Anyone still up for GT2 challenge?

  • Thread starter danpollard
dan & ZC ,thankyou both for your positive responce, even tho I lost this challenge ,I lost to competiters that have class. dan congrats on breaking your personal record. It could be a world record! I wonder how u could find out? One of these forums should have a page for record holders . Maybe Jordan or the other higher ups could make 1 . ZC ,good luck ,you got your work cut out for you.
Hey, we needed to be moved along. That would be cool if it was a WR. If it was, I've just beaten it again (outside this challenge with a 1:05.113. Hot or what!!!:) :) :) :)
A GTP Lap Records board would be cool though, what do you think Jordan...
I have done it in 44:30.569 and my best lap was a 1:05.992, so i guess i win on total time and dan wins on best lap.
Yeah, fair enough. I got the new lap time, which is what I wanted. Now I'm going for a 1:04. Ill have to beat you on some other challenge.
To Z.C, & dan ,well that's a tough 1 to answer , if u go back to page 1 or 2 it states that a 2nd race between the 2 racers, a race of (5 laps ) shall be ran if 1 racer has fastest lap, & another has best total time. Dan had best total time & Z.C had fastest lap. Unfortunately ,in the shootout ,the laps ran exceeded the specified 5 laps, So ,you to need to go back ,sry, And run your 5 laps . It will only take u guys about 6 minutes and then we can file this away as a legit challenge .
OK I don't even remember writing that. Fair enough though if Z.C. is up to it. Should we do it as a qualifying session, whoever has the fastest lap, or as a race for the total time?
Once again, youve caught me out Cerbera, I read the 1st page. No wonder I dont remember writing it, I didnt write it anyway!:) And I missed the qualifying bit. OK, Its a five lap qualifying (winning) session. Ill post my time as soon as I can.
Just finished!! My total time was 5:21.850, my best lap was 1:04.081, all my laps cept one were in the 1:04 range. And i used the R390 GT1 race car

Good luck dan!
Yeah, dont miss the apex of the first turn like i did on the first lap.
K, my lap was really fast, brake early 4 the corkscrew and dont let up going down it i made up half a sec from my previous best just on the corkscrew.
Hey Zerocool, really sorry bout this. I haven't even come up to my own standard in this play-off. Total time I don't know because it didn't matter. Best lap:1:06.114. :( Congrats on the win though. The chances of me beating one 1:04 was slim, let alone 4 in 5 laps. I did put in a 1:04.634 in practice but that was thanks to a very convienient slide round the last hairpin. That 1:04.1 time of yours was exceptional, especially in the R390. Could you PM me with some of that setup cos I love the car, but couldn't get better than 1:07 in it. Don't worry about the GTP championship, I am (I hope) signed up with Toyota anyway. Pls though, its a fab car.
Incidentally is the GT3 one any better?
ZeroCool ,congrats ,absolutely phenominal skill displayed at this track & with your car. Dan congrats to u 2 as your race time was so impressive. TY both for for continuing thru all the way to the final race . The fans applaude loudly in apprecciation for your committed efforts :cheers:
Shame to get this far and all that... but congrats Zerocool. I dont think we need a results table but I can put one up if you want...