GT7 Daily Race Discussion

  • Thread starter Pigems
4th Daily C today and encountered a new weather pattern - started raining lightly on lap 15 or 16. Radar was green, you could see rain on the windshield (in cockpit view), but the rain meter bar on the left barely moved up. And it stayed that way ‘till the final lap. Stayed out on RMs and was fine.

Cool that variable really means variable!
I had a race on Monday night that had light rain starting at lap 7, with the bar staying right at the mediums/inters line the whole race. It was a blast!

Been trying to figure out the Macca, and I can’t just figure out how to get it to sing. Realized why it’s sooooo OP though. It tops out at 259kmh on the straight, and my Ferrari barely gets to 255 with no slip. No wonder those guys are blowing by me like I’m standing still when they have my slip 😂

Have done a total of 3 races today, and they were all a blast! Reminds me of GTWS races, but without the qualifying pressure. Selfishly, all my fingers and toes are crossed for a McLaren nerf. That thing is too much
So anyway, whats Race A like? Worth a go?
It's a bit messy, with probably the biggest variances in QT I've ever seen. Some people are ridiculously fast - I very nearly got lapped by someone yesterday, running 5 seconds per lap faster than anyone else!

I would like to know how to connect the steering to the front wheels - it feels like all the steering is done with the throttle 🤣
While waiting for new Time trial to tackle I managed to squeeze 2 races yesterday evening. One race B and one C.
QT on GV around 1:58-59 if I remember correctly, got me 13th on starting grid in drB race. Managed to get to P8 and was on good way to fight for P7 but made a mistake on corner exit before last bridge. Got too excited and too optimistic, little bit of too much throttle and lost rear end on my mustang. Hit two walls, 3s penalty and car damage. Finished P12. Mostly happy with this one apart from that one silly mistake.

Race C - my beloved track. Did some qualifying laps, managed 2:19.3xx with my ford, high 18's look probable. That gave me P4 in drB race. And to be honest I wasn't ready for that race. First positive surprise - did not have to tackle eau rouge/radillion at full speed on my first lap, so I survived this one :D. Second surprise, not so positive, race conditions are much different to what you get in qualy... so my braking points were off, in addition got one mclaren that was slightly hitting my car through les combes and bruxelles even though I was doing everything to give enough space. I was down to p6 before Blanchimont where I thought I can go flatout... boy was I wrong. I was around P10 on lap 5 when it started to rain, went for inters on lap7 and that was very last moment for that pit-stop. At this point I could stop writing about this race, because from that moment I was learning to drive... made some mistakes that ended with spins. To make matters worse section from T1 up to Kemmel straight was for full wets rest of the track for inters. So for most part of the race I was trying to learn as much as I can and managed to find some steady pace without bigger mistakes for last 5-6laps. Finished P9 out of 12. It was more of a survival than race for me, but had tons of fun :)
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Does the wind direction arrow on the map show where the wind is coming from, or going to?

Race C yesterday, had torrential rain just after passing the pits, but I was thinking the rain should have been moving further away - I think half the pack agreed, as it was Spa 1998 carnage!
Cross-posting from the discussion thread since it's relevant:

On this BoP that's about 60-80 more BHP than the rest of the class. I imagine you won't be able to be competitive in anything else in Race C while it's still on this BoP.
Managed to get in two races at GV yesterday in my LBWK GT-R.

First race started 6th, had some good scraps through the first couple of laps and on the 3rd lap found myself in 3rd but clipped the inside of the turn in the tunnel and ended up with a stupid 1.5s penalty which I topped up with a track limits 0.5s during lap 4. Ended up dropping those positions back to 5th and finished there.

Second race I got more time for a Q lap and put the sucker in pole. Annoyingly, I got divebombed by the Supra in 2nd on the second hairpin and ended up losing positions. Found myself in 7th by the end of the lap! Fought back to 4th but exiting the tunnel on lap 3 there was chaos and I couldn't avoid the TT who parked in front of me - 2s penalty for rear-ending him! Annoyingly only managed to claim one more place and ended 6th.

Wasn't great for my DR or SR... I saved the replays - I'll get them up here when the game has finished updating!
the qualifying leaderboard for Race C has been wiped clean.
Good :D Now I can start from the back, I did some quali laps last night just to test out some cars and unfortunately started from pole position and won the race, not really an achievement :D
4.5 times I tried Daily C so far, what a blast it is!

1st race, started P12, finished P10, no rain

2nd race, started P7, finished P9, lots of A+ drivers in the lobby, which were just too fast for me, no rain

3rd race, started P7 again and it turned out to be the most intense race I ever drove. Lots of A+ drivers again, I fell back to P13, then the rain started at around Lap 7. I managed to get past several cars and was at P10 at lap 18, we were literally 4 cars bumper to bumper. The track was drying up, but it was still sketchy at some parts. Total focus and good driving made me end on P8. I think it was my best performance ever, considering the line up. Leaving several A+ drivers behind me, feels still unreal to me.
WhatsApp Bild 2024-03-27 um 11.40.28_fda7bc75.jpg

btw. no idea who NicoRD is, but this guy is an alien. He started on P12 and just overtook the whole field and ends up winning with a 53s lead. Then a pack of 5 drivers within 3s and then myself with 3 others within 5s. Close field for such a long race, amazing.

4th (half) race, one to laugh about. I use the VR and usually you feel very hot, so I drive topless (I am a male driver). This time I forgot to remove my t-shirt and the heat got to me, so I decided let's pit early at lap 8, heavy traffic anyway so I can quickly remove the headset and take that t-shirt off. Well... this is very stressful to do within a few seconds and I missclicked and put IM on in a bone dry race :-( DNF

5th race, I start on P2 in a A/S lobby, very strange, since my time (2.17.6) is not that good. Was leading comfortably for 18 laps just to get caught at the end. P2, not bad though. It is somehow hard to push while you are leading by 4-5s for a long time. I took it easy, made some small mistakes etc. Wet conditions again for the 2nd time, love it.

And now they wiped the leaderboard... I will go again, too good to miss!
You gotta be kidding! 😭 I drove a unicorn of a Quali lap on monday, that's kept way above my station of the starting grid so far. :banghead:
Same here, did a blinder of a lap 0.7s up on my previous best, don't think I can do that again 😢
You gotta be kidding! 😭 I drove a unicorn of a Quali lap on monday, that's kept way above my station of the starting grid so far. :banghead:

Same here, did a blinder of a lap 0.7s up on my previous best, don't think I can do that again 😢
I still think you should have to qualify before every race (in the car you then race), so it's fine by me.
I had a race on Monday night that had light rain starting at lap 7, with the bar staying right at the mediums/inters line the whole race. It was a blast!

Been trying to figure out the Macca, and I can’t just figure out how to get it to sing. Realized why it’s sooooo OP though. It tops out at 259kmh on the straight, and my Ferrari barely gets to 255 with no slip. No wonder those guys are blowing by me like I’m standing still when they have my slip 😂

Have done a total of 3 races today, and they were all a blast! Reminds me of GTWS races, but without the qualifying pressure. Selfishly, all my fingers and toes are crossed for a McLaren nerf. That thing is too much
I mained McLaren 650S (Is this a weird thing to say on GT7?) on Gr.3 Daily races since mid 2023 and I think there has been less than 5 occations where the McLaren is the Meta. It requires a very specific track/tyre/tyre wear/weather combination to shine (i.e. Mid speed corners, high tyre wear, harder tyres, low fuel consumption, wet weather), even after the slight buff (-5kg) from the last update. Yes it is good on this weeks Race C but not "Mazda 3 Gr.4" good, and there are tracks that the car is simply not competitive.

I wouldn't mind a (very) slight nerf so it can reinstate that "Underdog" status though. :)

EDIT: Just saw the v1.44 BoP and +10kg for Mid and High speed tracks for the McLaren. Let's see how much it impacts my QT since that will need re-doing.
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I still think you should have to qualify before every race (in the car you then race), so it's fine by me.
I have no problem with the QT having to be in the car you are racing, but having to qualify before every race is a bit of an ask. Some of us are quite time poor, squeezing a session in that's almost an hour is tough enough. And if the qualifying sessions that take place in GTWS events are anything to go by, the amount of dirty tactics I've seen used would make daily races less fun.
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I have no problem with the QT having to be in the car you are racing, but having to qualify before every race is a bit of an ask. Some of us are quite time poor, squeezing a session in that's almost an hour is tough enough. And if the qualifying sessions that take place in GTWS events are anything to go by, the amount of dirty tactics I've seen used would daily races less fun.

My idea would be that they use your best time from the practice period that already exists before each slot, so everyone is alone on the track. I understand there are time issues with some of these longer races.

I just feel the current set-up heavily favors those who can put in a lot more time doing free practice, in search of the unrepeatable wonderlap.
I had two more runs at Race C yesterday. Driving the McLaren in both.

Race 1: All A/S lobby. The radar showed it was going to be a dry race, so I was keeping my expectations low. I still can not find a competitive dry-track pace on this track. Started in P12, with my 2:19.2 QT. The race started well. I survived lap 1. And then lap 2. I almost felt like I was keeping up with the pack. I even picked up a few positions -- all from crashes and mistakes. I found myself in P9 by the end of lap 3, though I was carrying a 0.5s penalty. Come lap 4, my luck ran out. A divebomber knocked me off the track at La Source. Between that and the penalty, I found myself at my usual spot in last place for lap 5. From there, I had some good racing with the second-last driver and eventually overtook them when they ran wide a Pouhon.


The race got pretty dull after that. I picked up some more positions from crashes and quitting drivers. Finished in P9, which felt like a respectable result, all things considered. 5 drivers quit, IIRC.

Race 2: Mixed A/S and A+/S lobby. Rain was on the radar, thankfully. Started P15 with an A+ driver who hadn't qualified behind me. The dry laps went about as well as they can for me. I pretty quickly gave up a position to the A+ driver behind me, but I picked up some others to crashes along the way. Got as high as P12 before things settled down and the faster drivers behind were able to get by me one-by-one. It was all clean driving, though, with some fun side-by-side action, so I wasn't bothered at all. By lap 3 I had assumed my usual spot in last place.

The rain started showing on the radar starting on lap 5. Light blue stuff. Nothing was accumulating on the track yet, so I stayed out another lap. A few other drivers pitted, though. The rain started registering on the moisture gauge on lap 6, but it wasn't even halfway to the first tick, so I stayed out. Again, a few others pitted. At the end of lap 7, sitting in P9 now, the radar was showing a dark blue square over part of the track, so that's when I made my pit for W tires. Staying out on the slicks had definitely been the right call. I came out of the pits still in P9, with the water now just below the second tick on the moisture gauge. Within a few laps, I caught up to a group of three McLarens. I had some good racing with them, and exchanged a few places over the course of the rest of the race, briefly climbing to P7 at one point, even. I made some mistakes around lap 17 and 18 that sent me back to P9, which I only then realized was last place -- 7 drivers had quit. Finished out the race there. I still felt this was a pretty good race for me. I was keeping pace with the other drivers and having some fun racing. I even saw a small increase to my DR since so many of the quitters were ranked higher than me.
It looks like the Renault R.S.01 and Subaru WRX have both gotten a substantial BoP buff with today's update. I'm going to have to give those a try at Spa before jumping into my next race.