**World Trade Centre & Pentagon Attacked**

  • Thread starter GVX
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I thought this was good

>I have been told that this is not a new editorial but still worth a read
>This is worth the few minutes it takes to read.
>This, from a Canadian newspaper, no less, is worth sharing.
>America: The Good Neighbor.
>Widespread but only partial news coverage was given recently to
>a remarkable editorial broadcast from Toronto by Gordon Sinclair, a
>Canadian television commentator. What follows is the full text of his
>trenchant remarks as printed in the Congressional Record:
>"This Canadian thinks it is time to speak up for the Americans
>as the most generous and possibly the least appreciated people on all the
> > >
>Germany, Japan and, to a lesser extent, Britain and Italy were
>lifted out of the debris of war by the Americans who poured in
>billions of dollars and forgave other billions in debts. None of these
>countries is today paying even the interest on its remaining debts to the
>United States.
> > >
>When France was in danger of collapsing in 1956, it was the
>Americans who propped it up, and their reward was to be insulted and
>swindled on the streets of Paris. I was there. I saw it.
>When earthquakes hit distant cities, it is the United States
>that hurries in to help. This spring, 59 American communities were
>flattened by tornadoes. Nobody helped.
> > >
>The Marshall Plan and the Truman Policy pumped billions of
>dollars into discouraged countries. Now newspapers in those countries are
>writing about the decadent, warmongering Americans.
> > >
>I'd like to see just one of those countries that is gloating
>over the erosion of the United States dollar build its own airplane.
>Does any other country in the world have a plane to equal the Boeing
>Jumbo Jet, the Lockheed Tri-Star, or the Douglas DC10? If so, why
>don't they fly them? Why do all the International lines except Russia fly
>American Planes?
> > >
>Why does no other land on earth even consider putting a man or woman on the
>moon? You talk about Japanese technocracy, and you get radios. You talk
>about German technocracy, and you get automobiles.
>You talk about American technocracy, and you find men on the moon - not
>once, but several times and safely home again.
>You talk about scandals, and the Americans put theirs right in
>the store window for everybody to look at. Even their draft-dodgers
>are not pursued and hounded. They are here on our streets, and most of
>them, unless they are breaking Canadian laws, are getting American dollars
>from ma and pa at home to spend here.
>When the railways of France, Germany and India were breaking
>down through age, it was the Americans who rebuilt them. When the
>Pennsylvania Railroad and the New York Central went broke, nobody
>loaned them an old caboose. Both are still broke.
>I can name you 5000 times when the Americans raced to the help of other
>people in trouble. Can you name me even one time when someone else raced to
>the Americans in trouble? I don't think there was outside help even during
>the San Francisco earthquake.
>Our neighbors have faced it alone, and I'm one Canadian who is
>damned tired of hearing them get kicked around. They will come out of this
>thing with their flag high. And when they do, they are entitled to thumb
>their nose at the lands that are gloating over their present troubles. I
>hope Canada is not one of those."
> > >
>Stand proud, America!
> > >
> > > +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Thank you Jordan, I was thinking the same... that comment was a bit much... :reallyodd

I too was sent that newspaper clip... Its nice to see another person from a neighboring country speak so highly of this country at a time everyone needs to hear it... He is right though, America will pull through this, help or no help, Holding our flag high...

The proof will be in the new World trade center's completion...
Originally posted by hybrid

Yeah, and I'm sure the first that crossed all their minds was that they were going to be flown into a giant sky scraper.

Think about it, what do terrorists hijacking planes normally do... They take the plane somewhere to fill it up and then fly it to the country of their choice. I'm sure that's what the passengers on the flight were thinking. Now there are rumors that the reason the plane that crashed in Pittsburg didn't make it to it's intended target was the people rebelled against the terrorists. The terrors rushed the cabin and in all the panic the pilot(s) lost control and the plane slammed into the ground. Now yeah, because they did something only the people on the plane died (im using the word "only" very lightly) but the point is I am 100% sure they didn't know there were going to crash into either the White House, Camp David, wherever...

The person that called home with his cell phone or whatever said that the people knew they were gonna die one way or another, that is where i am getting my justification. And I don't need your smart ass remarks either, i can't stand people like you. I try to make a point and you condemn it for no reason.
Jervinator, yeah we all cheered when we bombed Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and part of that hard felt anger towards the Japanese was caused by an attack on us similar to the one as of late. The Japanese out of nowhere attacked us(Pearl Harbor). Many people are comparing this current attack to Pearl Harbor, i know there are differences(such as one was an attack on military personnel, one was on civillians, etc), but i believe the US's cheering after the surrender of the Japanese was well justified. I suppose you didn't think of the fact that we were happy that the war was over and there wouldn't be any more loss of lives either...
I am aware, but some were also cheering BEFORE the surrender, merely because many of those "damn Nips", mostly civilians, were killed; cheering before the war was even over!

Given the attacks against Arab-Americans merely because they happen to share a racial background with the terrorists, I am afraid. Afraid that we won't use our superior technology and know-how to resolve this. Afraid that we will abandon the moral high ground and mistake vengeance for justice. Afraid that we will kill thousands of innocent civilians in a foreign land...again.

I found THIS little tidbit from MSNBC interesting...

"Shoot To Kill?
Executive Order 12,333 prohibits assassination. This does not have the force of law but is merely a presidential pronouncement that can be repealed, modified, or suspended at any time by the president himself. As of last night, Congress was openly discussing ending the moratorium on assassinations."

Personally, I believe that snipers are a good thing 'cuz they can solve many problems before they start, and do so with little/no collateral damage.
This is for all the Firmen working hard on saving lives..


The paddock at Monza comes to a standstill at noon Friday as the teams assemble in the pit lane to observe a minute of silence for American terrorist victims. (Photo: LAT Photographic)

I just wanted to say my part on this forum.

I hope that everyone that has lost someone in this tragedy can look to the LOVE in the world and NOT the HATRED in the world to ease thier pain. The acts of September 9th, 2001 will never be forgotten by any American, it was the day we all sat still and wondered if we, personally, would ever be safe again. I feel that as civilized and loving people we can look at how to better ourselves rather than lower ourselves to the 'animals' that did this to us. If I was president, first thing I would say would be 'Everyone in American must HUG a Muslim, Arab, Pakistanian, and/or Middle Eastern person today. We must not be consumed by hate, but we must 'turn the other cheek' and punish ONLY those DIRECTLY involved, NO ONE ELSE!!!!!!'

I think that if we all did that this world would be a better place!

Gentlemen (and Ladies)

A few thing first:
I hope someone has said this before me, but I want to offer some condolences from over this side of the Atlantic. I watched the horror or this weeks events mostly live and I was shocked and appalled by the barbarity and audacity of these attacks which resulted in the loss of so many innocent lives.

I also want to say how much many people over here admire the courage of those firemen, police officers, soldiers and civilians who are trying to save lives or clear up the debris. It is so tragic that so many lost their lives when trying to aid the fallen and those in danger.

These attacks make me feel anger and horror. I have friends and my friends have family who were in the building or in the next building, as do so many people over here, so we feel some fraction if the emotion going on over there. It didn{t happen in London, but it could so easily have been us. This was indeed an attack on the concept of the free world and democracy.

BUT, it is so very, very important to not let your anger get you carried away. Yes those responsible need to be hunted down, yes those who harbour and assist terrorists have blood on their hands, BUT you cannot act without cast iron proof and evidence oif guilt. Everyone is pointing the finger at Bin Ladin and Afghanistan, and he may well be the one, but we have little or no hard evidence as yet.

If America acts in an extreme manner, without evidence to proove guilt then you risk doing more damage.

Now I dont want anyone to accuse me or my country of backing out - we are and will continue to be one of your most valuable allies against enemies of all kinds - but all of us around the world will need to know that there is evidence before any defensive strike be supported. we will be by your side, but America must maintain her dignity and strength, rather than acting in biblical retribution.

I hope and pray that there are more survivors, that those who are hurt may recover and that those who have lost loved ones find healing.

Those who did this and those who support them deserve to be brought to justice, but please, please ensure that you wish to act in the name of justice and truth, rather than hatred and anger.:nervous:
Originally posted by Rice Rocketeer
i wanna take this time out and pray for all the victims and their families after this horendous act of cowardice.


whoa, settle down
this might get edited
:(:shakehead look i know alot of u are thinking about war now i agree but u see my bro is in the marines and he is bein shipped out>>>>plus we are AMERICA and AMERICA WILL WIN because good always triumphs over evil and AMERICA IS GOOD WE WILL WIN because terrisom is pointless there is no point i killing inocent people so who ever is behind this deserves to be killed but what we really ned to do is pray for there to be surrvivors and pray for the men and women in the armed forces pray that they will come home but we need to always remember this and make sure that those who died didnt die in vain FOR WE ARE THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND WE WILL ALWAYS STAND TALL and like pres. Bush said we were attacked by a FACELESS COWARD and nothing more we need to keep hope up for there to be surrvivors and maybe there are others who have surrvied if so we need to find them and we need to hope and pray because we are THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND WE STAND TALL

Tim Yurchak
War is possibly a few days away if afgan dosent turn over bin Laden to Pakastan

Saddle up, Load and Load
I think we should go after any and all terrorists. It's true we're not going to be rid of them forever but it's definitely better than doing nothing at all. Besides if the terrorists know that the whole world is coming after each and every one of them then it might make them less likely to attack these countries in the future. And if these terrorists are looking for death then I what I think should be done is that when you catch them lock them up in a cell and let them live because killing them is giving them an easy way out and maybe that's what they want. Lock them up in a cell the rest of their worthless lives and they'll wish they were dead then. Hell there's a lot more I'd like to say but I suck at explaining myself over the computer.
I have not yet commented on this sickening act performed on American soil. Even though Bush isnt the brightest bulb on the tree he has done an amazing job of handling this situation. If it wasnt Bin Laden, who cares kill the S.O.B. anyway, hes done other things too. I am only 14 and I have never seen anything like this, but i believe our genaration can say we have experienced terror, and the threat of war, and we can all handle this situation too. I am suggesting that all you members not be scared and keep positive, pray, if you are religous, do anything to take your minds off the situation, because i know it can get to you like it has me, but i find relief in other things. You cannot go judging the Arabian people of this nation. Osama Bin Laden is part of a VERY right wing organization of the Islam faith, that isnt peaceful, and doesnt directly follow the Quo Ran (holy book of Islam). Osama is a pussy, and was the first one to fess up and say he didnt do it, which i think is the stupidest thing you can do. When I first heard all of this happened i was at school. I thought it was a test, or a joke. But when i saw that silver bird crash into one of the symbols of America, I knew it wasnt. It was a shocking sight, and a chilling one.

You mess with America you mess with the whole friggin' world :mad:
Originally posted by TALONclaw
I have not yet commented on this sickening act performed on American soil. Even though Bush isnt the brightest bulb on the tree he has done an amazing job of handling this situation. If it wasnt Bin Laden, who cares kill the S.O.B. anyway, hes done other things too. I am only 14 and I have never seen anything like this, but i believe our genaration can say we have experienced terror, and the threat of war, and we can all handle this situation too. I am suggesting that all you members not be scared and keep positive, pray, if you are religous, do anything to take your minds off the situation, because i know it can get to you like it has me, but i find relief in other things. You cannot go judging the Arabian people of this nation. Osama Bin Laden is part of a VERY right wing organization of the Islam faith, that isnt peaceful, and doesnt directly follow the Quo Ran (holy book of Islam). Osama is a pussy, and was the first one to fess up and say he didnt do it, which i think is the stupidest thing you can do. When I first heard all of this happened i was at school. I thought it was a test, or a joke. But when i saw that silver bird crash into one of the symbols of America, I knew it wasnt. It was a shocking sight, and a chilling one.

You mess with America you mess with the whole friggin' world :mad:
I couldn't have said it better:)
Originally posted by TALONclaw
I have not yet commented on this sickening act performed on American soil. Even though Bush isnt the brightest bulb on the tree he has done an amazing job of handling this situation. If it wasnt Bin Laden, who cares kill the S.O.B. anyway, hes done other things too. I am only 14 and I have never seen anything like this, but i believe our genaration can say we have experienced terror, and the threat of war, and we can all handle this situation too. I am suggesting that all you members not be scared and keep positive, pray, if you are religous, do anything to take your minds off the situation, because i know it can get to you like it has me, but i find relief in other things. You cannot go judging the Arabian people of this nation. Osama Bin Laden is part of a VERY right wing organization of the Islam faith, that isnt peaceful, and doesnt directly follow the Quo Ran (holy book of Islam). Osama is a pussy, and was the first one to fess up and say he didnt do it, which i think is the stupidest thing you can do. When I first heard all of this happened i was at school. I thought it was a test, or a joke. But when i saw that silver bird crash into one of the symbols of America, I knew it wasnt. It was a shocking sight, and a chilling one.

You mess with America you mess with the whole friggin' world :mad:
Hopefully the world will not have too much longer to wait before Osama Bin Laden and his band of fanatical followers are blown to Kingdom come. I'll be having a big party when that lunatic is sqashed like the malignent tumor that he is!:mad:
I'm bringing this thread back because another one was closed before me and many others could give our opionions on it.

Originally posted by Buswave

Or was it something else. I came across this flash video. And it changes LOTS of stuff about the Pentagon crash. See for yourselves.


Makes you wonder....

I checked the flash vid and other info and and I can say that TopGear has proven that it's not a 747, in TopGear they did a test of what happens when a car drives behind a 747 with it's engines on. The result was that the cars were blown away, literally, since the 747 was meant to be flying so low it would have caused damage to both the ground, cars and any small structures or objects near it. Also the wreckage was nonexistent and the film from the pentagon shows an object that you can't identify.

Der Alta said, tell the people on the plane that there not dead, who says there not dead? It just wasn't a 747 that hit the pentagon.
Dude, if a 747 hit the pentagon, all of that stuff would have happened. Andthe plane was, in fact, destroyed. So where did it go, if it didn't cause all the damage. It didnt' have to be flying that low, I don't know why you think it did.
Was it a 747 that hit the Pentagon?
I though they were all internal flights. Do they use 747's in America for internal flights?
The reason there was probably little damage in the 'attack corridor' is because I doubt the pilot was skilled enough to keep the plane level at low altitude, and probably went for a dive attack.

Everything I have just said may be void, but the link didn't work.
I'm bringing this thread back because another one was closed before me and many others could give our opionions on it.

Originally posted by Buswave

Or was it something else. I came across this flash video. And it changes LOTS of stuff about the Pentagon crash. See for yourselves.


Makes you wonder....

I checked the flash vid and other info and and I can say that TopGear has proven that it's not a 747, in TopGear they did a test of what happens when a car drives behind a 747 with it's engines on. The result was that the cars were blown away, literally, since the 747 was meant to be flying so low it would have caused damage to both the ground, cars and any small structures or objects near it. Also the wreckage was nonexistent and the film from the pentagon shows an object that you can't identify.

Der Alta said, tell the people on the plane that there not dead, who says there not dead? It just wasn't a 747 that hit the pentagon.

It was a 767. And when a plane is angled downwards, it's engines are pointing upwards - so there would have been little to no damage on the ground other than that caused by the plane hitting the building.

I've seen footage of an F4-E Phantom hitting a reinforced nuclear bunker at 650mph. The plane was atomised - turned to dust. The only remnants recognisable as "plane" were the wingtips, as the plane was wider than the bunker.

767 hit the Pentagon, along with two which hit the WTC and one which fell out of the sky in Pennysylvania. End. Of.
Even the "We didn't really land on the moon" theory is more credible than this, and that was a load of bull doo-doo.
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