Why is Sex so taboo?

  • Thread starter Small_Fryz


But why is the Rum gone??
QLD, Australia
I have been totally amazed at how much coverage "hot coffee" got.

for those of you that live under a rock. It is from Grand Theft Auto San Andreas

Its part of the game, originally you were supposed to have sex in the game but for whatever reason, they took it out. But being lazy programers, instead of actually taking it out, they made it so you couldn't access the sex part (of the dates). Of course when the PC version came out, one of the modders found the part that wasn't supposed to be in the game and released a "patch" so you could play the removed part of it. This was a pixelated version and it was apparenty not nude. However another guy made a mod so that it WAS nude.

Anyway after the game was found to have pixilated boobies (OH NOES!!) the game was considered to be AO and not M17+ or M15+ depending where you live.

Now my point is this

Obviously pixilated boobies are way worse than killing cops, running over pedistrians and other 'inoccent' people. Running from the law and creating havoc is appropriate for 15 - 17 year olds, but not pixilated boobies. No thats 10x worse.


Sex is natural and with consent from both parties causes no harm, of course you can have "safe" sex or not. But its still doesnt harm anybody.

Yet any violence is bad, and killing people is definetly bad!. So why is it much easier to talk about/more accpetable on TV in our soceity?

Why is sex so taboo? or awkward to talk about?, why is it avoided so much?

Yet people can openly talk about death, violence and things like this, its on the news all the time. Children are able to see such things like murders, and violence at a much younger age than boobs, which is completey natural!.

Why is our societly like this?

One thing i can think of is Religion, religion makes sex so taboo and never to be spoken about.

I belive that if sex was easier to talk about and accepted much more, a lot more education will be given on the fact and we will see less and less abortions and teen pregnacy.

Anyway I'll stop rambling now, im just completely baffeled why a natural thing is so taboo and people act like it doesnt exist.

Just about everybody does it, but still its very hard for people to talk about it.


IMHO, if it was more open be far less problems. People would get the right information from day dot, instead of so much experimentation, because thats about the only way to learn.

Its very hard to talk about with anybody but your friends, who in most cases are the same age as you and in the same situation. Thus we turn to the net, and well, thats probably not a good thing.

anyway so many questions.

lets here your answers!
Just another flaw in society's beliefs. I think the major concern is corrupting young minds, but I hardly see how. Oh, we might turn them into sexual predators? Is that to say that every child that plays a violent video game is going to commit a homicide when they're older? :rolleyes:

Oh, and religion.

"Thou shall not commit adultery" (or however it reads)
yes dion, you´re right.

only thrill kill was banned because of violence, but many games were shut dowm due to sex issues.

just a pathetic attmept to renegate the nature of life. something that is a constant in many mandatory religions, like the pope being against comdoms and stuff

in that subject, sometimes we look like the middle east, almost no freedom at all to talk about.

i could never understand why looking at a naked woman could be worst than killing 1000+ zombies in Resident Evil. for some odd reason, it still is. does not matter if you live in Brazil, Australia, or any other country, sex is still a "dirty thing"

i hope that changes. i plan to talk openly about it with my future kids (if i have one day). some values are just wrong.

i like porn movies. they look at me as obscene.

if isntead i said i liked terror movies, or war movies, it would be normal.

damn old society :grumpy:
I don't think Thrill kill was banned, it was simply removed from the projects list when EA I believe too over the company that as doing it. The regulatory bodies thought Thrill kill was acceptable for an 18 all but for one of the female characters having an orgasm when she won.
I mention this purely out of interest and for comparison:

You will not use profanity in our forums, and will neither post with language or content that is obscene, sexually oriented, or sexually suggestive nor link to sites that contain such content.

I attach no significance, or agreement/disagreement with this statement, nor use it as admonishment for the thread, merely that I think it is interesting and relevant.
totally agree with you famine.

I was actually wondering if the mods would leave this thread open, which when you think about it, is the whole purpose of this thread :lol:

Kiddies cant read sex stuff but they can go and Read GTA section or any news section about voilence and murders and talk about how many kills you got in GTA SA etc etc.

And to be clear im not talking about porn. I'm talking about sex talk and acceptance and why it is awkward and hard to talk about it and why it is seen as "dirty and taboo"

Methinks it's because of virginal, puritan-minded, upper-crust muckety-mucks, who are way up in the politics thing, and refuse to allow something to occur(like sex, for an example, as a political figure, or societal namesake) that their mothers wouldn't allow, so they decide to abolish it altogether, without consent of the masses.

It's completely unfair, immoral...well let's not get into that with GTA:SA on topic....I wish I could tell you more, but I can't quite put into words what I'm thinking right now.
Because it is not tempered with the "rights and wrongs" of sex and love.
It's somewhat irresponsible to put sexual activity in a game that is very likely to be played by those in their early teens. (at the risk of sounding like I don't wanna be a granpa cause my 13-year-old wanted to "hit that")

Before you say, "It's rated "M" so the youngsters can't play it...understand that Big bro can buy it for little bro. Some parents don't give a hoot about ratings on games and music. Then throw in the "twisted mind" and you have those that get a sexual thrill from violence and such.

Is a kid a killer just because he plays GTA? No.
But is the same kid affected, or perhaps desensitized to violence or ramdomized sexual encounters after vicariously carrying it out time and again? Perhaps. Is it worth even one person's life because "little Billy" wanted to see if it felt the same to "put a man down" as it did in GTA? Is it worth one more person getting a STD because some character in a game subjugated his women with a beating and the LD (ref: the "Shaft" remake for the "LD") 'cuz he ain't taking any crap from his ho's?

Aren't there enough babies making babies in their own right?
Aren't there enough kids killing kids, without the desensitization to violence that can come from playing first/third person shooters? Especially those that have you play the guy whose mission it is to kill cops and score as much stolen loot as possible?

Even if it doesn't influence anybody, it's still a pretty poor example to set.
People complain that there is no law and order. Then they go out and play games that mock law and order. Or downright scoff at law and order.
I see a connection.
Not everyone who plays these games is "stable".
I've worked in a prison full of these unstable persons.
Why put a game into their hands that "teaches" them to be a better criminal?
yes dion, you´re right.

only thrill kill was banned because of violence, but many games were shut dowm due to sex issues.

just a pathetic attmept to renegate the nature of life. something that is a constant in many mandatory religions, like the pope being against comdoms and stuff

in that subject, sometimes we look like the middle east, almost no freedom at all to talk about.

i could never understand why looking at a naked woman could be worst than killing 1000+ zombies in Resident Evil. for some odd reason, it still is. does not matter if you live in Brazil, Australia, or any other country, sex is still a "dirty thing"

i hope that changes. i plan to talk openly about it with my future kids (if i have one day). some values are just wrong.

i like porn movies. they look at me as obscene.

if isntead i said i liked terror movies, or war movies, it would be normal.

damn old society :grumpy:
Hey, man. You live just an hour away from me. 👍

I go to Balneário all the time. I wish I was there on the beach right now, it's so freaking hot here. :crazy:

Sorry for the OT.
...in that subject, sometimes we look like the middle east, almost no freedom at all to talk about.

i could never understand why looking at a naked woman could be worse than killing 1000+ zombies in Resident Evil. for some odd reason, it still is. does not matter if you live in Brazil, Australia, or any other country, sex is still a "dirty thing"

if i said i like porn movies. they look at me as obscene.

if instead i said i liked terror movies, or war movies, it would be normal.

damn old society

That's it in a nutshell.

We live in a very effed-up society. Our thinking is upside down and backwards about many things, especially this. To us, a little friendly sex is the worst possible thing you can imagine, while savage, vicious, sadistic violence is perfectly cool.

We're a screwed-up bunch of knuckle-dragging hominids. Our capacity for bloody-mindedness never fails to amaze.
because conservative christians are the most evil thing on earth. thats why its so taboo.

funny how i can play a game that lets me blow off peoples heads, pick them up and throw them like baseballs but i cant play a game that lets me tap that ass...

great one guys... you've really saved my life.
So many teens dont know enough about it because too many people dont like talking about it or dont feel comfortable. Thus they either dont learn, or turn to sources that are probably not accurate yet cause they dont know any different accept it as the truth.

Who here would like their kids sex education to be watching how the "men" treat the women on the MTV and music videos. Unless someone has told them otherwise, many would belive this sort of treatment is ok.

Sex happens and will always happen, thats a fact. Some act like the issue never exists. If we were more open then the teens will find the correct information earlier enough to stop some teen pregnacy. And will help them distinguish between whats acceptable and what isnt.

If you have a sex issue who do you talk to? or more like, who can you talk to?

It just amazes me something so natural and so common is so hard to talk about.

I must admit though, it is indeed improveing 👍
I suppose that in some households that is true.
But my guys have asked thru-out their lives and they have been the ones to set the boundaries as to how much information they were ready for.

As a parent, it is important to arm the kids with the information they need, as well as proper contexts for the use of that information.

"Tappin' that ass" as ED3 so eloquently put it, is about more than just getting a shot of leg.
There is a lot of emotional stuff that should go with sex, that is currently 'out the window' because sex is just "something you do with anyone".

It's funny that every guy wants to marry a virgin, but wants to dip the ol' wick in every girl that says hello, or smiles at them until then.
You can't have it both ways, unless everyone is dippin' in the same girls, while the vestal virgins are being raised in the fortress on top of the world.

The fact that the gaming industry is pulling down major cash from games where killing the cops, and screwing the ho's is the objective, is just appalling to me.
It speaks volumes about the flaws of society that they want games like that.
Chivalry, may not be dead. But it's fading fast, and squirrel powering the life support is getting tired fast.
Well, I would ask my parents why, but they'd probably ground me for asking and they'd probably think that i'd want to look at porn or something. Not that i wouldn't mind :D, but you can clearly tell their mindset.
yeah thats always a problem. ask your parents anything and all of a sudden they think your one sick puppy... like whatever you asked is the last step before becoming a porn star...
Oh, and i agree with whatever the original poster said here. I would try to also explain that to my parents, but yet again, i'd probably be grounded.

all good points

but theres one thing that is different between sex and goin around killing people....you CAN do it without any penalty (if you are 16+ legally here in australia)

goin around shooting people, and killing, stealing etc is all illegal activitys so the game is the only way you can experiance them safetly...while sex and sexual acts.....they happen everyday but alot of people with no problems....

all good points

but theres one thing that is different between sex and goin around killing people....you CAN do it without any penalty (if you are 16+ legally here in australia)

goin around shooting people, and killing, stealing etc is all illegal activitys so the game is the only way you can experiance them safetly...while sex and sexual acts.....they happen everyday but alot of people with no problems....
So if it's not illegal, then why is it so bad if they show it in a game?
conservative familys would sue anyone that said sex around their kids thats why. i feel sorry for kids growing up with parents like that. keeping things secret is the last thing you want to do with kids.

and wasnt state of emergency a great game
:lol: makes gta sa look like barney!
The fact that the gaming industry is pulling down major cash from games where killing the cops, and screwing the ho's is the objective, is just appalling to me.
It speaks volumes about the flaws of society that they want games like that.
I have never seen a game where “screwing ho’s” is the objective of the game. Care to point out an example?

Killing cops … well, in many games it is the objective—at some point, anyway.
Now my point is this

Obviously pixilated boobies are way worse than killing cops, running over pedistrians and other 'inoccent' people. Running from the law and creating havoc is appropriate for 15 - 17 year olds, but not pixilated boobies. No thats 10x worse.


Yet any violence is bad, and killing people is definetly bad!. So why is it much easier to talk about/more accpetable on TV in our soceity?

Why is sex so taboo? or awkward to talk about?, why is it avoided so much?

Yet people can openly talk about death, violence and things like this, its on the news all the time. Children are able to see such things like murders, and violence at a much younger age than boobs, which is completey natural!.

Why is our societly like this?

One thing i can think of is Religion, religion makes sex so taboo and never to be spoken about.

Well, thats the US. Going to war at the age of 18 is good. Having a beer is bad, and boobies are very bad! Theyre "evil" haha.

Theres not much to understand. For whatever reason you cant see naked ppl on tv there, ok this is a sex scene but its computerized and pixelated.

If my bro sees a naked woman on tv at what? 7 pm, he goes "omg shes naked" in a funny way. But at least he understands that thats who and what we are.

Like I said, Boobs are bad, killing people is good.

exactly, what the ****. agree with you.
So... ok, besides that we have our "priorities" wrong can someone outside of the U.S. tell me how or what your society is like dealing with "sex" or having it around openly?
People can be naked on tv here in Germany (whole europe? not sure) at any given time of the day. Of course only nudity, not pure sex. That is allowed at midnight.

US has it so strict because there are so many strict chrsistians.
Well... I'm Asian (americanized) and our family has never really bought into the christian crap but like a lot of other cultural issues our Asian aspect seem to have a lot of assumption.

Assumption is avoiding certain issues (not just sex related) because it's odd/uncomfortable to talk about or they are just things we're suppose to know or figure out. Plus, Asians are really discreet about stuff so it make it even worse for lines of communication.
Sex is a taboo necause parents dont want a bunch of 14 year olds running around pregnagt and having STD's.
Which is a direct result of a lack of sexual education.