CyberPunk 2077


United States

"Coming> when it's ready."

Developed by the Witcher 1/2 team.


Also hints at Witcher 3...


And that's not all that's new. We are about the reveal our other project, which is much closer to being completed, and yes it will be a fully open-world game with an intense story. You can probably guess the game we're talking about. On the 5th of February it will be all clear.
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Dammit, zOo, I was coming over to make this.

I should ban you now. :lol:

I'm all over this; it's like PDZ meets Dredd meets a bit of Ghost in the Shell.
Indeed; there has been a little info here and there on it in the past weeks... I was sure someone had made a thread for it.

A YouTube comment described it as Blade Runner.... absolutely... a modern Blade Runner with a gorgeous, well armed (get it?), android protagonist... whatever class she is... that is what I want.

Its great to see new ips coming out like this and Remember Me.
So I'm late to this party then?

Better late than never...

Yes but you're still quite early though.

I heard about the game many months ago when they first annouced it then heard about a teaser trailer coming soon.

Game is probably 2-3 years away.
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I think Zoo is challenging Ddrizle for his crown.

This looks pretty sweet. I'm hoping it'll be Ghost In The Shell and Bladerunner meets whatever The Witcher 2 is. I'm not into fantasy stuff, which is why I haven't got Witcher 2, but cyberpunk is fine by me. If it turns out to be as good as people say W2 is then that'll be lovely.
That closing scene inside the police truck definitely looked like she'd back-hacked him :) I could cope with some Ghost in the Shell references.

Talking of which, there will be another official game of GitS coming out at about the same time, announced about a month ago.

Nice find, all I've seen about this was a screen shot yesterday and some scraps late last year.
Impressive trailer to be sure. Very Blade Runner. I like it. I've never been too keen on the overly sexy to the point of being sexist women bit though.
Talking of which, there will be another official game of GitS coming out at about the same time, announced about a month ago.

Have you a link for this informations? Or maybe just the publisher and developer?

There was another game announced last year, I think it was a stealthy cyberpunk game featuring a female protagonist with Assassin's Creed style free running (I think), do any of you guys remember that or have I imagined it? Maybe 2013-14 will be the rise of the Cyberpunk genre, just like how 2011-2013 has been the rise of the Zombie genre. All we need is another Deus Ex, Watch Dogs and... Nope, that's all I can think of.
Have you a link for this informations? Or maybe just the publisher and developer?

There was another game announced last year, I think it was a stealthy cyberpunk game featuring a female protagonist with Assassin's Creed style free running (I think), do any of you guys remember that or have I imagined it? Maybe 2013-14 will be the rise of the Cyberpunk genre, just like how 2011-2013 has been the rise of the Zombie genre. All we need is another Deus Ex, Watch Dogs and... Nope, that's all I can think of.

Remember Me?
I like the small teasers they included, such as the mega-corperations from Cyberpunk 2020 appearing during the news coverage. Along with the Militech branding on the weapon being pointed at the woman and the Night City PD badge.

Impressive trailer to be sure. Very Blade Runner. I like it.

Yeah, even before the "police spinner" appeared.

All we need is another Deus Ex, Watch Dogs and... Nope, that's all I can think of.

And that's almost all I'd be happy with, along with this game once we get more info. Looks like it's a fair way off though according to the hidden message from the trailer.
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Sorry for the delay - been waist deep in FC3 MP co-op :)

Girl Gamer UK

This is where I saw the info. I hope it's useful.

Thank you kindly indeed for the info! However, it's not good news (in my opinion)... Nexon are publishing, a very brief Google indicates they're F2P developers, Korean F2P developers too so it'll likely be a very traditional F2P. Microtransations and grinding have never really been my thing but who knows, maybe I'm an idiot (well, that's really more of a certainty) and it'll be worthwhile.
Agreed that F2P can be a trial and error style, so I suppose we'll all have to wait and see.

Sorry for the slight hijack (again) Zoology.
CD Projekt RED’s new state-of-the-art REDengine 3 brings a new level of realism to the gaming experience


CD Projeckt
The REDengine 3 tech is tailor-made to create nonlinear and story-driven RPGs with a system that allows to stream and handle fully explorable open-worlds. Cyberpunk 2077, the second project the studio is working on, will have prime examples demonstrating that REDengine 3 is the perfect tool for creating immense universes filled with exciting, nonlinear adventures. The advanced technology of the REDengine 3 makes RPGs comparable to top-shelf shooters, both in terms of game world presentation and the epic proportions of events that the player is drawn into. The engine is a next-gen ready solution that begins to blur the line between pre-rendered CGI movies and real time rendered graphics, bringing us closer to the most life-like world ever created in video games. All the state-of-the-art visuals form a living ecosystem allowing the player to be a part of a vivid environment. The new face and body animation systems implemented in REDengine 3 offer realistic expression of emotions, movie quality scenes and character interactions.

Nice! Looking forward to seeing what this engine is capable of.
I'm quite disappointed in the first person choice. As someone who really struggles with motion sickness in FPS games to the point that they're mostly unplayable, at best it would probably be a slog for me to get through a game like this. Shame, because TW3 is probably my favourite game of all time.

Oh well, I'm sure a lot of people will enjoy it.
Watched the Twitch stream and it's safe to say that was one of the sexiest gameplay demos I've ever seen.
This looks amazing, it's been in development a very long time and hopefully that's reflected in the details. It certainly looks like that will be the case.
Gameplay looks exquisite.. You can tell they have put everything they have into it.

The driving mechanics don't look great at the moment, but I'm hoping that is because of the pre-alpha nature.
Only another 20 years until games become The Matrix. This looks killer. They need to fix the car-based gameplay though. That's the only part that seems like it doesn't fit. The cine look and overall aesthetic is otherwise superb. I just want to live in a Cyberpunk/Synthwave world.

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