanks.

For reference: http://www.ign.com/articles/2014/06/06/forza-5-racing-game-of-the-year-edition-revealed
How strange. Have you left a comment on the official forums? <--- www.forzamotorsport.net

And BTW, the GOTY edition also has all free DLC tracks released so far. Apart from the free car DLC, you need to have the season pass to enjoy the available for purchase car DLC in the game.

Happy hunting.
How strange. Have you left a comment on the official forums? <--- www.forzamotorsport.net

And BTW, the GOTY edition also has all free DLC tracks released so far. Apart from the free car DLC, you need to have the season pass to enjoy the available for purchase car DLC in the game.

Happy hunting.
You dont necessarily need the season pass, but if you plan on buying alot of DLC, its the smarter coice.
@ImaRobot ^^ Ahan. So let's say I get the GOTY ed ONLY, what do I get in the game apart from all the free tracks, since I'm not interested in paying for any DLC whatsoever...?
Around the time that the first article surfaced with the info about the GOTY edition, I remember reading that it would only be one pack. I thought that was a typo though, and I'm hoping it is, because that's ridiculous.

I havent checked up since than.
Hey I'm OK with the car count. What I'm really after are the tracks!

I'm assuming the GOTY ed comes ready with the latest game and firmware updates. (duuh)
hmmm.. since the only thing this edition contains -and is not free for all- is the top gear pack (which is more than what previous forza goty editions offered)
I think I can suggest hunting for a cheap forza 5 key from ebay or kinguin etc. I'm pretty sure you can get the full game in the 20-30 range, leaving you change to get not one but three car packs (or do the smart thing and get f5+car pass for ~70 total)

minus: you will have to download everything
plus: savings, plus you can always play forza at the touch of a button (no disk required)
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Great, so the car pass gets me 70 additional cars, so that's a total of 270 or more? I'm guessing more, since the GOTY ed might have a higher stock car count than 200.

I'll download it all, yeah. How many gigs are the three tracks in total? How about the cars?
OK great, that helps.

Though I don't understand why one would have to download those tracks if one's getting the GOTY ed.

Shouldn't ALL the tracks and cars released thus far already BE on the disc?
of course the goty edition will be up to date.
that means it will contain the latest tittle update, all free dlc (the tracks plus a few free car packs), plus the top gear car pack. I think it will even contain all the other car packs too, although locked unless you buy them, but so that you can see them cars if your opponents use them.

what I wrote is that instead of this ..convenience, you can opt to buy a cheap forza 5 downloadable code, do the downloading (full game install with everything on top lists as 40.2gb for me) and save 50-60% or even more, that you can then spend for the car pass.

also, about DLC car packs, here's some clarification:

initially there where going to be 6x car pack of 10 cars each for the car pass.

this has been boosted to 8x car packs of 10 cars, plus the 3x booster packs for each dlc track (road america, long beach, nurburgring) that contain 5 special cars each, and is also included in the car pass.

then, finally, you got the free for all honda pack (3 hondas), and the upcoming infinity pack (2 infinities)

so I think the final number of added cars is a round 100, with 5 of them (3 already out, 2 incoming) being free for all.
and in goty edition, you get the last 5 plus the 10 contained in top gear car pack.

hope this helps you and clarifies some stuff about car dlc.
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If you do not plan on buying any additional DLC, then just get the GOTY edition. Its the most you'll get of any game version.

However, if you are planning to buy all additional DLC it doesnt matter what you buy as everything in the GOTY edition will be included when you buy the car pass DLC.
Right, so to enjoy all the DLC cars, I will have to buy the car pass DLC when I pick up the GOTY ed?

So the tracks are free, is there any free car DLC in the game?

How much is the car pass?
I speak as someone who has bought dlc so I'm not really in a position to complain, but...

Don't you just look back fondly to the heady days when you bought a game, everything
was on the disc and that was your lot? :cool:
Ahh yess... I'm a little bitter over the fact that those days are gone completely.

Some of us just do any downloading at all, or simply don't have the time/don't wish to do it.

They should put everything on one disc. DLC should also be available on DVD-Rs or USB sticks to those who don't do online stuff at all. But since it's now on Blueray, maybe they could play around with the possibility of putting DLC on shelves in the form of high speed USB sticks.
I speak as someone who has bought dlc so I'm not really in a position to complain, but...

Don't you just look back fondly to the heady days when you bought a game, everything
was on the disc and that was your lot? :cool:
you mean like when games had 2-3 expansion packs, for 1/2 the full game's retail price each? That was in the early 90's so it's not a new concept.

or were you referring to when games that had bugs were unfixable except by recall because it was printed in the cartridge?

Regarding Speedster's sentiments, the cost of making, shipping, and retailing DLC on usb is just not gonna happen in box stores man.
No he's referring to the era, when the entire games would just ship on ONE storage medium, with everything intact. And expansion packs or 'additional content' for some games would arrive on shelves later on.

The games were never 1/2 in terms of content, but rather had expansion packs released later as a plus.

Really wish we non-online gamers would have access to that additional content on a storage medium.
An entire page that could've been answered with one trip to Google...

Like @Chippy569 hints - there are pros and cons to both the old way, and the new way. It'd also be financially stupid to offer most DLC as physical versions these days; online is where the vast majority of people play.
or were you referring to when games that had bugs were unfixable except
by recall because it was printed in the cartridge?
Unfixable? There weren't many (and I've played lot) that weren't sorted out of the box

It's become much more prevalent that nowadays that the makers will chuck something
out and see how it hits

And depending on how many complain, we'll have a half-hearted attempt at fixing it
before we break for tea this afternoon :)
I speak as someone who has bought dlc so I'm not really in a position to complain, but...

Don't you just look back fondly to the heady days when you bought a game, everything
was on the disc and that was your lot? :cool:
fondly, yes. with nostalgia 100x yes.
but as far as i remember, the versions of virtual nurburgring we got back then, well... they kind of sucked in comparison :)

everybody who is gaming for long enough, he has been through magical times, but overall I'd say we are still progressing.
Right from the SNES/Mega Drive/PC days to the PS1,2 and 3 days.. leading up to X360....best gaming years so far. Glad to have been there. Loving it ATM even though on an X360.
Given the complexity and massiveness of today's games, you would still be waiting for Forza 2 to launch if you wanted an error free game. I've worked on some massive projects myself so I speak from experience when I say that this expectation is completely unrealistic.
Given the complexity and massiveness of today's games, you would still be waiting for Forza 2 to launch if you wanted an error free game. I've worked on some massive projects myself so I speak from experience when I say that this expectation is completely unrealistic.

I don't quite follow. What expectation?

Too busy enjoying my post-run endorphins! :D
Yeah, that's a touch nut to crack for sure.

Gaming hardware has advanced so much, deadlines are so tight.. given all that, the sagging global economy; let's face it.. devs aren't as happy as they used to be.. just a thought. And it reflects in the games. And programming games has gotten a lot tougher, even though tools are more complex and feature-packed now.

So yeah, bugs are going to be there. But we can all live with them.