How many replies can we get??

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MY chem class has problems, its the first year they have offered chemistry for my grade, and the lab isnt done yet, wont be done for a month, they forgot to include a teachers desk, and a hook up for the teachers computer to hook up with the school systme. On top of that, they lost all the chem textbooks.
Originally posted by bigblocksrule
I sure don't miss any of that stuff... glad i'm long done with the school thing

I cant wait till I'm out!
The only cool part about this year is that I drive to school now.
Originally posted by bigblocksrule
That is a deffinate bonus at least you have something to look forward to at the end of the day

I drive (try to)safe at on the street. But in the parking lot, when everyone watching(i'm trying to be still safe) I have a little fun.
Originally posted by bigblocksrule
BMW do you have any idea how and or where I can send a picture of one of my cars?

If you have a scanner, scan it, and e-mail the pic to Jordan...

He'll post it for you.
Originally posted by BMW M3

post it online, the put
Ok I'm kinda dumb at this maybe a little more details???????:embarrassed:
Originally posted by bigblocksrule
but a friend e-mailed a copy to me can I do anything with that?

E-mailed you a copy of what? If it's a copy of a pic of one of your cars, just forward the e-mail to Jordan...
Originally posted by ghostrider
Thanks, I hope to be a good one!!

Change your title now...

From Moderator to Super Moderator or something... :D
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