What is PD's next collaboration?

  • Thread starter 05XR8
...Hah, that bit's been covered already, by FIA.
Seriously though, I wouldn't mind seeing VGTs carry over to GT7 - but I feel this may not happen...
A special project...hmm how about featuring cars from various PlayStation games from the past, present and future??
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FIA will be the new big thing in GT7. I think they'll run TT competitions side by side with GTAcademy, probably staggering the timing for maximum sustained effect, perhaps even some live online events. You'll almost certainly have FIA sanctioned series in GT7, certainly all tracks that qualify will have little FIA logos in the menus, and I think GT will move towards modeling mostly FIA tracks in the future.
Nissan already collaborates with GT since GT Academy's creation.

FIA has an partnership with GT since July 2014.

I hope that PD can collaborate with Turn 10 studios, EA and several manufacturers...
....Collaborate with Turn 10?? Not gonna happen there, bud. Sony owns PDI, Microsoft owns T10, that's why.
With EA? Maybe, depending on the $$.
Realistically PDI can't collaborate with someone whose not involved with motoring world in general, I think. I mean, can you imagine PDI getting in bed with.......I don't know, Cadbury's??

....Actually that doesn't sound too bad at all, come to think 'bout it. Free Aero chocolate bars with every Special Edition GT7?? Hell yeah...
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Could PDI work with Google For free roam and/or GPS locations for the Course Maker?

PDI did have the AMG Academy in GT5. There still is no dedicated Nissan/GT ACADEMY "Mode" or Licence tests. Is it possible another manufacturer could be involved like Nissan and Red Bull? Say, Ford or Mazda or Renault Sport?
.................Hah, that bit's been covered already, by FIA.
Seriously though, I wouldn't mind seeing VGTs carry over to GT7 - but I feel this may not happen...
A special project...hmm how about featuring cars from various PlayStation games from the past, present and future??
I cannot imagine why PD would spend such vast amounts of time on VGT models only to not bring them to GT7. If that was the case why not model main-stream cars which can be used in the future?

What cars from other PlayStation games have you got in mind?
I cannot imagine why PD would spend such vast amounts of time on VGT models only to not bring them to GT7. If that was the case why not model main-stream cars which can be used in the future?

What cars from other PlayStation games have you got in mind?
I thought he meant that PDI and some manufacturers should make more VGT cars for GT7 but he doubt it since VGT was made for 15th anniversary of GT.
I cannot imagine why PD would spend such vast amounts of time on VGT models only to not bring them to GT7. If that was the case why not model main-stream cars which can be used in the future?

What cars from other PlayStation games have you got in mind?

..............VGTs are very cool, but to me there's a very good chance they are one time deal, like that Nike 2022 from GT4. Of course I have no inside knowledge, but they ARE created as a celebration of GT franchise. And they are created as a marketing exercise rather than an out-and-out "possible future concept showcase". Well not in immediate future anyhow (wink Chappy 2X wink). We'll have to wait and see. Nothing we can do but sit tight.
As for cars from various PlayStation games of past and present, this might be a toughie, as my memory's all shot to hell.....first one that popped back into my mind was a collaboration from the designers of VERY FIRST Ridge Racer. Or that Jeep Lara Croft drove in....uh, Tomb Raider something. Or that "technical" from the first Resistance.
What in the hell? Why would toys be implemented in a racing sim all of a sudden?

VGT are fantasy cars. Some have even been made for show and go. Hot wheels could be asked to do a car or few. Besides, IF you play a console "game" you're pretty much playing with a toy.

There is also a NIKE car for VGT and there is one in GT4. WHAT do shoes have to do with a "racing sim all of a sudden?"
VGT's or Hot Wheels?



This in fact, is a Hot Wheels VGT (sort of):

VGT are fantasy cars. Some have even been made for show and go. Hot wheels could be asked to do a car or few. Besides, IF you play a console "game" you're pretty much playing with a toy.

There is also a NIKE car for VGT and there is one in GT4. WHAT do shoes have to do with a "racing sim all of a sudden?"
I have GT6 you see, so I know exactly what VGT is. What I reacted about was Lego, Tamiya, Match Box and Hot Wheels.

Here I was thinking people were as fed up with PD's BS as I am, then I see this thread, and I realize people want even more BS.

Moon missions, Vision GT, Red Bull concepts, Photo Mode, horrible looking standard cars, etc etc. It has become everything but what it was in the beginning, a good racing game.
The thread is a question. Not a want or suggestion. No one wanted VGT cars. We didn't even know what was planned for GT6 until leaks and info were available. If this is what Kaz wants for the expansion of his dreams, what else is he looking to do with the series in theory. FiA, data logger, Ayrton Senna Tribute. We didn't see it coming.

If things like these are coming out of the blue. What's next?
I think PD will probably collaborate with themselves to celebrate how awesome they are for GT7.

FIA - Cars and Events
Pikes Peak International Hill Climb - Special Events
Possibly more content from Ayron Senna Institute.
I hope they get more car and race licenses. And wasn't there a rumor either that motorcycles would probably make it into GT7?
Makes me wonder about the demos PD used to realease for car companies like Honda and Toyota. You'd think there would be downloads at dealerships For customers. Like Mazdas new MX-5. It should be a demo for customers to try. Or the CX-3. That Fiat Abarth 695. A demo for customers to try to match the record at the 'Ring. What ever happened to those type of collaborations?