Your guilty pleasures in gaming?

United States
The US of A
While we have a thread for this in the music section, I couldn't find one for gaming, so I felt it was time we finally had one! I am sure we as gamers probably have a few games in our library we like, but hate to admit to some people. Not just games either, but sometimes even various things we do in games. Well, if you have any like that, feel free to share them here, don't be shy! :)
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About as SFW of a screenshot as I can get for House Party.

Ostensibly play for the story, stay for the console commands allowing naked fight club to happen.
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New Gundam Breaker is fitting that bill for me. The gameplay is... not so good, to be polite, and it has what is possibly the WORST lock-on system ever devised in the history of automated targeting, which is insanely frustrating when you have to pick out a specific target in a group of nothing enemies. If you don't care much about Gundams or collection-based games, and don't have the patience to deal with mediocre arena fighter gameplay, then I can't recommend it.

But, it has 250 different Gundams and other mobile suits that you can freely mix and match parts and weapons between (at 1/144 and 1/100 scale even), not to mention a pretty damn good painting and weathering system. And I am a huge mark for customization on this level, so that alone is enough to keep me entertained, either to make something actually cool looking or just put together some horrible kitbash nightmare and see how well it holds up.

I mean, you let me do something like this:

...and I'm going to be perfectly happy.
Kingdom Hearts 3. Never played any of the others, I love how the Disney stuff is incorporated and the art style.
Dunno if it counts, but I play all games on the easiest difficulty these days and it sure makes me feel guilty sometimes that I am not getting my money's worth. I am not in it for the challenge anymore, just in it to play. Not to mention it makes me feel like I am actually good at the games. :lol:
Wall-E: The Game was oddly charming to play and I haven't been interested in Disney Pixar games since Toy Story 2.
It's Space Channel 5: Part 2 for me, which is a game about a girl with shockingly short skirt and no sense of modesty using the power of music to save the galaxy. And there's Michael Jackson in it. I love everything about that game, but I'm not sure if I'll be able to admit that to somebody face-to-face.
Dunno if it counts, but I play all games on the easiest difficulty these days and it sure makes me feel guilty sometimes that I am not getting my money's worth. I am not in it for the challenge anymore, just in it to play. Not to mention it makes me feel like I am actually good at the games. :lol:
Although I initially created this thread primarily for games, I suppose it can be more than just games, it can be any guilty pleasures in gaming. That would allow for even more discussion.
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I'm not actually embarrassed but I still like to play 1nsane, an offroad racing game from 2001. Or, if I can find my DVD again all the very old games like Donkey Kong, Space Invaders etc.
Skyrim has a few for me.
Shouting people off high spots
Flinging a corpse pick it up turn real quick and let it go and see how far it flies.
I can never leave that one orc village by Windhelm alone.

As for games I did play the majority of the Hyperdemension series, Still play pokemon more or less see what self made challenge I can do, general sucker for old schoolish jrpg Bravely default series octopath etc,
Collecting MS reward points for less than 10 minutes a day & then cashing them in every couple of months for more ultimate game pass, free game pass :)
Skyrim has a few for me.
Shouting people off high spots
Flinging a corpse pick it up turn real quick and let it go and see how far it flies.
I can never leave that one orc village by Windhelm alone.
Shooting wolves right in their tailpipe always makes me giggle.
I mean, you let me do something like this:

I think this just became my answer to this thread, I'm not into Gundam (I've only ever watched Gundam Wing, decades ago, and didn't love it because it seemed to be more about politics than mechs beating the pants off each other) but I did love the mech designs. That's going on the wishlist to wait for a good sale (can't remember the last time I saw a "mostly negative" game on Steam that wasn't being review bombed!)

But before I saw this, my current guilty pleasure is EA games while my EA Play sub lasts - first it was NFS: Heat (which was bad but in a good way), now it's Battlefront 2's (awful but very Star Wars-y) campaign. A thought occurred to me last night while I was repeatedly dying while trying to make my way across an area with no cover while being apparently made of paper - how is it possible for someone with such a poor idea of what "fun" and "good gameplay" is to become a person who designs games? Still, being a sponge for anything that nails the Star Wars aesthetic, arguably the only thing the game nails - I'm still going.

Although I've just gotten to the Kylo Ren mission so it's likely all Bad Star Wars from here on and I can't see myself pushing through to the end.

Edit: I did push through to the end and, just like the films it's based on, it didn't get better. I only kept going to see what the locked campaign after the main campaign was going to be and it was just three more dumb missions. Why even bother having it as a separate campaign? It definitely should've just ended where I thought it did end.
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A thought occurred to me last night while I was repeatedly dying while trying to make my way across an area with no cover while being apparently made of paper - how is it possible for someone with such a poor idea of what "fun" and "good gameplay" is to become a person who designs games?
The question should be "how is it possible for someone who has such a poor idea of what good gameplay is to put into a management position where they are allowed to override the decisions of people who actually know how to design games?" Because more often than not, that's what happened.
The question should be "how is it possible for someone who has such a poor idea of what good gameplay is to put into a management position where they are allowed to override the decisions of people who actually know how to design games?" Because more often than not, that's what happened.
Essentially EA in a shellnut. That is also the big issue with Madden. The devs often WANT to give the people what they want, but the suits above them say "no, you must milk Ultimate Team"
My guilty pleasure is Sky Odyssey. It's 21 years old and I still think it may be the best console flying game ever made.
One game I always had a bit of a guilty pleasure for, is Need for Speed Undercover on the PS2. People love to hate this game and to be fair, it's certainly not the greatest NFS ever made and I can get behind why people tend to think negatively of it. While it wasn't too good to look at, was very short and had some bugs, I always liked it! :dopey: Some complained about the map reusing various portions of Rockport, but I actually liked the familiar settings, especially since the bridge was always open. Being able to finally street race in the Pagani Zonda and CCX was something I had wanted to do since Carbon and this game made it so! The easy difficulty made it feel like a nice walk in the park compared to past games, which was refreshing after the past few titles got a bit challenging, and it still had a lot of what I liked about NFS in it. I could go on, but I actually like Undercover quite a bit. It is my 3rd favorite NFS game and for me, it was one of the last NFS games I truly loved.
My guilty pleasure is Sky Odyssey. It's 21 years old and I still think it may be the best console flying game ever made.
I feel like I know the PS2 game library pretty well and I haven't heard of this game. I must check it out. Thanks.
My guilty pleasure game is The Crew 2, specifically driving around the stock Drift RX-7 using my G29 wheel with rotation set to 900 and linear, and the radio to Ambient.
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For me it's playing Super Street the game. I bought it for $7 US off the PS store. It only like 10 cars but the customization is very good. Racing is okay with moving roadblocks and suicidal AI. Very arcadey and crappy but well worth $7
One that is definitely a guilty pleasure for me, is the fact I have an Xbox Series X now and willingly chose it over a Playstation 5. This is an interesting one for me because, for the longest time, I always had a strong preference for Playstation since it was where I got my start as a gamer and I never was much of an Xbox guy. Why? Well here's why:
  1. I didn't have one growing up.
  2. The few times I played one, I didn't like the controllers.
  3. My cousin had 2 360s fail on him from normal use and he's currently on his 3rd one I think. Mind you he didn't mistreat his, they just, failed on him.
  4. Xbox Live on the 360 wasn't free, when PSN on PS3 was.
  5. I generally thought the graphics on the 360 looked worse than the PS3. (an opinion I am not sure I hold nowadays though)
  6. Heard many stories of people getting banned unfairly on Xbox Live, some of which were from people I knew personally.
  7. It didn't have as many games that interested me.
  8. All the drama surrounding the Xbox One didn't really make me feel any better about it.
So yea, you get the point, while I didn't hate Xbox, I had a bit of an anti-Xbox sentiment throughout my teen years and even early into my membership here, and was generally a huge Playstation fanboy. By the time I hit adulthood though, I got over that sentiment, but apart from the Forza series, I didn't really have much incentive to get into Xbox since I didn't know many games I wanted for it and already had plenty for my existing consoles. Heck, even when my brother-in-law gave me his 360 back in 2015, I didn't even do much with it for a long time and it wasn't until recently I finally did.

When the Series X came out, I didn't think much of it at first, but once I heard about dev mode and how it could be used to emulate PS1 games and a whole lot more, that's when it all changed. Knowing I could emulate a large portion of my library in high quality using emulators I already knew and trusted while still feeling like I was playing them on an actual console was a massive deal for me, but it don't stop there. I alluded earlier that I wanted to get into Forza for years and in one of my own threads here, people were speaking highly of Forza Horizon 4 and you could say it had my attention. By then, the tables had turned for me, I was pretty much sold on the Series X and actually wanted one pretty badly, meanwhile, the PS5 had literally nothing for me and I couldn't justify buying it. (still can't)

So I eventually got a Series X and dev mode, and besides getting Daytona USA from the store, I haven't got any games for it yet due to my dental bills that later came up. Although I still have a preference for Playstation, I can honestly say I have been VERY pleased with it and I feel like I made the right choice, even if it's just an emulation machine for now. It's crazy to hear myself say that now because I never thought I would and it's kind of humorous that I mainly got it so I could play more Playstation. :P In fact, when I told my cousin, the same one who had been through 2 360s, that I wanted a Series X, he was pretty shocked to hear about it and I can't blame him for being surprised. If you told me early last year I would want an Xbox Series X over a Playstation 5, I probably would have chuckled, yet here I am!
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Playing Tetris, like it's 1990 again! 😂

Seriously, it's great to play it while listening to my favorite radio sports show, cause you don't have to pay much attention to the game but still advance, and I can pay more attention to the radio show.

I also do it with Gran Turismo, (offline time trials), though I can't be as fast, and you kinda miss some of the discussion on radio, as it surely needs more attention than Tetris.