Which view do you prefer / use most often?

Which view do you prefer / use most often?

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I'm aware we already have the "Which view are you fastest with" poll, but I wanna know which view you prefer and use most often.
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Bumper exclusively for me. I just always have. Looking forward to VR when I eventually switch to PS5 though. If it’s actually as good as everyone is saying it is I’ll probably go full immersion all the time!
Chase cam I hate any other view maybe cockpit view from time to time but if I use cockpit view for long periods of time I start to get Claustrophobia. 😞
Cockpit for single player, except when I want to enjoy the graphics, in that case a close chase cam. For competitive racing roof cam.
I would love to use cockpit view, but virtual wheel and extra hands kills the immersion and limits your vision.
Hood view's camera (height) is too inconsistent + No rear mirror = Big No No!
3rd view i only use to view my car.
I've been a cockpit view guy since the late 90s...always used that view in pretty much any game that offered it including previous GT games, but I started using the "bumper" cam view (it actually isn't bumper level - it's basically driver eye level but a foot or 2 forward) about a month ago and I've mostly come to the conclusion that GT is still - in spite of having added in car views since what, GT5? - optimized for the traditional/original bumper cam view. The game just flows so much more smoothly in that view.

They really need to add some FOV and positioning options beyond what's currently available. Plus the option to remove the drivers hands and wheel too...

(I do still use the cockpit cam in open wheel cars usually...)

Just a little addendum...it was actually the new Porsche that initiated my switch to bumper cam. Whenever I drove that (absolutely great) car I felt like the wheel/hands animation wasn't moving smootlhy. It felt more "granular" than other cars. I almost wonder if something about modelling that car - the compleixity of the aero or something - was a little too much for the game and they had to drop the update rate of the animation a bit. It bugged me enough that one day I decided to switch to bumper cam and after driving that view for a bit I felt like "wow this is so fluid and clean!" and I like the hud in the view too.
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Well the one i almost never use , it's the chase view.
I love cockpit view but usually i loose lot of Time with it.
After i switch to find the one i'm the more confortable , because it change from thé car i'm using.
For example driving the super formula i go for cockpit view.
But i vote bonnet view
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I was always bumper cam when playing on a TV, just felt you could feel the movement of the car better than any other view. Now I am racing exclusively in cockpit with PSVR2. It is undeniably brilliant but has a few drawbacks that people have probably already commented on many times in the past. One problem I have is that I love looking round the cockpit and noticing little details and how incredibly sharp they look when I focus on them, then look up to find I am in the midst of a very very large crash due to not looking where I am going :lol:
I was always bumper cam when playing on a TV, just felt you could feel the movement of the car better than any other view. Now I am racing exclusively in cockpit with PSVR2. It is undeniably brilliant but has a few drawbacks that people have probably already commented on many times in the past. One problem I have is that I love looking round the cockpit and noticing little details and how incredibly sharp they look when I focus on them, then look up to find I am in the midst of a very very large crash due to not looking where I am going :lol:
Yeah, I see. But that can also happen IRL when you focus on that hot chick in the crowd.
PS VR 2 since Release of the headset, i don't want to drive on monitor again. The bad thing is, you are missing a lot of relevant racing information, and i don't think PD is able to change anythin about that, they had time enough.
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Bumper cam for the majority of cars in the game.

If its a single-seater and the visibility isn't horrific, cockpit.

Chase cam if I am driving the Tomahawk X.
Bumper Cam. Also, there isn't technically a "Bonnet Cam" in GT games. It's actually a Roof Cam. Gran Turismo has never had a proper hood cam.
Roof cam with radar always on. I really wish we could turn on the mirror.

Some cars are weird, though, like the Lamborghini Gr3...
Well, I can’t really use the poll because the answer to the title question(s) is 2 different answers and the poll only allows 1 choice to be selected and submitted.

The view that I prefer is cockpit view. I like the bit of added detail and realism as well as visual obstacles like additional glare and pillars etc. provided with this view.
The view that I use most often is bumper view. This is the view I’m consistently faster and less prone to error with so I use this one more often than cockpit or any other.
Cockpit view for a close-to-reality experience.
Bumper view when I have to drive really fast. Especially in race cars where visibility is horrible.
Well, I can’t really use the poll because the answer to the title question(s) is 2 different answers and the poll only allows 1 choice to be selected and submitted.

The view that I prefer is cockpit view. I like the bit of added detail and realism as well as visual obstacles like additional glare and pillars etc. provided with this view.
The view that I use most often is bumper view. This is the view I’m consistently faster and less prone to error with so I use this one more often than cockpit or any other.
Hm, I didn't think of this. I thought that players use their preferred view most of the time.
If you wanna vote then forget the "use most time" part and just vote for your preferred view 'cause that's what I had in mind when I created the poll.

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