What do the Red, Blue, and White lines mean

  • Thread starter Nicholas
The line is kinda hard to follow, but it proveides the best average line. You may be able to get a better line by taking the turn tighter or wider, depending on the corner. Make sure you follow the color indicators though. It helps in 2 ways:

1- you learn how cars handle by the way they react to differnces in acceleration, drift, and braking while turning.

2- It makes it easier to actually pass the license test by following the games instructions.

Another tip, for beating the license tests is to watch the demo, then take the test at a slower speed so that you make it to the finish line. Even if you fail, you will end up with a ghost car to race against to help you better your times and you can better guage any mistakes you made by how much you beat your ghost by.
How do u drift?   Usually whe I drift on the Licence things, the front end of the car turns the opposite way I want it ti go.  Is that Drifting?  How do I drift?
Well, I would assume that if it's not using the brake, and it's not using the gas, it's probably just letting off the gas and letting the car coast for a second.

That's just my assumption though...
Quote: from Xx ImPaLa xX on 2:22 am on July 30, 2001[br]I tried that and I WAY over shoot it.  I just asked a simple Question I need no smart ass remark :)

I was being serious man.

I knew after I typed it that you would probably find it sarcastic.

I honestly did not mean for it to sound sarcastic. I honestly do not know what drifting is, and I was just tellin' you what I assumed it was.

Sorry for the misunderstanding. :nervous:
Drifting in this sence is just what it sounds like. Just let off the gas and you are drifting. In the game it will allow the front tires to grab more by shifting the cars weight toward the front allowing the car to turn harder at speed. It will also keep your car in better balance entering the corner. Hope that helps. :)
Thanks alot my friends!  :)  I almost have the B8 part mastered except for the last turn into the final tunnel.  I usually either cut it too close, the drift sideways messing up my speed in the tunnel..  Or I over shoot it barely hitting the side of the tunnel.  Or I just play Over shoot it more and hit the cornor of the tunnel  Argh