How many replies can we get??

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Check this out on the top 7 posters, I'm catching Jordan

Jordan May. 14, 2001 2195
ghostrider Jul. 13, 2001 2156
Josh Jul. 24, 2001 2149
BMW///M3 Jul. 30, 2001 1668
Saleen Man Jul. 30, 2001 1374
Tazz575 Aug. 12, 2001 1331
Pako Jul. 20, 2001 1158
Go to user CP at top of screen. Then go to edit options then to chnage avatar anf slect one then hit accept.

Click this button at the top of the page and look in there..
If you are on a plane that is hijacked, assume that you are going to die anyway. I think that everyone should have bum rushed the terrorists. I'll bet that's what happened to the Pittsburg plane that hit nothing.
All this "terrorist" stuff still seems like a bad dream...:(

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