WDS: Week 8 - Made In America -- Results Posted

Please select your TWO (2) favourite videos.

  • Video 2 [youtube]2Vxq-PwDlo8[/youtube]

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Video 4 [youtube]lH55ecz2oiw[/youtube]

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Video 8 [youtube]FrhWkJMZXZY[/youtube]

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Video 11 [youtube]DpYO5Gm2rS0[/youtube]

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Boundary Layer

navigating a sea of fools

Weekly Drift Series - Week 8
Made In America
Theme and location by Boundary Layer

GEETOWN_DRIFTER was supposed to have picked the specifics for this week, but he seems to have vanished...

  • WDS Theme/location given on Saturday
  • Entrants have 1 week to perform and capture their drift. No identifying marks. You may add music to your video.
  • Drift should be captured with track cam or dive cam, as well as with chase cam + display
  • Entrant upload their video to youtube. Do not post your video here.
  • Entrant PM's me the link to their video before the next Saturday.
  • Please do not disclose your car choice or make comments about your run that would make it easy for others to identify.
  • A poll is constructed after the deadline passes (Saturday or Sunday).
  • 1 week of voting to determine winner.
  • Winner selects a theme/location for a future WDS.

Polling Rules
  • I am going to check the checkbox enabling multiple votes per voter. I will allow 2 votes per person, no more. If you vote for more than two vids I will not count your input in the final tally (if it's done by accident please PM me and I'll make a note of it).
  • I will not count people's votes for their own videos. Even if you feel your vid is the strongest please vote for what you feel are the second and third best.
  • If there is a repeat winner from the previous week, I'll ask the second place finisher to pick a theme/location for a future WDS. Also, if you win on a week where you chose the theme/location, I'll let the second place finisher have their pick for a future week.
  • If there is a tie for first I will ask one for the theme and the other for the location of a future WDS. (Hopefully there will be no 3-way ties)
I hope that gives everyone a good impression of the idea behind this competition, and how it will be run. But since it's new there may still be some bugs to work out. If anyone has any questions or suggestions please ask either here, or by PM-ing me.


Fist three turns of Infineon. Begin capturing on the front straight, end capturing after turn 3 (the first right-hander).

You must use an American car. Only cars from dealers in the American showroom are eligible.

Video links are due by 23:59:59 Central Time (GMT-6:00) on Saturday, November 18th.

Boundary Layer

Please post if planning to partake in the festivities, just so I know how many links to expect.

1st -- Video 5  - Ske                11 votes
2nd -- Video 7  - Sheron             7 votes
3rd -- Video 10 - Suzuki             5 votes
4th -- Video 1  - Boundary Layer     3 votes
5th -- Video 3  - juju57             2 votes
6th -- Video 6  - H_S2000            1 vote 
--- -- Video 9  - Geoff              1 vote
8th -- Video 2  - akina_speedstar    0 votes
--- -- Video 4  - LGforce            0 votes
--- -- Video 8  - GTPT|SmOke         0 votes
--- -- Video 11 - LOON               0 votes
Wonder what happened to Geetown?

Interesting theme, don't think I have drifted that course before and I hardly ever drift american cars. :) I'll have to try and get something for this one, since I didn't get anything for WDS 7. 👍
I'm in on this one...assuming I can find a decent American car to drift :sly:
It's funny, I was trying to drift corners 2,3 and 4 for some reason. Good thing I checked the map again. :dopey:

I know that Ske is gonna have the link down for this from watching his Espresso vid, he has some major skills. 👍

Good luck to everyone, hope I can get a good run soon. :scared:
already got a run down for backup. not the best but its better than nothing. i guess that means im in?
make that 3 solid runs. im deff in. just have to decide what i want to use.
and thanks ske! i think you will enjoy the next location/theme.
i thought this was supposed to be a kind of begginer drift comp we are now into complex sections (confused) but oh well
i thought this was supposed to be a kind of begginer drift comp we are now into complex sections (confused) but oh well

this section isnt that complex. you want complex? try drifting the whole track without messing up.
its not like you guys couldnt use a challenge either. thats how you progress, you have got to challenge yourself. what would be the point of doing a simple section that everyone and their mom can do in their sleep.
There have been a couple of "beginner" sections in WDS as well.. WDS2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 have all been beginner friendly... it's just the last 2 that have been a little hairy. I'm sure there'll be easier stuff as well soon
I think it's really the length that makes it fairly beginner friendly (the alst one was really tough though).

By keeping the sections short you can repeat it many times. You don't have to be on pins and needles or go really conservative later on in the run because you're worried about messing up a clean run.

But, if people are largely uncomfortable with the level of difficulty (excluding WDS7), I'm happy to urge the theme selectors to take the difficulty down a notch. I'll need to hear more opinions though.
I think WDS 7 has been the only one that can really be called "expert" With the possible exception of WDS 5 that I would call advanced.

WDS7 was brutal, but a good teaching tool. The one I picked, in Midfield II seems like an advanced section but it's really fairly simple, once you figure it out ;)

I agree with BL on this one. Let's see what others have to say. :)
But, if people are largely uncomfortable with the level of difficulty (excluding WDS7), I'm happy to urge the theme selectors to take the difficulty down a notch. I'll need to hear more opinions though.

I think difficult is ok, but please try and select sections close to the start of the run... so we don't have to drive for 2 minutes just to get there ;)
I think difficult is ok, but please try and select sections close to the start of the run... so we don't have to drive for 2 minutes just to get there ;)

That's the thing I didn't like about WDS 7. It took forever to get there, or you could just go backwards and save a bit of time. :)
I joined the comp in wds5, i had been drifting for only 2 weeks i think, initially i was only using this forum as a guide. Upon finding WDS though, i immediately wanted to join in, everyweek the challanges have been pushing me to the next level i ( i think so anyway:indiff: ). I have not had a problem with any of the courses, sure i spent nearly 2 weeks getting WDS:7 down, but i was constantly learning, strategising, evisioning my next moves, and tuning my technique. I still cant just jump in a car and go and drift every corner of a track, but im certainly progressing alot faster as a result of being in WDS.

When i found out about WDS:8 i went and had a run and pulled my drift off around my third or fourth go, in no way do i even intend to sound as if i am bragging, i am merely stating that i have improved my drifting through WDS ten fold!

i thought this was supposed to be a kind of begginer drift comp we are now into complex sections (confused) but oh well

If this was purely a beginners drift comp, i dare say that we would not see weekly entries from the likes of ske, sheron, BL and swift to name a few.( Don't be dismayed if i didnt name you, i havent been here long and these were just a couple of names that stuck out! besides why would you care if a newb remebered you? :sly: )

To all the competitors and BL, thankyou! my last few weeks of drifting has been very enjoyable :) 👍
I think it is good that it is challenging, like akina_speedstar says, it pushes you to become better.

I guess It would be nice to have some weeks that feel easier, (the one I found the easiest was WDS1), but then what would you be getting out of it. If it doesn't challenge you to become better then you will just stay at the same skill level.

Before I started entering these competitions, I wouldn't dream that I could drift some of the corners that have appeared in this comp, but I have. After a lot of tries sometimes. :) If it hadn't of been for WDS, I would of just stuck to the same course (Deep Forest) So my skills wouldn't of really improved much.

The thing I found most hard is maintaining long drifts and linking. Nealy every week this comp puts me up against both of those aspects, and I am getting better for it (I think) So I say, the WDS is good the way it is. I am sure there is gonna be some more accessible corners in the future. They can't all be hard...... can they? 👍
i have nothing to say after Akina and Drift2xs : i agree with both.
for sure , WDS isn't always super easy but what would be the point if it was so ?
challenging and pushing the limits is what it is about and as suzuki says , it could be called " hard as hell " on a full lap but not on a few corners.

To all the competitors and BL, thankyou! my last few weeks of drifting has been very enjoyable :) 👍
not much more to say 👍
lol this is pissing me off cause i can't drift good with the DFP well and you can see the results of my suckiness in WDS7 haha

i guess youve switched from ds2 to dfp right? in that case just give it some time.
Hello fellow drifters

I have read the Rules and Indications thread and some more i guess lol
So to participate i just have to say in each thread that im going to right? and send the replay ?
I have camera or AR-MAX i don't know if you are using it, probably diferent version (EU).
I have recently adquired a DFP (month or 2) but most drifts (or costant ones) i still do it on ds2 so with time H_2000 with time :sly:
Just send me a recorded replay as your entry. There's no way I'm gonna go to all the hassle by myself of capturing everyone's vids from AR-MAX files. And in your case, the file would be useless since you're PAL and I'm NTSC.

I'll add you to the list of entrants.

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