BoP Races my a$$!

  • Thread starter DarkKni9hT
I just about managed to get below 1.40. Losing a ton of time on the first turn. Can‘t get clean through it. I seem to be ok at the chicane later though. Also I keep over or under shooting the long last turn. Just sorting those two issues out would knock the best part of a second off I’m sure.
No settings chief, the cars are locked other than brake balance and tc. I use the qualifying, tc2 in race, I highly, highly recommend tc2 at your pace.

BB I usually set quite a ways forward as I chuck the car in hard.

Loom if you know basic lines, apexes etc, you cannot be 8 seconds slower. You can trundle around seaside and do a 1.40 flat. So, when you press the throttle to the floor, does the throttle bar on screen go fully to the top? I ask as you may have a mechanical issue. I'll also post a few videos for you in a sec.

Just saw your response, see you just found 6 damn seconds. T1, sacrafice entry speed, hug the left side on entry and power out as soon as possible, don't go in too hot.

The last turn, you can do this one two ways. Take a regular racing line in qualifying, so hit your apex in a U shape, in race you have the option to apex late, in a V to maximize speed at the end of the straight.
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Here are two videos. The first one is with a group 2 car but other than making an error in the right hander in sector 1, I felt I nailed this lap. Error aside thisbis as fast as I can go.

This one is group 3 in a PROPER fast room, you can clearly see I can't keep pace with these guys but manage to defend like a demon. The beetle is good here if you like stability but she gets eaten on the uphill esses.

If you can upload a video of 1-2 laps running around Race C conditions on racing soft (fastest allowed) tires with BOP on then I imagine it will be much easier for fellow members to help troubleshoot your issues. Personally, I have a difficult time seeing how a clean lap around DT Seaside with any Gr. 3 car under BOP will only pull a 1:46.6XX under qualifying conditions (no fuel, no tire wear).

OP, let’s see a video and we’ll continue the discussion from there.
Another corner to get right is the left into the uphill esses. Ideally no brakes, lift for a millisecond and hug the left kerb, on the gas very very early

Into t1 left hander, brake as the kerb on the right starts, or just before it. No later.
My best qualifying time for this week's C is a 1:39.032. I'm a little less than 5 seconds off the fastest time for my region (Americas). How the heck are you getting a, OP? Heck, I've been within 10 seconds of one of the top drivers in the world (and was quite happy with it). So if you're getting a on that track with a GR3 car, then you're the best driver in the Americas; and probably in the world with that time.
This guy is a troll. And not even a good one!

Can’t believe he’s sucked a bunch of veterans like ya’ll in 😂
I doubt it, but reality may have set in.

First qualy lap in ft1 I did a 37.9, optimal a 36.7. Having massive issues at COD so will try another car.
I doubt it, but reality may have set in.

First qualy lap in ft1 I did a 37.9, optimal a 36.7. Having massive issues at COD so will try another car.

I’m at a 1:37.3 in the Subaru with only about 5 minutes. I raced about 5 race C’s today, all in different cars…and my most consistent race was in the 911. My least consistent was in the 458 (no surprise there).

I gave the Supra a chance but rage-quited after 2 consecutive punts. It’s clear that car is the Alpha for this track….and gr.3 in general. Good power, good brakes, good turn-in, good tire wear. The ONLY negative is for the extreme minority of us whom are cockpit-view drivers. The A pillars get in the way a tad when eyeing the Apexes
This guy is a troll. And not even a good one!

Can’t believe he’s sucked a bunch of veterans like ya’ll in 😂
Maybe, but we've all had that same feeling at one point or another. We just didn't all say it out loud. You get done with racing the single player stuff in Gran Turismo and you're feeling pretty good. You beat the AI by miles in every race, you know all the tracks, you feel comfortable enough with the cars that you run the racing lines you want. You're a great driver. You know you are. The game said so.

Then you go up against other people and it turns out that you're mediocre. Or just plain awful. Turns out hundreds of thousands of miles of experience counts for nothing when it was hundreds of thousands of miles of going slow.

I remember signing up for GTP WRS in GT5P. I thought I was all right. I'd been playing Gran Turismo for years and years. The career was easy and I even managed to do okay in some of the online races I tried. I wasn't the fastest, but I was sure competitive.

I did my best in the week's time trial, and got put in Bronze. Bottom of the barrel. I was not quick. I was so not quick that at the time I wasn't even good enough to be able to see exactly how the other drivers were gaining time on me. They just seemed to go faster everywhere. It felt like cheating. I wasn't that bad. It must have been a mistake.

But week after week I kept placing roughly the same. It wasn't a mistake. I was slow. I was ****ing slow.

But it turned out that as I practised more and talked to people and got advice, and I slowly got better. I started to be able to see how other drivers went faster, and although I struggled to copy them I could try and sometimes I'd get a bit faster too. I learned how tiny differences at key points on the track made huge gains in time. I learned how going just a few kph faster everywhere on the track could add up. I'm still no alien, but I'm a lot quicker than I was and these days I mostly have the skills to see where I'm losing time.

This guy might be a troll. Or he might just be a guy who is only now hitting that stage where he finds out that the Gran Turismo AI is awful and that he's actually not nearly as quick as he thinks he is. Which hurts, but it's actually an important stage of learning to be a racing driver. If there's 16 drivers in a race, someone has to be 16th.

The responses that he's getting from people here are because they're kind. If he's a troll, that's on him. If he's not, then he's got people offering to help. But the first step is going to have to be to lose the attitude that he must be fast and that it's a problem with other people. We all started somewhere, and that somewhere was usually being embarrassingly slow. If he posts a lap video, then there's probably easy advice he can get to gain a fair chunk of time. Or there's any number of guide videos out there that explain how to run any given track quick and clean.

So, as someone who managed to get lapped in a daily A in my first ever attempt at sport mode I took this as the real question for what needs to be done. As I struggled as well. I'm no whiz, and often take a while to come up to speed. But I loaded up the game, grabbed the hated Supra and ran a lap cold while between coats of paint on the house.

It isn't BoP. Even as this lap stand I can see loads of time to be gained from improving the sloppy driving. But it isn't obscenely off the pace. It also shows the difference from slower entry to faster exit. I did a second lap trying to show late braking causing mistakes but wrecked so just cut it out.
I think most of us that played exclusively offline for a period of time before jumping into sport mode learnt the reality of how much we sucked. I know I thought I was pretty **** hot until I got shown otherwise by the online community.

That was Gr.4 track. Gr.3, Dragon's Tail Seaside I'm clocking 1:46s and the upper half of the grid is on 1:38s. 1:46.6 was with the Supra.
Not sure what you are doing to run a 1.46 in the Supra. I hate the Supra, I'm pretty slow and just logged on to run a lap and did a 1.41 flat and took the COD very cautiously just to make sure I did a clean lap. Also my first run around DTS in a few months. Dont worry though, playing sport mode will make you faster a lot quicker than playing the AI exclusively ever will.

Edit. Changed to the Porsche and into the 1.39s. TCS 0 Brake balance +4 Medium Tyres
If you're on a wheel, I wouldn't take advice from controller players regarding steering input. It's different of course.

Also, I wouldn't take advice from people who use TC. Besides the game being less fun with TC, you also lose the possibility of fine control during cornering. It'd be like racing with an automatic gearbox, with no possibility to rotate the car in specific points by engine braking.
Besides this, TC should be slightly slower even in a straight line because it activates on every gear shift.

With little practice, I lap 1:37-1:39 consistently during the race in this week's daily race C. Supra, bumper cam, no TC. Don't care about improving my times, just race craft and avoiding accidents.
Supra is not easy however. It rotates and slides easily, which gives potential for high pace, but also for mistakes. If you want an easier ride, try FT1 or Beetle, instead of racing Supra with TC.
Then you go up against other people and it turns out that you're mediocre. Or just plain awful.
I opened my account by posting this very thing. I‘d only done the driving school and missions, so hadn’t sunk years into the single player, but I just assumed that would be enough to race online. It wasn’t so much that I was surprised I was bad, it was more surprising how good everyone else was.
Another corner to get right is the left into the uphill esses. Ideally no brakes, lift for a millisecond and hug the left kerb, on the gas very very early

Into t1 left hander, brake as the kerb on the right starts, or just before it. No later.
Think you may have me mixed up with OP, but thank you for the tips. I watched a couple of guides and they brake before the uphill esses. Maybe its car dependant.
If you're on a wheel, I wouldn't take advice from controller players regarding steering input. It's different of course.

Also, I wouldn't take advice from people who use TC. Besides the game being less fun with TC, you also lose the possibility of fine control during cornering. It'd be like racing with an automatic gearbox, with no possibility to rotate the car in specific points by engine braking.
Besides this, TC should be slightly slower even in a straight line because it activates on every gear shift.

With little practice, I lap 1:37-1:39 consistently during the race in this week's daily race C.
So much wrong with this I don't even know where to start. If the OP is reading this thread still, he is some 10 to 12 seconds off the lead pace, the last few tenths that turning TC off gives you is not where he is right now. He needs confidence to get on the throttle early, he will gain 6, 7 8 seconds by doing this. he turns TC off and bins it 3 times a lap, does nothing but discourage him. TC is not a one time thing, it can be turned off when ready and 12 seconds off the pace says you're not ready.

Agree on AT, though I use TC2, AT and circulate in the 38's as you describe above.

And what's a controller got to do with the price of tea in China? The correct lines are the correct lines, input be damned.
Think you may have me mixed up with OP, but thank you for the tips. I watched a couple of guides and they brake before the uphill esses. Maybe its car dependant.
You're right, sorry I somehow got my wires crossed. The faster guys don't brake I think, I personally tap the brake to rotate the car as I use AT but those using MT can downshift to induce turn in.
He must've meant I'm just assuming that.
He mention he got his races mixed up, he was talking about the group 4 race. His Group 3 Seaside pace was 1.46 which is slow enough to mean he is not even doing the basics right.
Running stock PS4 controller. Don't think it's mechanical. Settings question pertains to general game settings, brake assist etc.

Checked your video out. Cool running. Basically exactly the lines I look to take. Thx for posting. I'll work on a video later.

This guy is a troll. And not even a good one!

Can’t believe he’s sucked a bunch of veterans like ya’ll in 😂
'Scuse ME? Honestly looking to improve my game and you call me a troll. Piss along off if you have nothing to add.
'Scuse ME? Honestly looking to improve my game and you call me a troll. Piss along off if you have nothing to add.
I did have something to add. 3 things as a matter of fact

I'll admit, that second one wasn't really about this thread tho.

In all honesty, you brought it on yourself champ. You were the one bragging how many miles you have in-game and how you don't need advice on how to take racing lines, blah, blah, blah. How could I NOT think you were messing with us?
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I did have something to add. 3 things as a matter of fact

I'll admit, that second one wasn't really about this thread tho.

In all honesty, you brought it on yourself champ. You were the one bragging how many miles you have in-game and how you don't need advice on how to take racing lines, blah, blah, blah. How could I NOT think you were messing with us?
Wasn't bragging, simply pointing out that I am not suffering from newbie fails. GT, GT2, GT3, GT4, GT5, GT6. Finished them all. One would think that I have learned a thing or two about racing lines through all that. Just having trouble adjusting to online and looking for advice, not insults.
Wasn't bragging, simply pointing out that I am not suffering from newbie fails. GT, GT2, GT3, GT4, GT5, GT6. Finished them all. One would think that I have learned a thing or two about racing lines through all that. Just having trouble adjusting to online and looking for advice, not insults.
Sure, ok. Your times say otherwise
To be fair chief, you came in all guns blazing. You're also saying you know your lines etc but at 1.46, that's a LONG way from even competitive B driver territory so folks here are gonna think they were taken for a ride by the OP maybe.

Let's get a video up of a good lap of yours and see where the time is, as soon as we see it we will notice something quite large given the times you are posting. Try different cars too, some suit you more than others, I am a huge fan of the Merc AMG for example as it is a demon on exit.
Wasn't bragging, simply pointing out that I am not suffering from newbie fails. GT, GT2, GT3, GT4, GT5, GT6. Finished them all. One would think that I have learned a thing or two about racing lines through all that. Just having trouble adjusting to online and looking for advice, not insults.
I beat the Vettel challenges in GT5 with a controller. Here's a graph of my GT Sport driver rating:


The dip before 150 is when I got reset because of the game's stupid penalty system and started properly taking it seriously. The dip before 300 is when I got a wheel and started from scratch. I knew absolutely nothing about driving or racing until I started playing this game and being part of the online community.

The BOP in the game has always terrible (which is usually made worse when they've tried to fix it), nobody would deny that, but if you're as off the times as you say you are then you're probably more responsible for it than the game.

You're also not the first person to come out of the blue on here saying the game's filled with cheaters, or grip hacks, or that people just drive away from you and it's because the game's broken.
I beat the Vettel challenges in GT5 with a controller. Here's a graph of my GT Sport driver rating:

View attachment 1103728

The dip before 150 is when I got reset because of the game's stupid penalty system and started properly taking it seriously. The dip before 300 is when I got a wheel and started from scratch. I knew absolutely nothing about driving or racing until I started playing this game and being part of the online community.

The BOP in the game has always terrible (which is usually made worse when they've tried to fix it), nobody would deny that, but if you're as off the times as you say you are then you're probably more responsible for it than the game.

You're also not the first person to come out of the blue on here saying the game's filled with cheaters, or grip hacks, or that people just drive away from you and it's because the game's broken.
Once again, I NEVER said anything about cheaters. Ever. I said the BoP system is ****ed, which everyone seems to agree with.
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Wasn't bragging, simply pointing out that I am not suffering from newbie fails. GT, GT2, GT3, GT4, GT5, GT6. Finished them all. One would think that I have learned a thing or two about racing lines through all that. Just having trouble adjusting to online and looking for advice, not insults.
Where your skill and experience is concerned, your best effort lap time tells us everything we need to know.

I said the BoP system is ......, which everyone seems to agree with.

For everyone who can't get the most out of the car, which is the majority of us, the BoP works well enough and don't take this the wrong way but it's the least of your problems.
Okay. A little crow to eat here. Seems my dog sitter was playing GTS while I was away end of October. Guess he's not quite the driver I am and changed my base settings, including turning on Driver Assist. There's where all my seconds have been going, as the game's AI is altogether too conservative on the brakes. I'd thought it was the BoP messing with my car, not the base AI. Turned that off and now qualifying high 1:30's, two to three seconds back. That I can deal with. Also now able to gain more positions over the course of a race. Still think the BoP is seriously flawed, but at least I'm not losing six seconds a lap due to a heavy brake pedal. The rest, as has been stated, is up to me. Feel like a tool for not having checked that earlier, but I never use Driver Assist so it didn't occur to me. Feeling like I can now start to edge up the grid with some repetitions and practice. Last race qualified in 14th, was able to finish 8th.

See you'll out on the track and sorry if I went a bit off the rails. Chalk it up to Lockdown #4 Mark VII stress. Cool runnings all.
I dont think you understand what BOP is, it literally has zero impact on where you rank in qualifying. Zero.

Good to see gaining places but as soon as your safety rating hits S, the pace increases exponentially. I was circulating last night in the 138s and was the second slowest guy on the track out of 20 cars. Guys were running around in the 35s for God's sake.
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