Fanatec Gran Turismo DD Extreme Wheel

  • Thread starter super_gt
There is no excuse for the mismanagement of finances, but it’s overlooked because they turned the ship around and became profitable and had a plan in place to stay financially responsible.

Again, no excuse for the poor service or mismanagement, but also doesn’t give a pass for a corporation to insert itself and make it worse right when they are about to redeem themselves economically.
I absolutely agree with you. It's terrible what's happening. edit- They are vultures. (if that's what's happening)
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The one thing Ermz touched on briefly in the video but didn't mention again or try to explain or justify in any way and seems like he wants you to sweep under the rug and forget about is why they are in this situation in the first place. When there was a pandemic lock-down sim-racing boom, instead of building a rooftop go kart track on top of a shiny new HQ and other financially questionable spending, I wish they would have invested that influx of capitol into better customer support and responsible long term investment in the company's own future. Maybe they should have built out the company to be able to handle larger customer demand, maybe they should have invested in the software side of things which still seems broken instead of what they did which lead them to the this situation.

I want Fanatec to do well and survive as much as anyone. I have a lot of money invested in their products and ecosystem like many people and believe in what they are doing with the products, but if they don't invest in customer support and treat their customers poorly, it's hard to get behind them 100% like Ermz seems to think everyone should do. You can't forget that they've put themselves in this situation in the first place. I guess it depends on who exactly is responsible for the mess they got themselves into, I don't know the answer to that question but it's not hard to speculate.

It's a sad situation, hopefully Fanatec will survive and come out better off in the long run. In the meantime we're stuck with software bugs, expensive hardware that's unstable and unreliable, and slow/ poor customer service. I know it's not the fault of the actual people that work there, so I fully support them and wish the best for all of them. It's not their fault the company was mismanaged and I'm sure they are all doing the best they can do under the circumstances.

Watched the whole video, and I got a lot to say about it. Looks like Ermz made a well-researched, well cherry-picked, and reasonably presented narrative to paint Jack in a victim light, in order to save shareholders that helped built the company (which he clearly thinks of himself as one of those said types of shareholders….despite being the fng that tried to get in on the action at the end of the boom, despite him glancing over Fanatec’s questionable business decisions a couple years back - that to be fair…Ermz probably either wasn’t aware, or turned a blind eye to at the time).

Then he feebly attempts to relate it back to me, the consumer…on why I should care. I don’t, really. If Fanatec goes under, I’ll just move onto the next company. That’s life having a hobby in a very niche genre to begin with.

This whole thing is just very resemblance of the US housing market crash in 2008. Jack started leveraging the company and buying butter when he should have been investing in guns (it’s a movie reference) and was too arrogant to realize the large profit margins were just a market spike. Then this idiot Ermz decides to get in on the boom at the very peak (which means you’re already waaaaay too late to the party) and he over-leveraged himself.

Meanwhile the puppet masters above and the sharks circling below, were all in lockstep.

This is why very, very few people ever make fortunes, investing in their passions 🙄
Watched the whole video, and I got a lot to say about it. Looks like Ermz made a well-researched, well cherry-picked, and reasonably presented narrative to paint Jack in a victim light, in order to save shareholders that helped built the company (which he clearly thinks of himself as one of those said types of shareholders….despite being the fng that tried to get in on the action at the end of the boom, despite him glancing over Fanatec’s questionable business decisions a couple years back - that to be fair…Ermz probably either wasn’t aware, or turned a blind eye to at the time).

Then he feebly attempts to relate it back to me, the consumer…on why I should care. I don’t, really. If Fanatec goes under, I’ll just move onto the next company. That’s life having a hobby in a very niche genre to begin with.

This whole thing is just very resemblance of the US housing market crash in 2008. Jack started leveraging the company and buying butter when he should have been investing in guns (it’s a movie reference) and was too arrogant to realize the large profit margins were just a market spike. Then this idiot Ermz decides to get in on the boom at the very peak (which means you’re already waaaaay too late to the party) and he over-leveraged himself.

Meanwhile the puppet masters above and the sharks circling below, were all in lockstep.

This is why very, very few people ever make fortunes, investing in their passions 🙄
Yeah on the one hand the company goes under or changes for the worst and customers continue to suffer, on the other hand what? The old CEO gets back in charge and runs the company into the ground again and the customers continue to suffer. I don't see a bright side for us either way.

It seems like the damage is already done. I just feel bad for the good people working there, and for the customers who always get screwed over.
I’m still somewhat baffled why Sony hasn’t thrown their hat in the ring and purchased Fanatec at a discount as a business opportunity to essentially rebrand the Fanatec company, and the IRL series that it sponsors under the “Gran Turismo” brand. I’m skeptic that even 33% of motorsports fans know what the Fanatec windshield banner on GT3 cars even is. At least, I would think that many more motorsports fans across many disciplines have ate least heard of Gran Turismo, based on how long that franchise has been around.


Frick. Sony could even absorb the “shareholders” stock and offer them a 50% buyout - by way of giving them Sony stock in exchange. I know if I was one of these dummies that invested money into a very niche genre, I’d much rather have stock in a multi-faceted, known brand….even if I was technically losing a bit of money at first
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This is the discussion thread for an article on GTPlanet:

Fanatec Gran Turismo DD Extreme: GT7 Wheel Settings Guide

Fanatec’s Gran Turismo DD Extreme was released earlier this year, and since then, the GTPlanet community has dug in to figure out how to get the most out of it in Gran Turismo 7...

Huge thanks to @PirovacBoy for helping me with this article!
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Watched the whole video, and I got a lot to say about it. Looks like Ermz made a well-researched, well cherry-picked, and reasonably presented narrative to paint Jack in a victim light, in order to save shareholders that helped built the company (which he clearly thinks of himself as one of those said types of shareholders….despite being the fng that tried to get in on the action at the end of the boom, despite him glancing over Fanatec’s questionable business decisions a couple years back - that to be fair…Ermz probably either wasn’t aware, or turned a blind eye to at the time).

Then he feebly attempts to relate it back to me, the consumer…on why I should care. I don’t, really. If Fanatec goes under, I’ll just move onto the next company. That’s life having a hobby in a very niche genre to begin with.

This whole thing is just very resemblance of the US housing market crash in 2008. Jack started leveraging the company and buying butter when he should have been investing in guns (it’s a movie reference) and was too arrogant to realize the large profit margins were just a market spike. Then this idiot Ermz decides to get in on the boom at the very peak (which means you’re already waaaaay too late to the party) and he over-leveraged himself.

Meanwhile the puppet masters above and the sharks circling below, were all in lockstep.

This is why very, very few people ever make fortunes, investing in their passions 🙄
Yeah, I agree with this completely. Ermz bought cheap shares of a depressed company, and is now upset that the company is gonna go bankrupt and he's gonna end up with nothing. News flash... That's why the shares were so cheap in the first place! The old CEO is absolutely not a reliable source, given that he's the one that ran the company into the ground in the first place. And we as consumers absolutely have no reason to care.
Yeah, I agree with this completely. Ermz bought cheap shares of a depressed company, and is now upset that the company is gonna go bankrupt and he's gonna end up with nothing. News flash... That's why the shares were so cheap in the first place! The old CEO is absolutely not a reliable source, given that he's the one that ran the company into the ground in the first place. And we as consumers absolutely have no reason to care.
Not quite on point... he might be biased due to him loosing money, but there's a LOT more at play in this apparently, so much so that a few regulating bodies are starting to get involved with open letters to the board & banks:

The whole story, in english, is summarized here:
More of the same drama. From the point of view of an Endor AG stockholder that has a German finance channel

Pretty much same info as other with the additional info translated by presenter supposedly stating even the German regulatory authorities are suspicious of this restructuring and have warned the board to not defraud the original owner and shareholders as was done to another German co Leoni AG.

I don't have the highest opinion of Fanatec as a first time customer... but, looks like this is a full scale "financial thriller" in the making, as outlined in the above, using all loopholes & tricks in the book to counter them - as the outlined next step is that the StaRUG process is aimed to disappropriate all current share holders in the process, which Thomas is seemingly fighting now. (in which case - all the best to him saving the shareholders (and his own...) investments).
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When will the GT Extreme have full functionality for GT7?
No one knows exactly.
It's up to the game developer to implement full functionality.
With other Words it's only up to PD to implement the features we are all desperately waiting for.
Might be soon...
Might be soon...

Speaking of FFB, I saw that ACC has the Nurburing Ring as a downloadable track and out of sheer curiosity I decided to get it to compare/contrast. I often flip/flop between ACC and GT7 as the mood strikes me.

It just confirmed for me that the FFB in GT7 leaves a lot to be desired. I'm not smart enough to know if it's PD's laser scanning implementation, the FFB or something else entirely but the track feels alive in ACC. That's the best way I can describe it and if TrueForce is the missing key to unlock that level of "feel", we're all in for a treat and I'm about to be out of a few hundred dollars lol.
Wow so Corsair is buying Fanatec apparently?

I might get all the Metal QR2s I want and an F1 style rim for GT DD X base. Already got one QR2 for the GT DD X but want on for the WRC rim that I have.

Not sure if I want to get the old trusty "CSL Elite Steering Wheel McLaren GT3 V2" wheel that everyone seems to love or the "Formula V2.5 X".
The McLaren has analog clutch paddles included and people seem to like the feel of that wheel.

Who knows what's going to happen with products and prices now, but at least Fanatec will survive. Corsair is a good brand in general so that's a good thing, it could be a lot worse that's for sure.

Corsair is owned by "EagleTree Capital" which is New York-based middle-market private equity firm worth over $5.6 Billion.

So you know things are probably going to change, I just don't know in which ways they will change and if it will be net positive or negative in the end for the user base.
Corsair is owned by "EagleTree Capital" which is New York-based middle-market private equity firm worth over $5.6 Billion.
Corsair (NASDAQ: CRSR) as of close on May 8 was publicly traded and with a current market value of 1.21 billion US. According to the Eagle Tree Capital site, Corsair is one of their investments as part of Fund IV, a closed end fund with a capitalization of 790 million US invested in 9 different companies.
So it reads to me that they are just an investor.
Corsair went public in 2020 and the stock has been as high as $38/share. It is now a little under $11/share. Their May 7, 2024 1st quarter financial release has lots of rosy sounding statements that I cannot resolve with the financials that they released, but that may just be me.
I certainly hope it works out for Fanatec.
Here is a link to CRSR's yahoo finance page.
Corsair (NASDAQ: CRSR) as of close on May 8 was publicly traded and with a current market value of 1.21 billion US. According to the Eagle Tree Capital site, Corsair is one of their investments as part of Fund IV, a closed end fund with a capitalization of 790 million US invested in 9 different companies.
So it reads to me that they are just an investor.
Corsair went public in 2020 and the stock has been as high as $38/share. It is now a little under $11/share. Their May 7, 2024 1st quarter financial release has lots of rosy sounding statements that I cannot resolve with the financials that they released, but that may just be me.
I certainly hope it works out for Fanatec.
Here is a link to CRSR's yahoo finance page.
Yeah I don't know what to think about that.. 🤷‍♂️
CRSR chart.jpg


Hopefully they don't meddle too much in Fanatec RGB! I've never used it but I've heard the horror stories.
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The young lad here is back in the game Baby... 😀

View attachment 1355161

Works like a charm out of the box.
No Firmware hassle.

What firmware ? Are you using Computer or PS5? It seems you are lucky when plenty have problems with firmware 455,456,457…

I am waiting for the situation cleared (firmware and Corsair buying Fanatec..) before placing my order 😄
Quick question @PirovacBoy

I am using your recommended settings, posted in this thread:

Everything seems ok except for on the longer turns I am losing all vibrations in the wheel, the resistance is still there, just no vibrations. As soon as I am back on the straight the vibrations return.
From what I have read this is a symptom of the wheel clipping, is this what is happening or could it be something else?

I have used your exact settings, so I wasn't expecting it to clip.

I have tried using lower FFB settings but nothing I do seems to fix it, is there anything else I can try?
Its got nothing to do with clipping.
It's a combination of using higher INT setting combined with NIN.
If you like more detail while cornering under heavy load, simply lower the INT from 4 to 2 or 1 AND turn NIN from 1 to off.
It'll bring back the missing details but feel more noisy while going over road bumps and kerbs in a straight line.
Also cornering stability might get a bit harder to predict as the Vibrations will take away the smoothnes and might distract you.

What firmware ? Are you using Computer or PS5? It seems you are lucky when plenty have problems with firmware 455,456,457…

I am waiting for the situation cleared (firmware and Corsair buying Fanatec..) before placing my order 😄
Wheelbase FW is
Only using my Playstation 5.

No coil whine no grainy feel.
Absolutely buttery smooth.
An out of the box experience which can't be topped.

So, what was the timeline on getting the replacement in?

Good to hear its not giving you any problems.
I think it was roughly 2 Weeks.
Maybe I was just very lucky.
Maybe Karma, but anyway I'm over the moon.
Simply phenomenal 😀
Its got nothing to do with clipping.
It's a combination of using higher INT setting combined with NIN.
If you like more detail while cornering under heavy load, simply lower the INT from 4 to 2 or 1 AND turn NIN from 1 to off.
It'll bring back the missing details but feel more noisy while going over road bumps and kerbs in a straight line.
Also cornering stability might get a bit harder to predict as the Vibrations will take away the smoothnes and might distract you.

Wheelbase FW is
Only using my Playstation 5.

No coil whine no grainy feel.
Absolutely buttery smooth.
An out of the box experience which can't be topped.

I think it was roughly 2 Weeks.
Maybe I was just very lucky.
Maybe Karma, but anyway I'm over the moon.
Simply phenomenal 😀
Happy for you! You've been through it with that wheelbase. I'm wondering if you plan on updating firmware at all.

I'm on:

Base (It's the the "CS_DD_v2.1.0.4_hotfix_disconnection_issue_test_release.eff", not from 455, but not sure if it's identical to 455 FW or not)

Wireless QR (457)

GT DD X wheel FW (457)

Mine probably feels the same as yours, but had disconnects once in a while on all 457 or 455 FW with 456 WQR FW..

Fanatec said those old firmwares have lots of known issues.

The last few times I've used the wheel has been trouble free and feeling very nice.

My procedure for PS5 and GT7 is to make sure PS5 did not come out of rest mode, I usually just reboot PS5 now and I used to just put it to sleep.
I wait till PS5 is booted up completely.
Turn on wheel and let it boot up completely, log in with it, then go into GT7.
Also use the front USB on PS5 with no adapters or anything, stock cable.

Fingers crossed but it's working, no freezes or disconnects and it's smooth. I may have a tiny almost imperceptible (in my noise floor environment) coil whine.
But so far so good. I think if it starts acting up again I'll RMA the base.
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Happy for you! You've been through it with that wheelbase. I'm wondering if you plan on updating firmware at all.

I'm on:

Base (It's the the "CS_DD_v2.1.0.4_hotfix_disconnection_issue_test_release.eff", not from 455, but not sure if it's identical to 455 FW or not)

Wireless QR (457)

GT DD X wheel FW (457)

Mine probably feels the same as yours, but had disconnects once in a while on all 457 or 455 FW with 456 WQR FW..

Fanatec said those old firmwares have lots of known issues.

The last few times I've used the wheel has been trouble free and feeling very nice.

My procedure for PS5 and GT7 is to make sure PS5 did not come out of rest mode, I usually just reboot PS5 now and I used to just put it to sleep.
I wait till PS5 is booted up completely.
Turn on wheel and let it boot up completely, log in with it, then go into GT7.
Also use the front USB on PS5 with no adapters or anything, stock cable.

Fingers crossed but it's working, no freezes or disconnects and it's smooth. I may have a tiny almost imperceptible (in my noise floor environment) coil whine.
But so far so good. I think if it starts acting up again I'll RMA the base.
Thanks man, I appreciate that.
In regards of updating the Firmware... NO WAY.
The Firmware updates are strictly for a specific purpose.
To implement future and of course current compatibility / Hardware Handshake stuff.
Nothing else.
It does not change the FFB or anything that is in relation how the FFB feels.
This is purely a game developer thing.
Same goes for the upcoming FullForce implementation which is most probably not too far away...
Should drop soon I assume...

The Wheelbase itself is ready and approved to run out of the box.
Of course some funky Wheelbase / Wheel / Button Module combos might require a firmware update but unless it's not necessarily needed... DON'T DO IT.

So if you or anyone else doesn't run into any sort of compatibility issue I highly advise to NOT update the Firmware.

I certainly WON'T update anything unless it's absolutely necessary...
Until then I'm going to run it as it is 🙂
Thanks man, I appreciate that.
In regards of updating the Firmware... NO WAY.
The Firmware updates are strictly for a specific purpose.
To implement future and of course current compatibility / Hardware Handshake stuff.
Nothing else.
It does not change the FFB or anything that is in relation how the FFB feels.
This is purely a game developer thing.
Same goes for the upcoming FullForce implementation which is most probably not too far away...
Should drop soon I assume...

The Wheelbase itself is ready and approved to run out of the box.
Of course some funky Wheelbase / Wheel / Button Module combos might require a firmware update but unless it's not necessarily needed... DON'T DO IT.

So if you or anyone else doesn't run into any sort of compatibility issue I highly advise to NOT update the Firmware.

I certainly WON'T update anything unless it's absolutely necessary...
Until then I'm going to run it as it is 🙂
Yup as soon as I find a FW combo that works I'm not touching it again! So far so good with this one.. 🤞
Its got nothing to do with clipping.
It's a combination of using higher INT setting combined with NIN.
If you like more detail while cornering under heavy load, simply lower the INT from 4 to 2 or 1 AND turn NIN from 1 to off.
It'll bring back the missing details but feel more noisy while going over road bumps and kerbs in a straight line.
Also cornering stability might get a bit harder to predict as the Vibrations will take away the smoothnes and might distract you.

Wheelbase FW is
Only using my Playstation 5.

No coil whine no grainy feel.
Absolutely buttery smooth.
An out of the box experience which can't be topped.

I think it was roughly 2 Weeks.
Maybe I was just very lucky.
Maybe Karma, but anyway I'm over the moon.
Simply phenomenal 😀

What wheel are you using with it? That was the exact same old firmware that came with my DD Extreme that I bought in February. Out of the box the FFB was weak and notchy with the Extreme wheel but not with my other wheels, and the tuning menu doesn’t display the values. Updating the firmware fixed all the issues.
What wheel are you using with it? That was the exact same old firmware that came with my DD Extreme that I bought in February. Out of the box the FFB was weak and notchy with the Extreme wheel but not with my other wheels, and the tuning menu doesn’t display the values. Updating the firmware fixed all the issues.
I'm using the McLaren GT3 V2 Wheel.
I haven't attached the Extreme Wheel yet.
Very very smooth QRShaft Rotation.
Tuning Menu works too.
And the FFB feels silky smooth and very powerful.
No notchiness.
My Extreme Wheel already has the latest Firmware installed though ( so basically it should work hassle free.

My Wheelbase though won't get touched... 😅