What is the worst voice acting you have heard in a video game?

United States
The US of A
I made a post about this in the video game pet peeves thread a while back and then I realized, we don’t have a thread on this already and I thought this would make for a great topic!

So to start off, I’m sure we’ve all heard some less than impressive voices in video games over the years at least once. Whether it be ones that don’t sound like the characters they’re trying to be and/or ones that are just plain terrible, this is the place to talk about them! It doesn't matter if it is certain voices in a game or the whole game in its entirety, by all means, post them! Tell me why, I’m genuinely curious to hear every ones responses!
Off the top of my head, and because it's the most recent example, the new Fire Emblem Three Houses is not very good at all. Painful almost. Important to note that I don't actually play the game. And not all the characters are bad, only a select few are alright. Most are bad o just terrible.

I'd also say just about any translated to English game too. Majority of American voice actors are awful.
The Crew 2 gets a vote from me. I don't mind it when games have cheesy scripts, but at least make the characters sound authentic. When there are so many monotonous voices and a lack of dialogue between characters, it is hard to be immersed in the story. But since it is not a story-heavy game, it is far from a deal-breaker.

Tyler from Need For Speed Payback also has the same issue, but at least the other characters in the game do a good enough job.
This was one of my key complaints on this game.


It's all bad. The scripting, the delivery, the "characters". I hate it all.

The voice crack.
Either this was genuinely the best take they got or some voice directer decided this was exactly what they wanted, and I'm not sure which is worse.
I'm going old school for this one. The arcade version of "Strider"- one of the most challenging and most exciting platformers ever, but ATROCIOUS voice acting! One only needs to hear some of the cutscenes during the game to understand just how brutal the voice acting is.
Sonic the Hedgehog for Xbox 360.

It involves the famous titular hedgehog character being involved in a romance with a human princess at the end of the game.
I played it on PS4 so I assume that the cutscenes are for the newer consoles and PC.
You've guessed it, although there were also some cutscenes for the older gen consoles which I saw when my cousin tried MyCareer when he played the game in my PS3.
Mr. Krabs from Spongebob Squarepants Supersponge.
The voice acting in this game is pretty good for the most part and they even got most of the original voice actors from the TV show in this game, but Mr. Krabs, however, is a huge exception. While he was voiced by Clancy Brown on the TV show, he for whatever reason was voiced by someone else in this game and he’s not very convincing. He doesn’t really sound much like Mr. Krabs, if anything he sounds more like a scratchy, low-quality version of the singing pirate from the show's theme song and doesn't have that deep voice Mr. Krabs has in the show. I’ll give him credit though, he at least talks like a sailor, which is something Mr. Krabs does, but that's about the only positive thing I could say here. It’s a shame how they got all the original voice actors except Clancy Brown, they certainly could’ve used him in this game because this one just doesn’t sound good.

In fact, I took the time to extract dialogue from the game and make this video so hopefully maybe you can see what I mean here.
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I played NBA2K15 and remember much more bad voice acting than just this
If I had to describe most of these voices in one word, it would be “unenthusiastic”. Like, the voice actors sound like they didn’t even want to be in the studio when they were recording their lines.
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Darth Vader from Star Wars Battlefront II (2005).
Star Wars Battlefront II was a great game, love it to death and the voice acting was okay for the most part in my opinion. Then you have this:

This is easily the WORST sounding Darth Vader I have ever heard! I get Jame Earl Jones has a distinct voice that is hard to replicate, I am sure there is a reason James has not voiced him in any video games and I don't expect perfection from anyone voicing Darth Vader that isn't the original voice actor. However, this one is just terrible, it doesn't sound much like Darth Vader at all, and how they thought this was acceptable is beyond me. I really think they could have done better than this.
Commentary in later WWE games can be boring, but Just Bring It takes it to a hilariously bad level:

Also, obligatory from Mega Man 8 (X4 also suffers from this due to being released in the same timeframe):
Darth Vader from Star Wars Battlefront II (2005).
Star Wars Battlefront II was a great game, love it to death and the voice acting was okay for the most part in my opinion. Then you have this:

This is easily the WORST sounding Darth Vader I have ever heard! I get Jame Earl Jones has a distinct voice that is hard to replicate, I am sure there is a reason James has not voiced him in any video games and I don't expect perfection from anyone voicing Darth Vader that isn't the original voice actor. However, this one is just terrible, it doesn't sound much like Darth Vader at all, and how they thought this was acceptable is beyond me. I really think they could have done better than this.

Man thats hilarious.

Darth vader the posh version.
Commentary in later WWE games can be boring, but Just Bring It takes it to a hilariously bad level:

I remember WWF Attitude you could have Jerry Lawler call his own matches, at least on Dreamcast. Was a good chuckle when the line would suddenly switch to first person.

That said though, having played Just Bring It recently, the whole game is BAD.
Turbo CD games are kinda legendary for their bad voice acting, largely because the North American releases were frequently translated by small studios who just pulled people from around the office to do the lines. As you might expect, quality was not Job 1 in that department...

While I love the first Sonic Adventure, I have to say that the voice acting in that game is pretty bad. There's multiple instances where the characters sound out of sync when interacting with each other. Oh and not to forget about their mouth animations in the Dreamcast version.