Is a Hot Dog a Sandwich?

  • Thread starter Joel

Is a Hot Dog a Sandwich?

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No, it's not a sammich, just like a burger is not a sammich. They form a sub category of the finger food group which includes greats such as corn dogs and thkse huge turkey legs they serve at Indy Motor Speedway
No, it's not a sammich, just like a burger is not a sammich.

Typed in Google - "Is a hamburger a sandwich?"

"A hamburger (also called a beef burger, hamburger sandwich, burger or hamburg) is a sandwich consisting of one or more cooked patties of ground meat, usually beef, placed inside a sliced bun."

First thing that came up.
Hot dogs (and sausages on a bun) are clearly sandwiches. A sub is indisputably a sandwich and there's nothing materially diffefent between a sub and a hot dog.

No, it's not a sammich, just like a burger is not a sammich. They form a sub category of the finger food group which includes greats such as corn dogs and thkse huge turkey legs they serve at Indy Motor Speedway
Hamburgers are sandwiches.
I feel like this really needed a poll option for It's Some Bread Giving A Hot Dog Sausage A Much Needed Hug To Remind It That Everything In This World Has Value because 'No' doesn't feel specific enough Joel you idiot.
What kinda goddamn sandwich is this? No If I want a sausage sandwich I put some sausages between two slices of bread. But if this is supposed to be an Italian sausage sandwich....


....which is clearly a hot dog....

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The real question is open face sandwiches. Which defeat the point entirely
Yes a hot dog is a sandwich (the meat is sandwiched between portions of bread). A layer cake is also a sandwich, as is a pizza, a pita, a taco, a burrito, and a twinkie. Most food is a sandwich.
To me, a sandwich consists of a food item that is placed between two barriers consisting of bread or a similar product. However, these two barriers do not need to be seperated and may consist of a single loaf of bread partially cut down the middle, to allow easier one-handed consumption. As such, I would consider the hot dog a sandwich.
How is it not. It's bread with meat and toppings in the middle.

That's a little too vague to classify it. Here's an example.


This is a pork bun from Chinese bakeries. It's bread with meat in the middle, yet it's considered a bun and not a sandwich.

But if I had to answer this, I'd it is a sandwich under the context that a hot dog bun is shaped similar to other baguettes.
I think if the contents are enveloped in an unbroken bread shell then it's a bun, if the contents can be seen in any way as with a Hot Dog it is a sandwich IMO.

First world problems.... :lol: